

USP25 affects TRAF6
1 | 15
USP25 deubiquitinates TRAF6. 10 / 13
1 | 12

"Act1 mediated K63 linked ubiquitination of TRAF6 was inhibited by overexpression of USP25, but not USP25 (C178S) in 293T cells or in an in vitro deubiquitination system (XREF_FIG and XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Therefore, USP25 may indirectly lead to deubiquitination of TRAF5 or TRAF6 through its tightly associated proteins."

"However, Zhong et al. 's study using HEK293T cells supported deubiquitination of TRAF6 by USP25 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Similarly, Usp25 deubiquitinates both TRAF5 and TRAF6 and thereby restricts downstream gene expression."

"Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinated retinoic acid inducible gene I (RIG-I), tumornecrosis factor (TNF) receptor associated factor 2 (TRAF2), and TRAF6 to inhibit RIG-I-like receptor mediated IFN signaling."

"Mechanistically, stimulation with IL-17 induced the association of USP25 with the adaptors TRAF5 and TRAF6, and USP25 induced removal of Lys63-linked ubiquitination in TRAF5 and TRAF6 mediated by the adaptor Act2."

"In addition, wild-type USP25 significantly inhibits ubiquitination of RIG-I, TRAF2, and TRAF6, which is essential for activation of type I IFN signaling."

"Taken together, our results demonstrate that USP25 negatively regulates IL-17-triggered ubiquitination of TRAF6 and TRAF5."

"USP25 also deubiquitinated TRAF5 and TRAF6 to regulate in IL-17 signaling [XREF_BIBR]."

"USP25 also deubiquitinated TRAF5 and TRAF6 to regulate in IL-17 signaling [23]."
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of TRAF6. 2 / 2
| 2

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited ubiquitination of RIG-I (XREF_FIG), TRAF2 (XREF_FIG), and TRAF6 (XREF_FIG)."

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited ubiquitination of RIG-I (Figure 7B), TRAF2 (Figure 7D), and TRAF6 (Figure 7E)."
USP25-C178S leads to the deubiquitination of TRAF6. 1 / 1
| 1

"Act1 mediated K63 linked ubiquitination of TRAF6 was inhibited by overexpression of USP25, but not USP25 (C178S) in 293T cells or in an in vitro deubiquitination system (XREF_FIG and XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
USP25 affects DDX58
| 16
USP25 deubiquitinates DDX58. 10 / 11
| 11

"USP21 deubiquitinated RIG-I in HEK293 T cells [24]."

"Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinated retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I), tumornecrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), and TRAF6 to inhibit RIG-I-like receptor-mediated IFN signaling."

"USP21 binds to and deubiquitinates RIG-I."

"USP17 and USP25 also deubiquitinate RIG-I in a different manner; that is, USP17 stabilizes RIG-I by K48-deubiquitination, while USP25 inhibits RIG-I degradation by K63-deubiquitination [37, 38] ."

"RNA virus induced RIG-1 can be deubiquitinated by USP21 14."

"Therefore, it is highly likely that USP21 acts as a RIG-I polyubiquitination guard to prevent extensive RIG-I polyubiquitination."

"In antiviral responses, USP21 binds to and deubiquitinates RIG-I in the cytoplasm to exert an immunomodulatory effect; USP21 can also hydrolyzes the K27/63 linked polyubiquitin chain on STING to negatively regulate DNA virus induced type I interferon production [XREF_BIBR]."

"We reasoned that USP21 might deubiquitinate RIG-I to inhibit virus induced IRF3 activation."

"USP21 was also reported to antagonize the ubiquitination of anti-viral sensor RIG-I, implicating USP21 as a negative regulator of type-I interferon production and anti-viral immunity (Fan et al., 2014[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In addition, wild-type USP25 significantly inhibits ubiquitination of RIG-I, TRAF2, and TRAF6, which is essential for activation of type I IFN signaling."
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of DDX58. 5 / 5
| 5

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited ubiquitination of RIG-I (XREF_FIG), TRAF2 (XREF_FIG), and TRAF6 (XREF_FIG)."

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited ubiquitination of RIG-I (Figure 7B), TRAF2 (Figure 7D), and TRAF6 (Figure 7E)."

"Overexpression of USP21 inhibited RNA virus induced RIG-I polyubiquitination and RIG-I-mediated interferon (IFN) signaling, whereas deletion of USP21 resulted in elevated RIG-I polyubiquitination, IRF3 phosphorylation, IFN-alpha and beta production, and antiviral responses in MEFs in response to RNA virus infection."

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited ubiquitination of RIG-I (Figure Figure 7E )."

"We further examined the role of USP21 in the inhibition of SeV induced RIG-I polyubiquitination and found that overexpression of USP21 WT but not C221A mutant inhibited SeV induced polyubiquitination of both FLAG tagged and endogenous RIG-I (XREF_FIG)."
USP25 affects NANOG
| 15
USP25 deubiquitinates NANOG. 10 / 15
| 15

"Since USP21 is a DUB, we examined whether USP21 could directly interact with and deubiquitinate Nanog."

"USP21 deubiquitylates Nanog to regulate protein stability and stem cell pluripotency."

"USP21 directly interacts with and deubiquitinates Nanog."

"USP21 deubiquitylates the K48-type linkage of the ubiquitin chain of Nanog, stabilizing Nanog."

"For example, Oct4 and Sox2 protein levels are regulated by the E3 ligase WWP2, and ubiquitin-specific-processing protease 21 (Usp21) deubiquitinates and stabilizes Nanog, which maintains pluripotency, while FBXW8, an E3 ligase, ubiquitinates and destabilizes Nanog, thereby promoting ESC differentiation."

"Considering that USP21 deubiquitylates Nanog, we sought to examine the functional roles of USP21 in mESCs."

"Next, we examined whether USP21 could deubiquitinate Nanog."

"Collectively, these data suggest that USP21 can deubiquitylate and stabilize Nanog."

"USP21 deubiquitylates Nanog."

"Recently, three groups independently identified ubiquitin specific peptidase 21 (USP21) as an efficient deubiquitylase that reverses Nanog polyubiquitylation and stabilizes Nanog protein."
USP25 affects RIPK1
| 8
USP25 deubiquitinates RIPK1. 8 / 8
| 8

"USP21 interacts with RIP1 and deubiquitinates RIP1 in a DUB dependent manner."

"Ubv.21.4 CDelta2 coimmunoprecipitated with USP21 in cotrans fected human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells (XREF_FIG), blocked the deubiquitination of RIP1 by USP21 (XREF_FIG), and restored NF-kappaB activation (XREF_FIG)."

"For example, Junichiro et al. demonstrated that USP21 constitutively deubiquitinates RIP1 in vitro and in vivo [40]; and a previous study has reported that USP20 deubiquitinates TRAF6 and Tax in vivo [40]."

"USP21 is constitutively associated with RIP1 and deubiquitinates RIP1 in vitro and in vivo."

"A previous study showed that USP21 deubiquitylates receptor interacting protein 1, a suppressor of TNF induced NF-KB activation."

"Ubv.21.4 blocked the deubiquitination of RIP1 by USP21 and restored NF-jB activation, showing that it acts as an inhibitor of USP21 in cells."

"Ubv.21.4 blocked the deubiquitination of RIP1 by USP21 and restored NF‐κB activation, showing that it acts as an inhibitor of USP21 in cells."

"Ubv.21.4 blocked the deubiquitination of RIP1 by USP21 and restored NF‐κB activation, showing that it acts as an inhibitor of USP21 in cells."
USP25 affects YY1
| 7
USP25 deubiquitinates YY1. 7 / 7
| 7

"Hence, SNHG16 competitively bound to miR-4500 to regulate the expression of USP21.In the current study, we showed that oncogenic USP21 deubiquitinates and stabilizes YY1 and that YY1 transcriptionally activates lncRNA SNHG16, which further acts as a ceRNA to regulate USP21 (Fig. 8)."

"However, the function of these networks and their mechanisms upstream and downstream in association with the pathogenesis of NSCLC remain poorly understood.Our current study, for the first time, reported that USP21 acted as an oncogene by deubiquitinating YY1 to stabilize its protein levels in NSCLC cells."

"Because USP21 is a DUB, we examined whether USP21 could directly interact with and deubiquitinate YY1."

"The high-molecular-weight conjugates observed were then purified and subjected to blotting for YY1, and the blots demonstrated that wt USP21 but not USP21 C221A reduced YY1 ubiquitination (Fig. 5g)."

"USP21 deubiquitinates YY1 in LC cells."

"We observed that USP21 deubiquitinated YY1 and thus stabilized it."

"Collectively, these findings suggest that USP21 deubiquitinates YY1 in LC cells."
USP25 affects TRAF5
1 | 6
USP25 deubiquitinates TRAF5. 7 / 7
1 | 6

"USP25 also deubiquitinated TRAF5 and TRAF6 to regulate in IL-17 signaling [XREF_BIBR]."

"Therefore, USP25 may indirectly lead to deubiquitination of TRAF5 or TRAF6 through its tightly associated proteins."

"We found that Act1 mediated K63 linked ubiquitination of TRAF5 (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), which was substantially attenuated by USP25 but not USP25 (C178S) in 293T cells or in an in vitro deubiquitination system (XREF_FIG and XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Taken together, our results demonstrate that USP25 negatively regulates IL-17-triggered ubiquitination of TRAF6 and TRAF5."

"USP25 also deubiquitinated TRAF5 and TRAF6 to regulate in IL-17 signaling [23]."

"Mechanistically, stimulation with IL-17 induced the association of USP25 with the adaptors TRAF5 and TRAF6, and USP25 induced removal of Lys63-linked ubiquitination in TRAF5 and TRAF6 mediated by the adaptor Act1."

"Similarly, Usp25 deubiquitinates both TRAF5 and TRAF6 and thereby restricts downstream gene expression."
USP25 affects TRAF3
1 | 5
USP25 deubiquitinates TRAF3. 5 / 5
1 | 4

"Taking it one step further, Lin et al. uncovered that USP25 stabilizes TRAF3 in a DUB activity dependent manner by deubiquitinating K48-Ub of TRAF3 in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) cells, inhibiting TLR4 signaling-induced innate immune responses [21]."

"We mentioned in a previous section that USP25 deubiquitinates TRAF3 and interacts with TRAF6, increasing expression of Tnf in HEK293 T cells [21,22], while in MEF cells, USP25 negatively affects TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation [20]."

"Because the activation of TLR4 results in the K 48 -linked ubiquitination and degradation of TRAF3, we next determined the effects of a deficiency in USP25 on the LPS induced ubiquitination and degradation of TRAF3."

"We mentioned in a previous section that USP25 deubiquitinates TRAF3 and interacts with TRAF6, increasing expression of Tnf in HEK293T cells [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR], while in MEF cells, USP25 negatively affects TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB activation [XREF_BIBR]."

"Ubiquitin-specific protease 25 regulates TLR4-dependent innate immune responses through deubiquitination of the adaptor protein TRAF3"
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of TRAF3. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP25 expression indeed decreased TRAF3 polyubiquitination (XREF_FIG, lane 3)."
USP25 affects TRAF2
| 5
USP25 deubiquitinates TRAF2. 3 / 3
| 3

"Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinated retinoic acid inducible gene I (RIG-I), tumornecrosis factor (TNF) receptor associated factor 2 (TRAF2), and TRAF6 to inhibit RIG-I-like receptor mediated IFN signaling."

"In addition, wild-type USP25 significantly inhibits ubiquitination of RIG-I, TRAF2, and TRAF6, which is essential for activation of type I IFN signaling."

"USP25 deubiquitinates RIG-I, TRAF2 and TRAF6."
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of TRAF2. 2 / 2
| 2

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited ubiquitination of RIG-I (Figure 7B), TRAF2 (Figure 7D), and TRAF6 (Figure 7E)."

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited ubiquitination of RIG-I (XREF_FIG), TRAF2 (XREF_FIG), and TRAF6 (XREF_FIG)."
USP25 affects MAP2K2
| 5
USP25 deubiquitinates MAP2K2. 5 / 5
| 5

"Conversely, USP21 inhibition increased MEK2 ubiquitylation in cells."

"XREF_FIG, wild type USP21 decreased MEK2 ubiquitination, whereas the C221A USP21 deubiquitinase deficient mutant failed to do so."

"USP21 deubiquitinates and stabilizes MEK2, which contributes to tumorigenesis ."

"Since USP21 functions as a deubiquitylase, we next ask whether USP21 deubiquitylates MEK2."

"USP21 deubiquitylates MEK2."
USP25 affects EZH2
| 5
USP25 deubiquitinates EZH2. 5 / 5
| 5

"As EZH2 has been reported to promote cell metastasis in BC, our work identified that USP21 deubiquitinated EZH2 and stabilized it."

"45 USP21 could suppress EZH2 ubiquitination and thus promotes cell proliferation and metastasis in bladder carcinoma."

"USP21 can deubiquitinate and stabilize EZH2 to induce cell proliferation and metastasis of bladder cancer (150)."

"Chen Y. et al identify that USP21 can deubiquitinate and stabilize EZH2 to promote cell proliferation and metastasis in bladder carcinoma (31); Zhang P. et al find that ZRANB1 is an EZH2 deubiquitinase and regulates EZH2 function in breast cancer through both catalytic activity-dependent and -independent manner (32)."

"Ubiquitin specific protease (USP21) deubiquitinates EZH2 and stabilizes it."
USP25 affects BRCA2
| 5
USP25 deubiquitinates BRCA2. 5 / 5
| 5

"We now show that USP21 interacts with and deubiquitinates BRCA2 and that USP21 loss results in decreased BRCA2 expression in tumor cell lines."

"USP21 interacts with and deubiquitinates BRCA2."

"USP4, for example, interacts directly with end resection factors CtIP and MRN [172], USP21 deubiquitinates and stabilizes BRCA2 to promote RAD51 binding and successful HR [173], and USP10 deubiquitinates and stabilizes p53 to promote its nuclear localization and apoptosis in response to DSBs [174]."

"To determine whether USP21 is sufficient to deubiquitinate BRCA2 fragments, we performed in vitro deubiquitination assays using HA ubiquitinated, immuno purified BRCA2 fragments as well as full-length Flag-BRCA2."

"To determine whether USP21 can promote the deubiquitination of endogenous BRCA2 and/or the BRCA2 associated RAD51 and PALB2 proteins XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, we measured the extent of (poly-) ubiquitin modifications on either protein in the presence or absence of USP21 overexpression."
USP25 affects RPS20
| 4
USP25 deubiquitinates RPS20. 4 / 4
| 4

"Taken together, these results indicate that USP21 or OTUD3 can deubiquitylate both eS10 and uS10, resulting in enhanced readthrough of poly(A)-mediated stall events."

"USP21 and OTUD3 antagonize the ubiquitination of eS10 and uS10 that results from integrated stress response (ISR) and ribosome-associated quality control pathway (RQC) (124)."

"Exogenous expression of USP21 substantially reduced the ZNF598-stimulated eS10 and uS10 ubiquitylation in an activity-dependent manner (Figure 3E)."

"USP21 and OTUD3 deubiquitylate ZNF598 substrates eS10 and uS10."
USP25 affects GATA3
| 4
USP25 deubiquitinates GATA3. 4 / 4
| 4

"Furthermore, USP21 also deubiquitinates GATA3, a transcription factor which limit T reg induced pro inflammatory responses, and its expression was noted to be upregulated in asthmatic patients."

"Recent reports demonstrate that GATA3 can be deubiquitinated by Usp21 which rescues it from proteosomal degradation and stabilises GATA3 protein levels [XREF_BIBR]."

"For example, USP21 can mediate deubiquitination of GATA3 and maintain GATA3 expression in regulatory T cells."

"Another DUB, USP21, which is itself activation induced, interacts with and deubiquitinates GATA3 to stabilize its expression in cell lines and primary human Tregs."
USP25 affects FOXM1
| 4
USP25 deubiquitinates FOXM1. 4 / 4
| 4

"HDACi treatment increased the ubiquitination level of FOXM1 by suppressing ubiquitin-specific peptidase 21 (USP21), which deubiquitinates FOXM1."

"FOXM1 Deubiquitination by USP21 Regulates Cell Cycle Progression and Paclitaxel Sensitivity in Basal like Breast Cancer."

"Similarly, USP21 WT, but not USP21 C221A, immunopurified from 293T cells reduced polyubiquitination of FOXM1 isolated from proteasome inhibitor treated 293T cells in an in vitro deubiquitination assay (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"USP21 increases the stability of FOXM1, and USP21 binds and deubiquitinates FOXM1 in vivo and in vitro, indicating a direct enzyme-substrate relationship."
USP25 affects ubH2A
| 3
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of ubH2A. 3 / 3
| 3

"Besides, USP21 could promote transcription by deubiquitylating ubH2A in vitro [XREF_BIBR]."

"The USP21 short variant (USP21SV) lacking NES, located mostly in the nucleus in vivo, activates transcription by deubiquitylating ubH2A in vitro."

"Furthermore, both recombinant USP21 variants activate transcription by deubiquitylating ubH2A in vitro."
USP25 affects STING1
| 3
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of STING1. 2 / 2
| 2

"Our data showed that overexpression of USP21-WT, but not USP21-CA, greatly attenuated STING ubiquitination (XREF_FIG)."

"Moreover, overexpression of USP21 also inhibited the HSV-1-induced STING ubiquitination (XREF_FIG)."
USP25 deubiquitinates STING1. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP21 deubiquitinates K27/63 linked polyubiquitination of STING."
USP25 affects IFIH1
| 3
USP25 deubiquitinates IFIH1. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP21 also deubiquitinated MDA5 to inhibit antiviral response [XREF_BIBR]."

"USP21 also deubiquitinated MDA5 to inhibit antiviral response [24]."

"Furthermore, we also found that USP21 binds to two other RLR family members (MDA5 and LGP2) and deubiquitinates MDA5, suggesting USP21 acts as a major negative regulator to restrict RLR mediated antiviral responses through deubiquitinating RIG-I and MDA5."
USP25 affects FOXP3
| 3
USP25 deubiquitinates FOXP3. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP21 deubiquitinates FOXP3 in Treg cells."

"In previous studies, we showed that Foxp3 could be ubiquitinated and degraded by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Stub1 (STIP1 homology and U-Box containing protein 1) or deubiquitinated and stabilized by the deubiquitinase USP21 (ubiquitin specific peptidase 21) (Chen et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016)."
USP25 deubiquitinates FOXP3 on lysine. 1 / 1
| 1

"His ubiquitin pulldown assays further confirmed that USP21 could deubiquitinate FOXP3 at these seven lysine residues and that the 7R construct was unresponsive to USP21 mediated deubiquitination (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
USP25 affects TNKS
1 | 1
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of TNKS. 2 / 2
1 | 1

"USP25 regulates Wnt signaling by controlling the stability of tankyrases"

"TNKS1 ubiquitination level was knowingly increased in USP25-knockdown glioma cells and reduced in USP25-overexpressed glioma cells, suggesting TNKS1 ubiquitination levels were negatively regulated by USP25."
USP25 affects TNF
| 2
USP25 deubiquitinates TNF. 2 / 2
| 2

"Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinated retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I), tumornecrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), and TRAF6 to inhibit RIG-I-like receptor-mediated IFN signaling."

"For example, USP21 deubiquitinates receptor interacting protein kinase 1 (RIP1) and repress the signaling transduction activity downstream of TNFalpha receptor 1 (TNFR1) and NFkappaB pathway [XREF_BIBR]."
USP25 affects SLC2A4
| 2
USP25 deubiquitinates SLC2A4. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP25, recruited through interaction with TNKS, could then deubiquitinate GLUT4, trapping it in GSVs and preventing its trafficking to the lysosome."

"USP25, thus positioned, could then serve to deubiquitinate GLUT4, rescuing the transporter from lysosomal degradation."
USP25 affects PTEN
| 2
USP25 deubiquitinates PTEN. 2 / 2
| 2

"Conclusions: In this study, we investigated that USP25 can regulate the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway by deubiquitinating PTEN, thus affecting the proliferation and apoptosis of GCs and contributing to the pathogenesis of PCOS."

"Finally, we verified that USP25 could deubiquitinate PTEN in KGN cells."
USP25 affects PPIP5K1
| 2
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of PPIP5K1. 2 / 2
| 2

"However, overexpression of USP25 did not block ubiquitination of IPS-1 (XREF_FIG)."

"However, overexpression of USP25 did not block ubiquitination of IPS-1 (Figure 7C)."
USP25 affects FOXD1
| 2
USP25 deubiquitinates FOXD1. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP21 promotes self-renewal and tumorigenicity of mesenchymal glioblastoma stem cells by deubiquitinating and stabilizing FOXD1."

"Silencing of USP21 enhances polyubiquitination of FOXD1, promotes its proteasomal degradation, and ultimately attenuates MES identity in GSCs, while these effects could be largely restored by reintroduction of FOXD1."
USP25 affects AURKA
| 2
USP25 deubiquitinates AURKA. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP21 contributes to the aggressiveness of laryngeal cancer cells by deubiquitinating and stabilizing AURKA."

"We aimed to explore whether USP21 affected laryngeal cancer progress through deubiquitinating AURKA."
USP25 affects sensor
| 1
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of sensor. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP21 was also reported to antagonize the ubiquitination of anti-viral sensor RIG-I, implicating USP21 as a negative regulator of type-I interferon production and anti-viral immunity (Fan et al., 2014[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates retinoic acid. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinated retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I), tumornecrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), and TRAF6 to inhibit RIG-I-like receptor-mediated IFN signaling."
USP25 affects receptor-interacting protein kinase 1
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates receptor-interacting protein kinase 1. 1 / 1
| 1

"For example, USP21 deubiquitinates receptor interacting protein kinase 1 (RIP1) and repress the signaling transduction activity downstream of TNFalpha receptor 1 (TNFR1) and NFkappaB pathway [XREF_BIBR]."
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates isotretinoin. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinated retinoic acid inducible gene I (RIG-I), tumornecrosis factor (TNF) receptor associated factor 2 (TRAF2), and TRAF6 to inhibit RIG-I-like receptor mediated IFN signaling."
USP25 affects TNFalpha receptor
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates TNFalpha receptor. 1 / 1
| 1

"For example, USP21 deubiquitinates receptor interacting protein kinase 1 (RIP1) and repress the signaling transduction activity downstream of TNFalpha receptor 1 (TNFR1) and NFkappaB pathway [XREF_BIBR]."
USP25 affects TCF7
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates TCF7. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanistically, USP21 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the TCF/LEF transcription factor TCF7, which promotes cancer cell stemness."
USP25 affects TCF/LEF
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates TCF/LEF. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanistically, USP21 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the TCF/LEF transcription factor TCF7, which promotes cancer cell stemness."
USP25 affects SYVN1
| 1
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of SYVN1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Instead, we observed that USP25 rescued ERAD substrates and reduced levels of ubiquitination of HRD1 associated species."
USP25 affects RRub
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates RRub on S40. 1 / 1
| 1

"OTUD3 and USP21 deubiquitylate 40S ribosomal proteins following RRub induction."
USP25 affects RNF135
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates RNF135. 1 / 1
| 1

"Moreover, USP21 deubiquitinated RNF135 mediated RIG-I polyubiquitination both in vivo and in vitro (XREF_FIG)."
USP25 affects RIG-I-CARD
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates RIG-I-CARD on A20. 1 / 1
| 1

"Interestingly, in our in vitro assay, USP21 deubiquitinates RIG-I-CARD, whereas A20 fails to do so, even though both USP21 and A20 inhibit RIG-I-CARD overexpression induced RIG-I-CARD polyubiquitination in vivo (XREF_FIG)."
USP25 affects PRKDC
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates PRKDC. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanistically, USP21 deubiquitinated DNA-PKcs and ACLY, which led to AMPK inhibition."
USP25 affects NFkappaB
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates NFkappaB. 1 / 1
| 1

"For example, USP21 deubiquitinates receptor interacting protein kinase 1 (RIP1) and repress the signaling transduction activity downstream of TNFalpha receptor 1 (TNFR1) and NFkappaB pathway [XREF_BIBR]."
USP25 affects MARVELD2
1 |
USP25 deubiquitinates MARVELD2. 1 / 1
1 |

"USP25 catalyzed deubiquitination of the TRiC protein and stabilized the chaperonin, thereby reducing accumulation of misfolded polyglutamine protein aggregates. 0.75"
USP25 affects MARK1
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates MARK1. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP21 deubiquitylates MARK proteins to control their stability."
USP25 affects K48-
| 1
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of K48- on K63. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP21 is also identified to promote deubiquitination of both K48- and K63 linked polyubiquitinated RIP1 but whether USP21 functions in coordination with the above mentioned E3s needs to be elucidated."
USP25 affects Interferon
| 1
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of Interferon. 1 / 1
| 1

"Overexpression of USP21 inhibited RNA virus induced RIG-I polyubiquitination and RIG-I-mediated interferon (IFN) signaling, whereas deletion of USP21 resulted in elevated RIG-I polyubiquitination, IRF3 phosphorylation, IFN-alpha and beta production, and antiviral responses in MEFs in response to RNA virus infection."
USP25 affects IL33
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates IL33. 1 / 1
| 1

"Deubiquitination and stabilization of IL-33 by USP21."
USP25 affects Histone
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates Histone. 1 / 1
| 1

"If that is the case, the global regulation of histone deubiquitination by USP21 requires further investigation."
USP25 affects HIF1
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates HIF1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the HIF-1α transcription factor."
USP25 affects GS26575
| 1
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of GS26575. 1 / 1
| 1

"18, 19 USP21 can modulate cell cycle progression by deubiquitinating Forkhead box M1 (FOXM1) in basal like breast cancer."
USP25 affects Forkhead
| 1
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of Forkhead. 1 / 1
| 1

"18, 19 USP21 can modulate cell cycle progression by deubiquitinating Forkhead box M1 (FOXM1) in basal like breast cancer."
USP25 affects Figure 7B
| 1
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of Figure 7B. 1 / 1
| 1

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited ubiquitination of RIG-I (Figure 7B), TRAF2 (Figure 7D), and TRAF6 (Figure 7E)."
USP25 affects FOSL1
| 1
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of FOSL1. 1 / 1
| 1

"These results demonstrate that USP21 enhances Fra-1 stability and AP-1 target gene expression by deubiquitinating Fra-1."
| 1
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of FLAG-RIG-I-CARD. 1 / 1
| 1

"Overexpression of USP21 WT but not C221A mutant abrogated FLAG-RIG-I-CARD polyubiquitination (XREF_FIG)."
USP25 affects FLAG
| 1
Modified USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of FLAG. 1 / 1
| 1

"We further examined the role of USP21 in the inhibition of SeV induced RIG-I polyubiquitination and found that overexpression of USP21 WT but not C221A mutant inhibited SeV induced polyubiquitination of both FLAG tagged and endogenous RIG-I (XREF_FIG)."
USP25 affects ERAD substrate CD3delta [
| 1
USP25 leads to the deubiquitination of ERAD substrate CD3delta [. 1 / 1
| 1

"Finally, USP25, which interacts with p97 as well as HRD1, decreases ubiquitination of the ERAD substrate CD3delta [XREF_BIBR]."
USP25 affects CUL
| 1
USP25 deubiquitinates CUL. 1 / 1
| 1

"Alternatively, USP21 could be acting directly to deubiquitylate the substrates of the cullin RING ligase, in an analogous fashion to USP28, which associates with the cullin-1-adapter FBW7 to deubiquitylate a range of substrates, including MYC."
USP25 affects CD3D
1 |
USP25 deubiquitinates CD3D. 1 / 1
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"Thus, the ability of USP25 to both bind and cleave ubiquitin appears to be required to exert the rescue effect on CD3未."
USP25 affects CD274
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USP25 deubiquitinates CD274. 1 / 1
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"Deubiquitination and Stabilization of PD-L1 by USP21."
USP25 affects CCT4
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USP25 deubiquitinates CCT4. 1 / 1
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"USP25 catalyzed deubiquitination of the TRiC protein and stabilized the chaperonin, thereby reducing accumulation of misfolded polyglutamine protein aggregates."
USP25 affects BAZ2A
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USP25 deubiquitinates BAZ2A. 1 / 1
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"TIP5 is deubiquitylated and stabilized by USP21, resulting in an increase of H3K4me3 and rDNA promoter methylation."
USP25 affects APP
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USP25 deubiquitinates APP. 1 / 1
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"Similarly to what occurs with?CD3delta, overexpression of?USP25?increases APP half-life. Again, this effect depends on the catalytic activity of?USP25, as catalytically inactive?USP25(C178S) does not alter APP turnover."
USP25 affects ACLY
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USP25 deubiquitinates ACLY. 1 / 1
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"Mechanistically, USP21 deubiquitinated DNA-PKcs and ACLY, which led to AMPK inhibition."