

TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 10 / 444
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"The tumor-suppressive role of miR-34a was confirmed by Luan et al. who also found that miR-34a levels reflect the status of tumor suppressor p53, and that miR-34a could activate the p53 signaling cascade of p53 expression independently, possibly through targeting of SIRT1 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Thus, overexpression of these kinases in tumors prevents the degradation of both p53 and Mdm2, ultimately increasing p53 expression."

"The results showed that p53 siRNA markedly reduced the protein expression of p53 in A549 cells (XREF_FIG)."

"Compared to the nontargeting control, silencing candidate inhibitors of p53 activity increased p53 protein levels in A549 cells, except for HNRNPL and SOS1."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, the p53 shRNA construct significantly down-regulated p53 protein expression in the Tu138 cells as compared to vector control cells."

"Once p53 is activated, MDM2 expression is induced by p53, which in turn downregulates p53 levels and activities."

"Mdm2 has long been considered a major p53 regulator that inhibits p53 mainly through ubiquitination followed by proteasomal degradation ( 1"

"When p53 expression was inhibited by p53 siRNA or PFT, the decreases of G1 phase in response to B (a) P treatment still existed, and over expression of p21 induced by B (a) P was attenuated, especially in nuclear, but E2F-1 over expression was not changed significantly."

"Moreover, TP53 was significantly down-regulated in radioresistant NPC samples and decreased TP53 expression reportedly enhanced the radioresistance of some solid tumours 39, 40."

"The induction of p53 strand breaks by folate depletion does not impair p53 expression or action within all human cell lines."
Modified TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 10 / 14
| 14

"While transfection with empty vector and subsequent forskolin treatment again showed significant downregulation of p53 protein, p53 overexpression completely abrogated forskolin induced downregulation of p53 and showed no significant difference in p53 protein levels between forskolin stimulation and vehicle control."

"13 These phenotypes seen in HPV16E6 expressing human cells have been reproduced using other means to inactivate p53 including expression of dominant negative p53 alleles and RNAi mediated depletion of p53 protein expression, XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR demonstrating that the phenotypes are likely derived from the effects of HPV16E6 on p53."

"Expression of exogenous Plk1 and p53 in p53 deficient lung carcinoma H1299 cells greatly decreased the p53 mediated transcription from the p53 responsive p21 (WAF1), MDM2, and BAX promoters, whereas the kinase deficient mutant form of Plk1 failed to reduce the transcriptional activity of p53."

"By immunoblot analysis, transient expression of p53-shRNA reduced endogenous p53 protein levels by 65%."

"Decreased p53 levels and mutations in p53 have been linked to high incidences of cancer, thus p53 levels being elevated act as a mechanism of tumor suppression."

"U50488HCl alone did not affect p53 expression however, in combination with L-779,976, the p53 levels significantly decreased."

"Expression of P53 mRNA increased after 24 hours of exposure to t-BHP compared to the control group in LNCaP cells and pre-treatment with arbutin 50 and 250 muM significantly decreased P53 mRNA expression compared to both control and oxidant groups (P < 0.05, XREF_FIG)."

"Treatment with PFTmu after UV exposure elevated p53 expression levels in the striatum from young animals (Y UV PFTmu : 170.1 +/- 28.90% N = 3) but reduced p53 levels in the striatum from aged animals [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Similarly, Kuenzi et al., have reported increased p53-ser15 phosphorylation but decreased expression of p53 in fungal alkaloid, militarinone A treated N2a cells XREF_BIBR, indicating the activation of p53 by increased phosphorylation at ser15 might reduce p53 level in curcumin treated N2a cells."

"Expression of exogenous Plk1 and p53 in lung carcinoma H1299 cells deficient in p53 greatly decreased the p53 mediated transcription of the p53 responsive p21, MDM2, and BAX promoters, whereas the kinase deficient mutant Plk1 failed to reduce the transcriptional activity of p53 [XREF_BIBR], suggesting that Plk1 mediated negative regulation of p53 might be a fundamental mechanism for the role of Plk1 in oncogenesis."
Mutated TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 8 / 8
| 8

"Also, overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) protein and mutation of the TP53 tumour suppressor gene with or without overexpression of the p53 protein are some of the genetic features of paediatric HGGs [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"However, TP53 mutants have been shown to suppress the expression of wild-type p53 targeting p21 which functions as a vital cell cycle inhibitor and causes alteration in the Cyclin and CDK complex."

"These results indicate that missense-type p53 mutations together with loss of wild-type p53 accelerate the late stage of colorectal cancer progression through the activation of both oncogenic and inflammatory pathways."

"L2DTL overexpression is associated with enhanced metastatic potential of HCC, and contributes synergistically with p53 mutation, which leads to the loss of p53 governed checkpoints, toward advanced HCC with poor prognosis."

"Moreover, the mutant p53 protein itself can inhibit normal p53 protein levels."

"Kim et al. showed that lysine382 to arginine mutation of p53 abolished p53-mediated transcription [45]."

"Therefore, mutations of the P53 gene lead to patients with poorer survival rates for reduced expression of normal p53 protein."

"Mutant p53 proteins usually causes the accumulation of p53 protein at a very high levels, and the mutant p53 protein itself can inhibit normal p53 protein levels [XREF_BIBR]."
TP53 bound to MDM2 decreases the amount of TP53. 4 / 4
| 4

"Via disruption of the MDM2 and p53 complex, nutlin-3 effectively induced p53 levels in a panel of cancer cell lines carrying wild-type p53, resulting in apoptosis or cell cycle arrest in vitro as well as in vivo."

"In recent studies, we found that treatment with nutlin-3a, an inhibitor of the interaction between p53 and the ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, markedly increased lung p53 levels and protected against PH by inducing PA-SMC senescence."

"The N-terminal hydrophobic pocket of Mdm2 binds to p53 and thereby inhibits the transcription of p53 target genes."

"Blockade of interaction between p53 and MDM2 by the binding inhibitor nutlin-3a induced p73 expression in p53 mutant PC-9/G cells, and p53 expression in p53 wild-type HCC827-OR cells, respectively (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
Ubiquitinated TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 4 / 4
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"Additionally, in cells infected with human papilloma virus (HPV), the viral E6 protein promotes the binding of p53 to the E3-ligase E6AP, which in turn ubiquitinates p53 efficiently and severely reduces cellular p53 protein levels."

"Compared with the EGFP control, overexpression of either RSL1D1-NT or RSL1D1-CT significantly increased the levels of p53 protein (Fig. 7E) by inhibition of p53 ubiquitination (Fig. 7F) in HCT116 cells, consistent with the increased level of p53 protein (Fig. 2B) and decreased p53 ubiquitination (Fig. 3A) in RSL1D1-downregulated cells."

"Additionally, in cells infected with human papilloma virus (HPV), the viral E6 protein promotes the binding of p53 to the E3-ligase E6AP, which in turn ubiquitinates p53 efficiently and severely reduc[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"On the other side, the ubiquitinated TP53 could be reversed and stabilized by USP7 and USP10, to keep the amount of TP53 in check."
Mutated TP53 decreases the amount of mutated TP53. 3 / 3
| 3

"Therapeutic strategies in mutant p53 cells include attempts to decrease mutant p53 expression, prevent mutant p53 from binding to target proteins, target downstream signalling molecules, restore the normal folding of the mutant protein or viral delivery of wildtype p53 or perhaps family members (summarised and discussed in [81,82,83])."

"Given that depletion of mutant p53 and RUNX2 reduces the expression level of RUNX2 and mutant p53, respectively, it is likely that there exists a positive auto-regulatory feedback loop between mutant p53 and RUNX2, and this regulatory system might contribute to the low sensitivity of MiaPaCa-2 cells against SAHA."

"Interestingly MDA-MB-231, has high levels of a mutant p53 and phospholipase D (PLD) activity, which provides a survival signal in these cells when deprived of serum growth factors (Hui et al., 2006), however in our results, mutant p53 levels is suppressed by all these three extracts.5 Conclusion."
Modified mutated TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 3 / 3
| 3

"The level of these small Hsps can also affect expression of mutant p53 protein which could reduce intracellular wild type p53 levels in cancer cells leading to reduction in apoptotic response."

"Overexpression of ectopic mutant p53 represses wild-type p53 stimulated transcription, known as a dominant negative effect."

"The loss or mutation of p53 in many cancers leads to impaired cell cycle regulation, genomic instability, and the inhibition of apoptosis The protein levels of p53 in the per1 silenced cells tended to be lower than those in the control cells, indicating that per1 regulated p53 expression, and this activity may at least partially contribute to the apoptosis of per1 silenced cells."
Phosphorylated TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 3 / 3
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"The Chk signal transducers induce cell cycle arrest by phosphorylation of two critical effectors : inhibitory phosphorylation of the Cdc25 phosphatase results in CDK inactivation, while the activating phosphorylation of the p53 tumor suppressor stabilizes p53 and increases transcription of p53 target genes, including the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21/CIP1/WAF-1."

"Chronic exposure to BaP induced malignant transformation of cells, in which there were increased levels of mutant p53 (mt-p53) and reduced expression of wild-type p53 (wt-p53) and phosphorylated p53 (p-p53)."

"We show that the C-terminal sequence of PEPD binds to the PRD in p53, which allows PEPD to accomplish two important tasks : (1) to prevent nuclear p53 phosphorylation in its transactivation domain andto reduce free nuclear p53 level, leading to inhibition of p53 trans-activation and trans-suppression activities, and (2) to prevent mitochondrial translocation of nuclear and cytosolic p53 by preventing p53 from binding to MDM2 (Figs."
Modified TP53 decreases the amount of mutated TP53. 2 / 2
| 2

"Loss of p53 in mice increased the frequency of HR [XREF_BIBR], and expression of p53 mutants in human Leukemia cell line led to a noticeable increase in HR whereas wild type p53 (wtp53) decreased HR frequency [XREF_BIBR], indicating p53 is required for HR-inhibition."

"31 The overexpression of wild-type TP53 decreased in vitro migration and invasion of the mutant TP53 expressing cells (U373-MG; XREF_FIG)."
Acetylated TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 2 / 2
| 2

"An increase in p53 acetylation via SIRT2 inhibition reduces cytoplasmic p53 levels, thus blocking its inhibitory effect on autophagy [XREF_BIBR], suggesting that SIRT2 inhibition may present a key pharmacological strategy in restoring autophagy function."

"This increasing level of p53 acetylation with HDAC inhibitors prevents p53 degradation thereby maintaining a tight regulation of functional p53 levels by acetylation and deacetylation."
TP53 acetylated on K382 decreases the amount of TP53. 2 / 2
| 2

"Nampt overexpression also reduced the fraction of p53 that was acetylated on lysine 382, a target of SIRT1, suppressed an age related increase in p53 expression, and increased the rate of p53 degradation."

"NAMPT overexpression also reduced the fraction of p53 that was acetylated on lysine 382, a target of SIRT1, suppressed an age related increase in p53 expression, and increased the rate of p53 degradation."
Unacetylated TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 2 / 2
| 2

"Parallel to the increased NAD+ levels, SIRT1 is further stimulated directly by activated AMPK which deacetylates the tumor suppressor p53, inhibiting transactivation and p53 mediated gene expression."

"82, 83) or by recruiting HDAC1 to deacetylate p53, thus allowing MDM2 to ubiquitinate p53 and reduce p53 levels (84)."
TP53 bound to SET decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"SET and TAF-Ibeta interacted with p53 and repressed transcription of p53 target genes."
TP53 bound to TRIM29 decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"TRIM29 binds p53 and represses expression of p53 regulated genes, including p21 and NOXA [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."
TP53-R156P decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
1 |

"From mutations file"
Modified mutated TP53 decreases the amount of mutated TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"Knockdown of Wrap53 in mutant p53 expressing C33A cells reduced mutant p53 mRNA levels by 30%-40%."
TP53 decreases the amount of mutated TP53. 1 / 1
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"In addition, AR-42 increased expression levels of negative regulators of p53 (miR-125b, miR-30d, and miR33), which could contribute to lower expression level of mutant p53 in pancreatic cancer cells."
TP53 bound to S100B decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"The S100B can still interact with p53 in the absence of p53 extreme C-terminal end and reduce the expression of p53 downstream effector genes."
TP53-R175L decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
1 |

"From mutations file"
TP53-R172H decreases the amount of mutated TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"Next, p53 R172H -shRNA was transfected into MiaPaCa-2 cells to knockdown the expression of mutant p53."
TP53-R175H decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"Of course, these experiments are complicated by the loss of all p73 isoforms, as well as developmental abnormalities that may indirectly affect T cell development or function in p73 -/- mice.In order [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"
Tyrosine-phosphorylated TP53 decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
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"These results demonstrated that the growth inhibition by anchorage-deficiency or by herbimycin A is associated with an elevated p53 level and reduced p53 phosphorylation at tyrosine."
TP53 bound to MKRN1 decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"Upon DNA damage, the interaction of p53 and MKRN1 is strongly reduced resulting in elevated p53 levels while degradation of p21 is still ongoing."
TP53 bound to TAF-Ibeta decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"SET and TAF-Ibeta interacted with p53 and repressed transcription of p53 target genes."
TP53 bound to RCHY1 and RING-H2 domain decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"In addition to HDM2, other E3 ligases, COP1 (constitutively photomorphogenic 1), Pirh2 (p53 induced RING-H2 domain protein) and TOPORS (topoisomerase I binding, arginine and serine rich), also reportedly bind to p53 and negatively regulate intracellular levels of p53."
TP53 bound to TOPORS decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"In addition to HDM2, other E3 ligases, COP1 (constitutively photomorphogenic 1), Pirh2 (p53 induced RING-H2 domain protein) and TOPORS (topoisomerase I binding, arginine and serine rich), also reportedly bind to p53 and negatively regulate intracellular levels of p53."
TP53 bound to RPA decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
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"Since a basal level of p53 is required for antioxidant activities in normal cell growth, the p53 and RPA complex formation may serve to mask this p53 domain and prevent the above-basal levels of free p53 from interrupting normal cellular functions, complementing the MDM2 function of sequestering and inactivating p53."
TP53 hydroxylated on K382 decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
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"It is postulated that this hydroxylation on K382 of p53 negatively regulates the p53 pathway by antagonizing the acetylation (enhancer of p53 transcription) of this site, thereby promoting the interaction of p53 with its negative regulator double minute X human homolog (MDMX) and downregulating transcriptional activity of p53."
TP53 bound to NFkappaB decreases the amount of mutated TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"These studies showed that p53 and NF-kappaB binding was able to suppress or activate expression of FAK respectively, suggesting aberrant expression or mutation of p53 and/or NF-kappaB could play a role in increased FAK expression in breast cancer XREF_BIBR."
TP53-P250L decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
1 |

"From mutations file"
TP53-K351N decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"Michela Muscolini et al. reported a novel p53 K351N mutation that did not decrease p53 expression, however, the mutation was related to defect in both Bax expression and mitochondrial membrane potential [XREF_BIBR]."
Modified TP53-R270H decreases the amount of TP53-R270H. 1 / 1
| 1

"Uniquely, the dox inducible nature of p53 R270H expression allowed us to reverse the expression of mutant p53 R270H at different stages of carcinogenesis."
TP53-M246I decreases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
1 |

"From mutations file"