

USP28 affects FBXW7
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USP28 deubiquitinates FBXW7. 10 / 12
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"In addition, the autocatalytic ubiquitylation of Fbw7 can be antagonized by the deubiquitinase Usp28 [XREF_BIBR]."

"To test whether Usp28 directly deubiquitinates Fbw7, we used an in vitro assay with immunopurified SCF (Fbw7) and recombinant E1 and E2 enzymes, which leads to the accumulation of autoubiquitinated Fb[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Indeed, experiments in MEFs and human tumor cells demonstrate that Usp28 directly deubiquitinates and stabilizes Fbw7."

"We discuss mechanisms that regulate ubiquitination by Fbw7, including ubiquitin-specific proteases such as USP28 that counteract Fbw7 activity and thereby stabilise oncoproteins."

"In addition, USP28 antagonizes FBW7 mediated ubiquitination and stabilizes HIF-1alpha [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Usp28 preferentially deubiquitinates Fbw7 and at intermediate levels maintains stable Fbw7 but does not allow excessive Fbw7 substrate stabilization."

"USP28 deubiquitinates and stabilizes FBW7 resulting in enhanced degradation of FBW7 substrates."

"Ubiquitin specific peptidase 28 (USP28), a deubiquitinating enzyme can also repress autocatalytic ubiquitination and degradation of FBXW7 (Diefenbacher et al., 2014; Schulein-Volk et al., 2014)."

"It was recently shown that the deubiquitinase Usp28 deubiquitinates and stabilizes Fbxw7 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Indeed, wild-type Usp28, but not the catalytically inactive C171A mutant, promoted Fbw7 deubiquitination in vivo."
USP28 affects MYC
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USP28 deubiquitinates MYC. 8 / 8
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"Usp28, an ubiquitin-specific protease, binds to myc through an interaction with fbw7alpha, an f-box protein that is part of an scf-type ubiquitin ligase. Therefore, it stabilizes myc."

"Recent evidence has revealed that c-Myc can be deubiquitylated and regulated by USP28, USP36 and USP37."

"The resultant weakly acidic microenvironment enhances the deubiquitination of MYC by USP28, improves the stability of MYC, and activates the promoter of Slug, ultimately promoting the stem cell-like properties of breast cancer."

"The product of this is lactic acid that changes the pH of the local environment which then promotes the formation of a weakly acidic microenvironment, thus consequently enhancing the deubiquitination of MYC by the deubiquitination enzyme USP28 and improving the stability of MYC [38]."

"USP28 directly deubiquitinates and stabilizes MYC."

"An early study showed that USP28 deubiquitinates c-Myc via interacting with Fbw7alpha whereas a recent study reveals that USP37 deubiquitinates c-Myc independently of Fbw7 and c-Myc phosphorylation."

"Identified in a retroviral shRNA library screen, USP28 has been shown to decrease MYC polyubiquitination and increase MYC stability by antagonizing the activity of the SCF FBW7 ubiquitin ligase complex [XREF_BIBR]."
Modified USP28 leads to the deubiquitination of MYC. 1 / 1
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"Overexpression of USP28 inhibited FBW7-depedent ubiquitination of c-MYC and cyclin E1, both of which are oncoproteins."
USP28 affects TP53
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USP28 deubiquitinates TP53. 8 / 8
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"While 53BP1, USP28, and p53 have not yet been demonstrated to form a ternary complex, USP28 was able to deubiquitinate p53 in vitro [9]."

"The signalling pathway involves 53BP1 and the deubiquitylase USP28 acting in a complex to deubiquitylate and stabilise p53, which in turn controls cell fate."

"Because 53BP1 is known to bind USP28 as well as p53, a possible scenario is that it bridges the two proteins so that USP28 can deubiquitinate p53, preventing the tumor suppressor from being targeted to the proteasome for degradation."

"However, it was not clear whether USP28 deubiquitinates p53 to stabilize it or regulates its DNA binding function, or whether its impact on p53 is indirect, via other factors."

"While 53BP1, USP28, and p53 have not yet been demonstrated to form a ternary complex, USP28 was able to deubiquitinate p53 in vitro [XREF_BIBR]."

"The nuclear p53 accumulation caused by overexpression of wild type USP28 was not due to a specific increase in p53 mRNA levels (XREF_FIG), further supporting our observation that USP28 deubiquitinates p53 for protein stabilization."

"its interacting protein USP28 that can directly deubiquitinate p53 in vitro and ectopically stabilize p53 in vivo"

"Intriguingly, 53BP1 mediates p53 activation independently of its DNA repair activity, but requiring its interacting protein USP28 that can directly deubiquitinate p53 in vitro and ectopically stabilize p53 in vivo."
USP28 affects KDM1A
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USP28 deubiquitinates KDM1A. 3 / 3
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"We found that WT-USP28, but not CI-USP28, specifically removed LSD1 ubiquitination (XREF_FIG), indicating that USP28 directly deubiquitinated LSD1."

"USP7 and USP28 inhibited LSD1 ubiquitination and stabilized LSD1 protein level [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."
Modified USP28 leads to the deubiquitination of KDM1A. 1 / 1
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"However, co-expression of WT-USP28, but not CI-USP28, almost completely abolished LSD1 ubiquitination (lane 3 vs. lane 4, XREF_FIG)."
USP28 affects CLSPN
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USP28 deubiquitinates CLSPN. 4 / 4
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"Claspin is a bona fide USP28 substrate, as Claspin deubiquitination by USP28 could also be reconstituted in vitro."

"Thus, USP28 deubiquitinates Claspin to enable the activation of a CHK1-dependent G -checkpoint , and protects checkpoint-mediators to facilitate apoptosis ."

"De-ubiquitinase USP28 inhibits ubiquitination of Claspin protein and its proteasomal degradation [XREF_BIBR]."
USP28 affects UCK1
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USP28 deubiquitinates UCK1. 3 / 3
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"We then evaluated whether USP28 could deubiquitinate UCK1."

"In vitro deubiquitination assay further confirmed that WT-USP28, but not USP28-CA, efficiently deubiquitinated UCK1, indicating that USP28 served as direct DUB for UCK1."

"Conversely, USP28 silencing in HEK293T markedly increased the ubiquitination of endogenous UCK1, implying that endogenous UCK1 was also a target of USP28."
USP28 affects ZNF304
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USP28 leads to the deubiquitination of ZNF304. 2 / 2
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No evidence text available

"Notably, unlike wild-type USP28, a USP28 derivative containing a mutation in the PRKD1 phosphorylation site, USP28 (S899A), was unable to reduce ZNF304 ubiquitination (XREF_FIG)."
USP28 affects Cyclin
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Modified USP28 leads to the deubiquitination of Cyclin. 1 / 1
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"Overexpression of USP28 inhibited FBW7-depedent ubiquitination of c-MYC and cyclin E1, both of which are oncoproteins."
Modified USP28 leads to the deubiquitination of Cyclin on E1. 1 / 1
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"Overexpression of USP28 inhibited FBW7-depedent ubiquitination of c-MYC and cyclin E1, both of which are oncoproteins."
USP28 affects TP53BP1
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USP28 deubiquitinates TP53BP1. 1 / 1
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USP28 affects TCF7L2
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USP28 deubiquitinates TCF7L2. 1 / 1
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"USP28 Deubiquitinates TCF7L2 to Govern the Action of Wnt Signaling Pathway in Hepatic Carcinoma."
USP28 affects STAT3
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USP28 deubiquitinates STAT3. 1 / 1
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"As shown in XREF_FIG, the IP indicated that STAT3 itself was polyubiquitinated and USP28 deubiquitinated the polyubiquitination of STAT3."
USP28 affects KITLG
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USP28 deubiquitinates KITLG. 1 / 1
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"In this setting, USP28 deubiquitinates the SCF component FBW7, allowing FBW7 to act as a substrate recognition factor targeting substrates for proteosomal mediated degradation."
USP28 affects JUN
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USP28 deubiquitinates JUN. 1 / 1
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"At present, the list of USP28 substrates shared with Fbw7 encompasses c-Myc, cyclin E1 [89], c-Jun, NICD1 [90], and HIF1"
USP28 affects HIF1A
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USP28 deubiquitinates HIF1A. 1 / 1
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USP28 affects CHEK2
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USP28 deubiquitinates CHEK2. 1 / 1
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USP28 affects CCNE1
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USP28 deubiquitinates CCNE1. 1 / 1
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". This study pointed towards USP28 as an oncogene, potentially acting via stabilisation of c-Myc and cyclin E1."
USP28 affects BRAF
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USP28 deubiquitinates BRAF. 1 / 1
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"Here, we demonstrate that the deubiquitinating enzyme USP28 functions through a feedback loop to destabilize RAF family members."
USP28 affects BCHE
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Modified USP28 leads to the deubiquitination of BCHE. 1 / 1
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"Overexpression of USP28 inhibited FBW7-depedent ubiquitination of c-MYC and cyclin E1, both of which are oncoproteins."
USP28 affects ATR
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USP28 deubiquitinates ATR. 1 / 1
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"Mechanistically, USP28 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the specificity factors and mediators of ATM and ATR signaling by protecting them from ubiquitination-mediated proteasome degradation."
USP28 affects ATM
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USP28 deubiquitinates ATM. 1 / 1
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"Mechanistically, USP28 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the specificity factors and mediators of ATM and ATR signaling by protecting them from ubiquitination-mediated proteasome degradation."