

USP28 deubiquitinates TP53. 8 / 8
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"While 53BP1, USP28, and p53 have not yet been demonstrated to form a ternary complex, USP28 was able to deubiquitinate p53 in vitro [9]."

"The signalling pathway involves 53BP1 and the deubiquitylase USP28 acting in a complex to deubiquitylate and stabilise p53, which in turn controls cell fate."

"Because 53BP1 is known to bind USP28 as well as p53, a possible scenario is that it bridges the two proteins so that USP28 can deubiquitinate p53, preventing the tumor suppressor from being targeted to the proteasome for degradation."

"However, it was not clear whether USP28 deubiquitinates p53 to stabilize it or regulates its DNA binding function, or whether its impact on p53 is indirect, via other factors."

"While 53BP1, USP28, and p53 have not yet been demonstrated to form a ternary complex, USP28 was able to deubiquitinate p53 in vitro [XREF_BIBR]."

"The nuclear p53 accumulation caused by overexpression of wild type USP28 was not due to a specific increase in p53 mRNA levels (XREF_FIG), further supporting our observation that USP28 deubiquitinates p53 for protein stabilization."

"its interacting protein USP28 that can directly deubiquitinate p53 in vitro and ectopically stabilize p53 in vivo"

"Intriguingly, 53BP1 mediates p53 activation independently of its DNA repair activity, but requiring its interacting protein USP28 that can directly deubiquitinate p53 in vitro and ectopically stabilize p53 in vivo."