

USP28 deubiquitinates MYC. 8 / 8
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"Usp28, an ubiquitin-specific protease, binds to myc through an interaction with fbw7alpha, an f-box protein that is part of an scf-type ubiquitin ligase. Therefore, it stabilizes myc."

"Recent evidence has revealed that c-Myc can be deubiquitylated and regulated by USP28, USP36 and USP37."

"The resultant weakly acidic microenvironment enhances the deubiquitination of MYC by USP28, improves the stability of MYC, and activates the promoter of Slug, ultimately promoting the stem cell-like properties of breast cancer."

"The product of this is lactic acid that changes the pH of the local environment which then promotes the formation of a weakly acidic microenvironment, thus consequently enhancing the deubiquitination of MYC by the deubiquitination enzyme USP28 and improving the stability of MYC [38]."

"USP28 directly deubiquitinates and stabilizes MYC."

"An early study showed that USP28 deubiquitinates c-Myc via interacting with Fbw7alpha whereas a recent study reveals that USP37 deubiquitinates c-Myc independently of Fbw7 and c-Myc phosphorylation."

"Identified in a retroviral shRNA library screen, USP28 has been shown to decrease MYC polyubiquitination and increase MYC stability by antagonizing the activity of the SCF FBW7 ubiquitin ligase complex [XREF_BIBR]."