

USP24 affects TP53
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USP24 deubiquitinates TP53. 7 / 7
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"These findings show that USP24 can deubiquitinate p53 in vitro."

"They found also that USP24 deubiquitylates p53, activating the PUMA pathway, a regulator of DNA-damage-induced apoptosis."

"Under both normal and stressed conditions p53 is also deubiquitinated by USP24 and thus stabilizing its level."

"USP24 deubiquitinates p53 in vivo and in vitro."

"Our data show that USP24 deubiquitinates p53 in vivo and in vitro, leading to p53 stabilization and activation."

"In this study, we demonstrate that USP24 deubiquitinates p53 in human cells."
USP24 affects ULK1
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USP24 leads to the deubiquitination of ULK1. 3 / 3
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"We detected increased levels of ULK1 ubiquitination following USP24 knockdown as compared to nt controls)."

"Our data indicate that USP24 knockdown leads to increase in ULK1 ubiquitination, increased ULK1 protein stability and kinase activity."

"These data suggest that USP24 normally negatively regulates ubiquitination and stability of ULK1, therefore interrupting the positive feed-back amplifying induction of autophagy."
USP24 affects EP300
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USP24 deubiquitinates EP300. 3 / 3
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"USP24 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the histone acetyltransferase p300, thereby facilitating histone H3 acetylation of the IL-6 promoter and thus IL-6 transcription."

"Indeed, we observed that USP24 interacts with p300, and knockdown of USP24 increased p300 ubiquitination, and this effect of USP24 knockdown was abolished after treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132."

"The in vitro enzymatic assay using the purified USP24 protein demonstrated that USP24 decreased the p300 ubiquitination signal (XREF_FIG)."
USP24 affects DDB2
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USP24 deubiquitinates DDB2. 3 / 3
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"USP24 targeting DDB2 and p53"

"DDB2 is deubiquitinated by USP24, stabilizing the entire UV-DDB-CUL4 E3 ligase from proteasomal degradation [XREF_BIBR]."

"Usp24-mediated ddb2 deubiquitination prevents ddb2 degradation"
USP24 affects GSDMB
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USP24 leads to the deubiquitination of GSDMB. 2 / 2
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"We proved that knocking down or inhibiting USP24 increased the polyubiquitination of GSDMB, but overexpressing USP24 decreased the polyubiquitination of GSDMB in bladder cancer cells (Fig. 6D, H)."

"Thus, USP24 may mediate the deubiquitination of GSDMB and maintain its stability."
USP24 affects BTRC
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USP24 deubiquitinates BTRC. 2 / 2
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"These results provide evidence that USP24 directly deubiquitinates and stabilizes beta-TrCP."

"To further clarify whether USP24 directly targets beta-TrCP for deubiquitination, an in vitro deubiquitination assay was performed, and purified human USP24 significantly decreased the beta-TrCP ubiquitination signal."
USP24 affects PTTG1
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USP24 leads to the deubiquitination of PTTG1. 1 / 1
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"Knockdown of USP24 decreased securin expression and increased the securin ubiquitination signal, whereas USP24 overexpression increased securin expression (XREF_FIG; XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
USP24 affects E2F4
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USP24 leads to the deubiquitination of E2F4. 1 / 1
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"Conversely, knockdown of USP24 in A549 cells increased the E2F4 ubiquitination signal (XREF_FIG)."
USP24 affects BH3
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USP24 deubiquitinates BH3. 1 / 1
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"In agreement with previous reports indicating that USP24 may de-ubiquitinate the pro apoptotic BH3 protein BAX [31], we also observed a decrease in BAX protein levels in USP24 knockdown cells)."
USP24 affects BAX
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USP24 deubiquitinates BAX. 1 / 1
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"In agreement with previous reports indicating that USP24 may de-ubiquitinate the pro apoptotic BH3 protein BAX [31], we also observed a decrease in BAX protein levels in USP24 knockdown cells)."