

OTUD3 affects TP53
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OTUD3 deubiquitinates TP53. 6 / 6
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"OTUD3 likely deubiquitinates p53 to counteract the action of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2."

"OTUD3 deubiquitinates p53."

"As indicated in Fig. 5a, a high level of ubiquitinated p53 was found in the MCF7 and DU4475 cells transfected with Mdm2 (lane 2); however, p53 ubiquitination was significantly abrogated by OTUD3 expression (comparison of lanes 3 and 2)."

"As OTUD3 is a deubiquitinase, we examined whether OTUD3 deubiquitinates p53."

"Collectively, these data demonstrate that OTUD3 negatively regulates p53 ubiquitination in breast cancer cells and plays an important role in the balance between p53 ubiquitination and deubiquitination."

"Tumor suppressor OTUD3 induces growth inhibition and apoptosis by directly deubiquitinating and stabilizing p53 in invasive breast carcinoma cells."
OTUD3 affects PTEN
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OTUD3 deubiquitinates PTEN. 3 / 3
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"It is worth mentioning that OTUD3 is decreased in breast cancer and suppresses tumorigenesis by deubiquitinating PTEN 70."

"Our previous results showed that OTUD3 can deubiquitinate and stabilize PTEN."

"Here, we report OTUD3 as a deubiquitylase of PTEN. OTUD3 interacts with, de-polyubiquitylates and stabilizes PTEN."
OTUD3 deubiquitinates PTEN on lysine. 1 / 1
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No evidence text available
OTUD3 affects RPS20
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OTUD3 deubiquitinates RPS20. 2 / 2
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"USP21 and OTUD3 deubiquitylate ZNF598 substrates eS10 and uS10."

"Taken together, these results indicate that USP21 or OTUD3 can deubiquitylate both eS10 and uS10, resulting in enhanced readthrough of poly(A)-mediated stall events."
OTUD3 affects gJ
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OTUD3 leads to the deubiquitination of gJ. 1 / 1
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"However, OTUD3 expression reduced uS5 ubiquitylation, albeit to a lesser extent than UPS21 expression, and had no impact on HTN or DTT-induced uS3 ubiquitylation (Figure 7B)."
OTUD3 affects ZNF598
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OTUD3 leads to the deubiquitination of ZNF598. 1 / 1
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"Similarly, USP21 and OTUD3 antagonized the ZNF598-dependent eS10 ubiquitylation in uS10-KI cells in an activity dependent manner."
OTUD3 affects TOP2A
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OTUD3 leads to the deubiquitination of TOP2A. 1 / 1
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"In the presence of PTEN, ubiquitination of TOP2A is inhibited by OTUD3."
OTUD3 affects RRub
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OTUD3 deubiquitinates RRub on S40. 1 / 1
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"OTUD3 and USP21 deubiquitylate 40S ribosomal proteins following RRub induction."
OTUD3 affects HSPA5
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OTUD3 deubiquitinates HSPA5. 1 / 1
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"OTUD3 plays an oncogenic role in lung cancer cells and promotes the development of lung cancer by directly interacting with GRP78, where OTUD3 deubiquitylates GRP78 and maintains GRP78 stability in vitro and in vivo."
OTUD3 affects FLI1
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OTUD3 deubiquitinates FLI1. 1 / 1
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"Consistently, both OTUD3 and OTUD7A could deubiquitinate EWS–FLI1 in cells (Figure 3C and Figure S8D,E (Supporting Information))."
OTUD3 affects ACTN4
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OTUD3 deubiquitinates ACTN4. 1 / 1
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"Additionally, OTUD3 directly bound with ACTN4 and deubiquitinated ACTN4 to stabilize it."