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STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR. 6 / 6
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"13 This implies that AMSH is able to completely deubiquitinate EGFR, since monoubiquitinated EGFR can still be targeted to lysosome."

"STAMBP may deubiquitinate EGFR by localizing in early endosomes and increase EGFR membrane localization in LUAD cells."

"AMSH can deubiquitinate EGFR and prompt recycling to the plasma membrane [XREF_BIBR], whilst USP8 is required for the degradation of EGFR in the lysosome [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"In support of this notion, we are able to show that EGFR, immunoprecipitated from EGF stimulated Her14 cells, can be deubiquitinated by AMSH in vitro."

"AMSH was shown to deubiquitylate in vitro EGFR immunoprecipitated from EGF stimulated cells [XREF_BIBR], and siRNA knockdown of AMSH resulted in accelerated EGFR degradation in HeLa cells, which suggests that AMSH dependent deubiquitylation of EGFR counteracts Cbl dependent ubiquitylation of the receptor [XREF_BIBR]."

"AMSH (associated molecule with the SH3 domain of STAM) expression is elevated in many cancers and is capable of hydrolyzing K63-linked Ub chains from epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) recycling it to the plasma membrane"
STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR phosphorylated on Y1172, Y1110, K867, K754, K929, Y1092, Y1016, K716, Y1197, K970, and Y1069 on K737. 2 / 2
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No evidence text available

No evidence text available
STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR phosphorylated on Y1172, Y1110, K867, K737, K754, K929, Y1092, Y1016, Y1197, K970, and Y1069 on K716. 2 / 2
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No evidence text available
STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR phosphorylated on Y1172, Y1110, K867, K737, K929, Y1092, Y1016, K716, Y1197, K970, and Y1069 on K754. 2 / 2
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No evidence text available

No evidence text available
STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR phosphorylated on Y1172, Y1110, K867, K737, K754, Y1092, Y1016, K716, Y1197, K970, and Y1069 on K929. 2 / 2
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No evidence text available

No evidence text available
STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR phosphorylated on Y1172, Y1110, K867, K737, K754, K929, Y1092, Y1016, K716, Y1197, and Y1069 on K970. 2 / 2
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No evidence text available

No evidence text available
STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR phosphorylated on Y1172, Y1110, K737, K754, K929, Y1092, Y1016, K716, Y1197, K970, and Y1069 on K867. 2 / 2
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No evidence text available

No evidence text available
STAMBP affects NLRP7
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STAMBP deubiquitinates NLRP7. 7 / 7
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"This finding supports that STAMBP is sufficient to directly deubiquitinate NALP7."

"STAMBP is sufficient to deubiquitinate NALP7 and is necessary to stabilize NALP7 protein in cells exposed to LPS or Pam3CSK4."

"We next tested inhibition of STAMBP DUB activity specific to Ub-NALP7; here inclusion of BC-1471 blocked STAMBP mediated deubiquitination of Ub-NALP7 in vitro in a concentration dependent manner (XREF_FIG), where BC-1471 performed comparably to the broad-spectrum metalloprotease DUB inhibitor 1,10-phenanthroline."

"Bednash et al.75 showed that the DUB STAMPBP (or AMSH) deubiquitinates NLRP7 rescuing this receptor from progressing to lysosome degradation and making it available for the formation of an active inflammasome.NLRC4 inflammasome activation can also be controlled by ubiquitination, although very little is known about how this occurs."

"BC-1471 (43) was discovered as a specific STAMBP inhibitor (IC 50 = 0.33 muM) that selectively blocked deubiquitination of Ub-NALP7 by recombinant STAMBP [XREF_BIBR] but did not significantly inhibit the activity of a panel of 38 different DUBs at the concentration tested."

"Since STAMBP is known to function as a DUB, we developed a cell-free DUB assay to test STAMBP deubiquitination of NALP7."

"Bednash et al. 75 showed that the DUB STAMPBP (or AMSH) deubiquitinates NLRP7 rescuing this receptor from progressing to lysosome degradation and making it available for the formation of an active inflammasome."
STAMBP affects NLRP3
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STAMBP deubiquitinates NLRP3. 4 / 4
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"3.3 STAMBP deubiquitinates NLRP3 but does not regulate its degradation.."

"We hypothesized that STAMBP deubiquitinates NLRP3, which modulates NLRP3 activity."

"STAMBP deubiquitinates NLRP3."

"Therefore, the deubiquitination of NLRP3 by STAMBP acts as a negative regulator for NLRP3 inflammasome activation [109] 5.1.3."
STAMBP affects F2RL1
1 | 1
STAMBP leads to the deubiquitination of F2RL1. 2 / 2
1 | 1

"USP8 and AMSH mediate deubiquitination of PAR2 and its sorting from endosomes to lysosomes [XREF_BIBR]."

"Expression of the catalytically inactive mutants, AMSH(D348A) and UBPY(C786S), caused an increase in PAR(2) ubiquitination and trapped the receptor in early endosomes, thereby preventing lysosomal trafficking and degradation."
STAMBP affects v-SNARE
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STAMBP deubiquitinates v-SNARE. 1 / 1
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"XREF_BIBR; XREF_BIBR; XREF_BIBR; XREF_BIBR During mitosis, AMSH deubiquitinates v-SNARE and VAMP8 in an ESCRT dependent manner, while also being present in the early phases of cytokinesis, both implicating a potential role of AMSH as a regulator of proliferation and survival."
STAMBP affects VAMP8
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STAMBP deubiquitinates VAMP8. 1 / 1
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"XREF_BIBR; XREF_BIBR; XREF_BIBR; XREF_BIBR During mitosis, AMSH deubiquitinates v-SNARE and VAMP8 in an ESCRT dependent manner, while also being present in the early phases of cytokinesis, both implicating a potential role of AMSH as a regulator of proliferation and survival."
STAMBP affects K63Ub chains
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STAMBP deubiquitinates K63Ub chains. 1 / 1
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"AMSH, which belongs to the JAMM-domain metalloprotease family of DUBs, specifically deubiquitylates K63Ub chains."
STAMBP affects GJA1
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STAMBP deubiquitinates GJA1. 1 / 1
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"AMSH-mediated deubiquitination of Cx43 regulates internalization and degradation of gap junctions"
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STAMBP deubiquitinates GCGR. 1 / 1
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"Therefore, deubiquitination of the GCGR by STAMBP after acute exposure to glucagon may not critically influence GCGR trafficking to the lysosomes."
STAMBP affects ERVK-18
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STAMBP deubiquitinates ERVK-18. 1 / 1
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"Strikingly, co-expression of EGFR-ErbB2 TM together with AMSH D348A did not result in enhanced receptor ubiquitination, indicating that AMSH does not substantially deubiquitinate the EGFR-ErbB2 TM chi[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"
STAMBP affects EPS15
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STAMBP leads to the deubiquitination of EPS15. 1 / 1
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"This means that RNF11 could promote the internalisation and degradation of the EGFR via two distinct mechanisms, either by degradation of AMSH and/or mediating the mono-ubiquitination of EPS-15."
STAMBP affects EGFR-ERBB4 CYT-2 isoform
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STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR-ERBB4 CYT-2 isoform. 1 / 1
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"As expected, the non-K63-ubiquitinated EGFR-ERBB4 CYT-2 isoform was also not deubiquitinated by AMSH (results not shown)."
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STAMBP deubiquitinates EGFR-ERBB4 CYT-1. 1 / 1
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"In contrast, no effect of cotransfection of AMSH D348A was observed on the level of ubiquitination of EGFR-ERBB4 CYT-1, indicating that AMSH does not substantially deubiquitinate the K63-polyubiquitin[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"
STAMBP affects ART4
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STAMBP leads to the deubiquitination of ART4. 1 / 1
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"In addition, Art4-AMSH exhibited an intermediate reduction in ubp2Delta ubp15Delta cells (XREF_FIG, lanes 7 and 8, and C), suggesting partial inhibition of Art4 hyperubiquitination by AMSH."