

UCHL3 activates AHR. 7 / 7
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"In summary, our findings revealed that AhR plays a critical role in maintaining the stem-like properties of cells overexpressing UCHL3, confirming that UCHL3 promotes tumor stem-like properties through stabilizing AhR."

"UCHL3 increases AhR protein stability in a DUB activity-dependent manner."

"Generally, these findings indicated that as a DUB of AhR, UCHL3 increases AhR protein stabilization in a DUB activity-dependent manner."

"In summary, our experiments indicate that UCHL3 is a specific DUB for AhR and that UCHL3 elevates AhR protein stabilization through deubiquitination.We further detected mRNA levels in 35 paired ADC and SCC lung cancer and corresponding paracancerous normal tissues (Supplementary Fig. S4b, c) and noted no difference between histologic subtypes."

"Collectively, these findings indicate that inhibition of UCHL3 may effectively eliminate lung cancer stem cell properties by promoting AhR destabilization."

"In this paper, we found a new mechanism of AhR regulation and functional mechanism by which UCHL3 promotes lung cancer progression and stemness."

"UCHL3 increased AhR stability and the binding of AhR to the promoter regions of the "stemness" genes ATP-binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (ABCG2), KLF4, and c-Myc."