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"Whether the YOD1-Hrd1 interaction reflects a direct interaction or an interaction mediated by Hrd1 adaptors is unknown."

"When FLAG-WT and C160S YOD1 were precipitated from cells under a native condition and the precipitated material probed with antibodies against these membrane proteins, endogenous Hrd1 consistently bound to C160S YOD1 with higher affinity than WT YOD1 ( xref , first panel, compare lane 6 with lane 5; quantified in graph on right)."

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"WT Hrd1-Myc coprecipitated with FLAG-WT YOD1 only when FLAG-WT YOD1was expressed in cells (XREF_FIG, top and second panels, compare lane 2 with lane 1), indicating that Hrd1 binds to YOD1."

"This finding indicates that gp78 does not engage YOD1, and demonstrates specificity of the YOD1-Hrd1 interaction."

"Both WT Hrd1-Myc and cyt Hrd1-Myc but not TM1-6 Hrd1-Myc coprecipitated with FLAG-WT YOD1 ( xref , top three panels, compare lanes 1 and 2 with lane 3), demonstrating that Hrd1’s cytosolic domain interacts with YOD1."

"Our coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that YOD1 binds to Hrd1 via Hrd1 's cytosolic domain."

"WT Hrd1-Myc coprecipitated with FLAG-WT YOD1 only when FLAG-WT YOD1was expressed in cells ( xref , top and second panels, compare lane 2 with lane 1), indicating that Hrd1 binds to YOD1."

"Our coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that YOD1 binds to Hrd1 via Hrd1’s cytosolic domain."

"YOD1 can bind to HRD1, and HRD1 as an ER associated E3 is crucial in the process of reverse transport."

"We first tested a potential interaction between YOD1 and Hrd1."

"Accordingly, we first asked whether YOD1 binds to Hrd1 and gp78, as this DUB was shown to regulate the ERAD process."

"Consistent with this idea, a deubiquitinase called YOD1 binds to Hrd1 and negatively regulates CTA1 retro translocation."