"One important distinction is that previous findings are largely based on reporter assays analyzing USP22 mediated AR transactivation in Drosophila and human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells, and AR expression perturbation under conditions of ectopic overexpression of AR and USP22 in HEK cells."
"USP22 modulates both AR and MYC activity [ 8] , and USP22 mRNA expression was positively correlated with both AR and MYC mRNA expression ( p = 7.76e-14 and p =3 .36 e-7 , respectively ; Figure 1B ) , further supporting a pro-oncogenic role for USP22 in tumors with elevated AR and MYC expression ."
"Together, these data demonstrate that USP22 regulates ligand independent AR residence at target gene loci and promotes AR driven CRPC gene profiles, which may have specificity for USP22 perturbation, further implicating USP22 as an independent effector of aggressive tumor phenotypes."