

CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, and ccr4. 6 / 6
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"Additionally, Pan2-Pan3 can form a super complex with Ccr4-Caf1, which provides an opportunity to coordinate the two phases of deadenylation [ xref ]."

"Since ARE/ARE-BP complexes have not yet been reported to directly interact with either the Pan2-Pan3 or Ccr4-Caf1 complex, one possibility is that the binding of ARE-BPs to AREs may interfere with the interaction between the 5′ cap/eIF4F complex and the 3′ poly(A)/PABP complex, thus preventing the formation of a closed-loop structure ( xref )."

"Although Pan3 and Caf1 associate with Pan2 and Ccr4 poly(A) nucleases, respectively ( xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ), their in vivo roles in mammalian mRNA turnover remain unclear."

"It appears that these two proteins do not directly interact with Pan2-Pan3 or the Ccr4-Caf1 deadenylase complex."

"The notion that the Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 complexes can associate with each other was further confirmed by the results showing that Pan3-V5, endogenous Caf1, and a modest amount of endogenous PABP were coprecipitated with HA-Pan2 by an anti-HA antibody when HA-Pan2 and Pan3-V5 were coexpressed ( xref )."

"Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 complexes can interact with each other in vivo."