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"Our results furthermore explain how USP28 may modulate the p53 dependent cell cycle checkpoint, thereby controlling tumor cell fate decisions as previously described."

"In addition to arresting centrosome deficient cells, p53, 53BP1, and USP28 are all involved in the DNA damage response (DDR), raising the possibility that centrosome loss causes a cell cycle arrest because it somehow induces DNA damage."

"Further, we found that USP28 promoted PC cell growth by facilitating cell cycle progression and inhibiting apoptosis."

"We showed that 53BP1 and USP28 are required to trigger p53 and p21- dependent cell cycle arrest, evoking an irreversible stress response that selects against unfit cells with disturbed mitosis (XREF_FIG)."

"Consistently, overexpression of the wild type USP28 but not USP28 CI in normal, unstressed cells caused ectopic nuclear p53 accumulation and cell cycle arrest uniformly across the entire population (100%, XREF_FIG; not shown)."

"53BP1 and USP28 mediate p53 dependent cell cycle arrest in response to centrosome loss and prolonged mitosis."

"Similarly, western blot analyses revealed that the total p53 levels in 53BP1 -/- or USP28 -/- cells were kept low during acentrosomal cell division in the presence of mitotic delay (XREF_FIG), indicating that 53BP1 and USP28 function upstream of p53 to initiate cell cycle arrest in response to centrosome loss."