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"In addition to NR2B, kinesin-2/KIF17 is responsible for the dendritic transport of the potassium channel Kv4.2, the kainate receptor GluR5 and mRNAs, which bind KIF17 through the RNA export factor NXF2 and the RNA-binding protein FMRP (Fragile X mental retardation protein) ( xref ; xref ; xref )."

"Kv4.2 interacts with kinesin Kif17, suggesting transport on microtubules."

"In addition to NR2B, kinesin-2/KIF17 is responsible for the dendritic transport of the potassium channel Kv4.2, the kainate receptor GluR5 and mRNAs, which bind KIF17 through the RNA export factor NXF2 and the RNA-binding protein FMRP (Fragile X mental retardation protein) (Chu et al., 2006; Kayadjanian et al., 2007; Takano et al., 2007)."

"The interaction between Kif17 and Kv4.2 appears to occur through the extreme C terminus of Kv4.2 and not through the dileucine motif."