

IL6 leads to the methylation of TP53. 5 / 5
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"For example, IL-6 increased the methylation of p53 and p21 in A549 cancer cells by expression of DNMT1 ( xref )."

"One potential mechanism for this effect is through the activity of IL-6, which has been shown to support the aberrant methylation of the p53 promoter via up-regulation of DNMT1 gene expression."

"Moreover, previous studies also showed that increased DNMT1 expression mediated by IL-6 stimulation promotes hypermethylation of p21 and p53 in lung cancer cells [50], and SOCS3 in pancreatic cancer cells [51]."

"In multiple myeloma (MM) KAS 6/1 cells, IL-6 treatment leads to TP53 promoter methylation, resulting in decreased TP53 expression levels."

"The association between DNA methylation and cancer stage might be dependent on interleukin 6, a chronic inflammation marker that enhances the hypermethylation of tumor suppressor gene p53 families, but reduces the methylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor [XREF_BIBR]."