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"These observations suggest that suppression of CYLD enhances the activity of the IKK kinase and the nuclear localization of NF-kappaB transcription factors."

"While the molecular mechanisms by which these proteins regulate the ciliary role of HDAC6 are elusive, our data demonstrate that HDAC6 is enriched at the centrosome and basal body and that this localization is enhanced by the loss of Cyld."

"The inhibitory action of Bcl-3 nuclear translocation is executed by the tumour suppressor protein cylindromatosis (CYLD), which can bind directly to Bcl-3 and prevent its nuclear localization [XREF_BIBR]."

"We further found by immunofluorescence microscopy a colocalization of CYLD and HDAC6 at the centrosome and basal body and, interestingly, loss of Cyld promoted the localization of HDAC6 at the centrosome and basal body."

"Loss of CYLD in HMCLs was found to enhance β-catenin stabilization and localization to the nucleus, increase β-catenin-LEF/TCF reporter activity, and enhance MM cell growth and survival."

"Interestingly, the ubiquitin ligase CYLD, which negatively regulates bcl3 nuclear localization, was increased 2.7-fold in the RNA-Seq analysis (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."