

E2 inhibits OTUB1. 5 / 5
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"Since only uncharged E2 stimulates OTUB1 DUB activity while charged E2 ~ Ub represses OTUB1 under normal cellular concentrations of free ubiquitin, the relative proportion of charged versus uncharged E2s must be critical determinants of whether OTUB1-E2 complexes function as active DUBs in the cell."

"Since estimates of cellular free ubiquitin concentrations range from 4 - 20 microM, this would suggest that E2 ~ Ub conjugates would repress OTUB1 activity unless cellular stresses significantly reduced the availability of free ubiquitin."

"As was previously shown for UBE2D2 37, all E2 partners tested lowered the K M of OTUB1 for its substrate (XREF_FIG), with no effect on k cat."

"The ternary E2 ~ Ub and OTUB1/Ub complex inhibits both ubiquitin discharge from the E2 ~ Ub intermediate and the DUB activity of OTUB1 [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"The E2 mediated conformational change decreases the K m of OTUB1 for diUb by over 35-fold, thereby enhancing the rate of OTUB1 dependent polyUb degradation 2."