

USP7 increases the amount of TP53. 13 / 13
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"Besides, protein expression of p53 and p21 was dramatically downregulated by either GMPS or USP7 knockdown in MCF-7 and DU4475 cells (Fig. 4f, g)."

"While USP7 can directly regulate p53 levels, these levels can also be regulated by the DUB USP2a."

"Initially, USP7 was believed to primarily deubiquitinate p53, increasing the level of p53 [17] ."

"By simulating TSPY1 function in Tspy1 deficient spermatogonia derived from mouse testes, we found that TSPY1 could promote spermatogonial proliferation by decreasing the Usp7 modulated p53 level."

"Both, the DUB HAUSP (herpesvirus associated ubiquitin specific protease) and USP10 (ubiquitin specific protease 10), targeting poly-ubiquitinated p53, have been shown to restore p53 levels even when Hdm2 is overexpressed."

"However, knockout of USP7 in cells does not decrease p53 levels as predicted, but rather stabilizes p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, knockdown of USP7 reduced the levels of Mdm2 and p53, a result consistent with that of a previous study."

"However depletion of HAUSP in cells does not decrease p53 levels as predicted, but rather increases p53 levels, apparently due to HAUSP 's ability to bind and deubiquitinate Mdm2."

"Silencing of USP7 decreased the p53 level and increased ubiquitinated-p53."

"By regulating p53 levels through their deubiquitinating activities, USP7 and USP2a may contribute to cancer pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies that target these p53 specific DUBs may become important as cancer treatments [XREF_BIBR]."

"Knockdown of USP7 significantly inhibited the expression of the p53 and p53 pathway."

"To balance this action, HAUSP and USP7, an ubiquitin hydrolase, in turn regulates MDM2 activity and therefore P53, while the deubiquitinating enzyme USP7 works to augment P53 levels through inhibition of its degradation [XREF_BIBR]."

"As shown by the Gu group, partial reduction of USP7 levels in several human cell lines promotes decreased levels of both MDM2 and p53, yet total abolition of USP7 stabilizes p53 levels by decreasing MDM2 [117, 118]."