

"Importantly, however, our data suggest that dysregulation of the Rb path way may be required for Bap1 driven MM pathogenesis, at least in an experimental model."

"While homozygous CKO of Bap1, Cdkn2a, or Nf2 alone gave rise to few or no MMs, inactivation of Bap1 cooperated with loss of either Nf2 or Cdkn2a to drive development of MM in ~ 20% of double-CKO mice, and a high incidence (22/26, 85%) of MMs was observed in Bap1; Nf2; Cdkn2a (triple)-CKO mice."

"Rather, the presence of a wild type allele in most studied cases, suggests that BAP1 haplo-insufficiency may lead to peritoneal MM."

"Recently, Bap1 +/- knockout mice were found to have increased susceptibility to asbestos induced MM compared to wild type litter mates (Xu et al., 2014)."

"There was no association between total SNV and survival; ever versus never smokers; or patients with epithelioid versus non epithelioid histologies.The three archetypical somatic drivers of MM - BAP1,[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"BAP1 stabilizes BRCA1 protein and restores cell survival rates of MM cells with BAP1 deletion after IR."

"While most human MMs exhibit somatic alterations of BAP1, NF2 and/or CDKN2A, currently it is not known if inactivation of BAP1 cooperates with loss of NF2 and/or CDKN2A to drive a more aggressive MM phenotype."