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"However, when BK channel function was perturbed by KO of the BK beta1 subunit, we indeed found that KCNQ channel blockade caused increased CCh evoked contractions that was most pronounced at modest CCh concentrations."

"In neurons of both regions, this BK tolerance is manifested as decreased alcohol sensitivity and reduced BK channel density."

"Disruption of lipid rafts with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin disrupts the functional association of BK channel and calcium source resulting in a> 50% reduction in K (+) conductance mediated by BK channels."

"BK blockade and natural variation of BK channel density were shown to affect the period of apparent pseudo-plateau bursting in pituitary so-matotrophs, and BK blockade was shown to convert apparent bursting to large amplitude spiking."

"Noteworthy, in these experiments, despite the dramatic difference in leptin sensitivity, NMDA treatment failed to induce greater toxicity in cortical neurons from Slo1 -/- or Slo1 +/- animals when compared to Slo1 +/+ neurons, a result consistent with the lack of potentiation of NMDA induced toxicity in Slo1 +/+ neurons by BK blockers found in the present experiments."

"A model emerges wherein the increased expression of BK SRKR transcripts diminishes the contribution of BK channel currents to the daytime activity of SCN neurons, permitting increased excitability."