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"b-AP15, a small molecule inhibitor of two 19S regulatory-particle-associated deubiquitinases, USP14 and ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase 5, could efficiently induce cell apoptosis or cell death in colorectal cancer cell line HCT116.24 In addition, b-AP15 can suppress the growth of FaDu squamous cell carcinoma cells.25 Our stratified survival analysis indicated that high USP14 expression could distinguish poor outcomes of patients with either early (TNM stage I-II) or advanced clinical stage (TNM stage III-IV), suggesting that USP14 may play a significant role throughout the development of ESCC."

"USP14 inhibition via gene knockdown or small molecules induces cell death in breast cancer ( 24 ) , acute myeloid leukemia ( 25 ) , and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ( 26 ) ."

"Moreover, inhibition or silencing of USP14 dramatically induced higher levels of cell death and PARP cleavage in MDA-MB 231 and MDA-MB 453 than in MCF7 breast cancer cells."

"Inhibition of USP14 promotes TNFα-induced cell death in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)."