

PPP3 activates KCNK18. 8 / 11
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"Because inhibiting calcineurin will impair TRESK activation in response to stimuli-induced Ca increase, a higher requirement of this volatile anesthetic will be needed to achieve anesthesia, as recently shown in the knockout mice [61]."

"Intrathecal application of exogenous calcineurin to tumor-bearing rats rescued TRESK abundance and abrogated both DRG hyperexcitability and pain hypersensitivity, whereas either inhibition or knockdown of calcineurin in normal rats reduced TRESK abundance and increased DRG excitability and pain sensitivity."

"It has been shown that an increase of intracellular calcium produced by the calcium ionophore ionomycin, can produce calcineurin-dependent activation of TRESK expressed in Xenopus oocytes xref ."

"Using a model of pain hypersensitivity in bone cancer–bearing rats, the authors show that intrathecal injection of calcineurin enhances TRESK mRNA and protein expression, as well as TRESK-mediated current [41]."

"Intriguingly, dysarthria, restlessness, headache and seizures have been observed in our patients and it is tempting to speculate that these symptoms could be associated, at least in part, with Y163D- and S252L-induced disruption of calcineurin-dependent TRESK channel activation in the brain."

"This data indicates that calcineurin inhibition deactivates TRESK channels through the suppression of TRESK dephosphorylation but also reduces TRESK protein and mRNA abundance."

"TRESK expressed in Xenopus oocytes is strikingly activated by calcineurin in response to calcium mobilizing stimulation xref , xref , and it is assumed that native TRESK in neuronal cells is subject to similar regulation ( xref )."

"Calcineurin Modulation of TRESK and Pain Sensitivity."