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"K13 mutations associated with ART resistance were mainly detected in areas of the GMS [ xref , xref - xref ], with C580Y being the predominant."

"In this study, the polymorphisms of K13 genes in parasite populations along the China-Myanmar border were investigated, and the presence of K13 mutations that are associated with clinical ART resistance in this region was demonstrated using longitudinally archived parasite samples."

"ART resistance has been associated with mutations in k13 [ xref , xref , xref , xref ]."

"Surveys conducted in different regions showed that K13 mutations associated with ART resistance were restricted to certain areas of the GMS, including Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, and Vietnam."

"Given the demonstrated cidal activity of IPZ and PI4K inhibitor KDU691 against dormant rings, we sought to determine whether these novel antimalarial compounds would be able to kill ring-stage K13-ART isolates in combination with ART."

"The other codon mutations in k13 are reportedly associated with ART resistance."

"ART resistance has been associated with mutant forms of the Kelch protein K13, first identified via in vitro DHA resistance selection and whole-genome sequencing of patient samples xref ."