

"As DDR markers are highly elevated in human and rodent diabetic islets and beta-cells in vitro and in vivo and correlate with beta-cell death (Belgardt et al., 2015; Himpe et al., 2016; Nyblom et al.,[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Other USP1 activities include involvement in a feedback loop to limit DDR CHK1 protein kinase activity , and the regulation of cellular differentiation in osteosarcoma cells by deubiquitylating and hence affecting the stability of inhibitors of DNA-binding proteins ."

"Other USP1 activities include involvement in a feedback loop to limit DDR CHK1 protein kinase activity 72 , and the regulation of cellular differentiation in osteosarcoma cells by deubiquitylating and hence affecting the stability of inhibitors of DNA-binding proteins 73 ."