

USP18 binds ISG15 and UBL. 4 / 4
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"Structural data demonstrated that only the ISG15 C-terminal but not the N-terminal UBL domain binds USP18."

"The crystal structure of mouse USP18 in complex with mouse ISG15 displayed extensive interaction between the ISG15 C-terminal Ubl domain and the palm and thumb domain of USP18 (Basters et al., 2017)."

"However, only the C-terminal Ubl domain of ISG15 interacts with USP18 whereas no interaction between the N-terminal Ubl domain and USP18 was detected and the presence of the N-terminal domain of ISG15 is dispensable for the deISGylation activity of USP18."

"The crystal structure of mouse USP18 in complex with mouse ISG15 displayed extensive interaction between the ISG15 C-terminal Ubl domain and the palm and thumb domain of USP18 (Basters et al., xref )."