"Importantly, we find that the USP45 mutant [Asp25Ala, Glu26Ala] that is catalytically active but that can not bind to ERCC1 (Supplementary Fig S5A) failed to deubiquitylate ERCC1 in vitro, indicating that specific interaction between ERCC1 and USP45 is essential to trigger deubiquitylation."
"Importantly, the USP45 mutant [Asp25Ala, Glu26Ala] that displays the same intrinsic catalytic activity as wild-type USP45 when assayed using a generic ubiquitin-rhodamine substrate (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), but that can not bind ERCC1, failed to deubiquitylate ERCC1 in parallel experiments (Fig XREF_FIG C, XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."