

USP7 deubiquitinates CLSPN. 5 / 5
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"Because extracts from mitotic cells readily support ubiquitylation of Claspin in a betaTrCP dependent fashion, we used such an approach to test whether USP7 directly deubiquitylates Claspin in vitro."

"In contrast, little if any effect on Claspin stability was evident in cells expressing USP7 CI (XREF_FIG), which supports the idea that Claspin is deubiquitylated by USP7."

"In such experiments, USP7 CI interacted more strongly with endogenous Claspin than did WT USP7 (XREF_FIG), which is consistent with a substrate trapping mechanism in which an inability of inactive USP7 to deubiquitylate Claspin would manifest as a prolonged binding and thus a tighter interaction."

"68 HAUSP deubiquitinates checkpoint kinase Chk1, 69 its activator Claspin, 70 and checkpoint with forkhead and RING finger domain protein (Chfr)."