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"Of note, however, we failed to observe any significant influence on BRAF and RAF1 dimerization (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Interestingly, activation of the Mitogen Activated Protein (MAP) Kinase pathway was increased in all four of the dasatinib resistant cell lines, likely due to B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization."

"We show that drugs that selectively inhibit BRAF drive RAS dependent BRAF binding to CRAF, CRAF activation, and MEK-ERK signaling."

"PLX-4720 can, to a lesser extent, induce B-Raf binding to Raf-1 when the ERK-mediated negative feedback loop on B-Raf was inhibited with a MEK inhibitor."

"Alternatively, AMPK might phosphorylate other targets to suppress BRAF-CRAF interactions."

"They induce BRAF binding to CRAF and CRAF activation, but do not activate MEK–ERK signaling."

"Reduced binding of C-Raf K375M to B-Raf has been noted before ( Rushworth et al., 2006 ) and could be due to a conformational change induced by the K375M mutation, thereby impairing interaction."

"In SKBR3 cells, RAS-GTP levels and induction of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers by BGB659 were both inhibited in a dose dependent fashion by lapatinib and correlated closely with each other (XREF_FIG.)"

"Further, this CRAF activation appears to be mediated through the formation of a heterodimer with the BRAF WT protein and/or CRAF homodimer which is most apparent in RAS-mutated cells [ xref , xref ]."

No evidence text available

"Finally, we demonstrate that the B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimers do not posses transforming activity in a fibroblast derived cell lineage, at the close to physiologic concentrations expected at least to [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Treatment of GSR cells with GSK2118436 enhanced EGFR-mediated RAS activity, leading to the formation of BRAF-CRAF dimers and transactivation of CRAF."

"It was reported that heterodimerization of B-Raf with Raf1 induced by Raf kinase inhibitor GW5074 contributed to the activation of the downstream MAPK signalling in cells with mutant k-ras or wild-type B-Raf, such as HepG2 [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"To test this hypothesis, we treated macrophages with the highly selective B-Raf inhibitor GDC-0879 ( xref ), because B-Raf inhibition with GDC-0879 in the presence of activated Ras induces B-Raf binding to c-Raf, leading to c-Raf hyperactivation and thereby elevated MEK/ERK signaling ( xref ; xref ; xref )."

"To determine whether MAT2B and GIT1 enhance recruitment of c-Raf and B-Raf to Ras, immobilized rRas protein was incubated with IVT B-Raf plus rc-Raf proteins for 4 hours, then rMAT2B plus IVT GIT1 pro[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In this work, we modeled and simulated B-Raf monomers, C-Raf monomers, B-Raf/B-Raf homodimers, and B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers, striving to understand Raf dimerization."

"Interestingly, treatment with the BRAF inhibitor Vemurafenib decreased EphA2 levels in BRAF MT cells, but not in KRAS MT cells ( xref ); the sustained MAPK signaling following Vemurafenib or siBRAF in the KRAS MT CRC cells is consistent with previous studies showing that inhibition of BRAF in the presence of oncogenic RAS induces BRAF binding to CRAF, leading to CRAF hyper-activation and sustained MEK1/2-ERK1/2 activation ( xref )."

"In this study, we show that inhibition of BRAF by chemical or genetic means in the presence of oncogenic or growth-factor activated RAS induces BRAF binding to CRAF, leading to CRAF hyperactivation and consequently elevated MEK and ERK signaling."

"Note also that the BRAF inhibitor PLX4720, which did not induce strong binding of BRAF to CRAF, only produced weak synergy with PD184352 to inhibit cell proliferation of these cells (XREF_FIG)."

"We also show that under normal conditions, EGF did not induce BRAF binding to CRAF in PMWK cells, a line that is wild-type for BRAF and RAS ( xref )."

"Notably, BRAF/CRAF heterodimers appear to be more active in phosphorylating MEK substrates than BRAF or CRAF homodimers [ xref ]."

"A recent study reported that a subset of MEK inhibitors that are inactive in RAS-mutant cancers (AZD6244, GDC-0973) promotes BRAF and CRAF heterodimer formation allowing feedback activation of MEK and ERK, whereas RAS active MEK inhibitors (GDC-0623, G-573) stabilize a nonproductive RAF and MEK complex preventing MEK feedback activation."

"Previous studies have revealed that CRAF and BRAF can form heterodimers 17 and that BRAF can play a role in mitosis XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR."

"Single CRAF KO mice developed, however, a weakly altered hyperpigmented phenotype that could be explained by the fact that BRAF and CRAF heterodimers are more active than BRAF homodimers XREF_BIBR."

"Both Raf-1 and B-Raf associated with PKCθ in this assay."

"Mechanistically, BRAFi induces BRAF-CRAF heterodimerization and subsequent activation of ERK signaling in CAFs, leading to inactivation of the β-catenin destruction complex."

"Sorafenib has been reported to target the Raf-1 and B-Raf kinases that form part of the MAPK/ERK pathway ( xref )."

"While it has been reported that the nonactivating BRAF P-loop mutations require dimerization with CRAF to drive CRAF activation (Freeman et al., 2013; Garnett et al., 2005; Wan et al., 2004), it is un[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

No evidence text available

"Primary antibodies were directly used to detect BRAF and CRAF heterodimers, and this was followed by incubation with PLUS and MINUS oligonucleotide conjugated PLA probes."

"In contrast, PLX4720, which induced weak BRAF binding to CRAF (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY) only weakly synergized with the MEK inhibitor to inhibit cell proliferation (XREF_FIG)."

"Furthermore, BRAF V600E binds, transphosphorylates and hyperactivates CRAF in the presence of oncogenic KRAS to augment MEK/ERK signaling activation ( xref )."

"Active Ras can induce the hetero-dimerization of BRAF and CRAF, and BRAF can phosphorylate CRAF through direct protein protein interactions."

"RAF inhibitor binding appears to cause a conformational change that promotes the formation of BRAF-CRAF or CRAF-CRAF dimers in which the drug-inactivated molecule is able to induce activation of its d[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Expression of this variant in Xenopus tropicalis increased BRAF and RAF1 binding, ERK phosphorylation and decreased body length, consistent with YWHAZ functioning as a RASopathy gene ( xref )."

"Previous studies have revealed that CRAF and BRAF can form heterodimers xref and that BRAF can play a role in mitosis xref – xref ."

"Targeting MEK downstream of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers using PD0325901 subsequent to RAF inhibitor treatment reduced ERK1/2 rebound and simultaneous treatment of tumor xenografts with both RAF and MEK inhibitors led to more pronounced tumor growth inhibition than either treatment alone."

"Thus, RHEB suppresses the ERK signaling through its interaction with BRAF and inhibition of the formation of BRAF-CRAF heterodimer."

"It is not due to autocrine stimulation but rather seems related to the fact that Raf-1 forms heterodimers with B-Raf and equally efficiently with B-Raf mutants."

"As the RB domains of the RAF paralogs are conserved (33), mainly regarding their RAS-binding residues (Fig. S3), differences between BRAF and CRAF interactions with RHEB may stem from deviations outside the RB domains or from different phosphorylation states."

"Together, these data suggest that the BRAF bound to CRAF is hyperphosphorylated through MEK-ERK-dependent and MEK-ERK-independent mechanisms, butthat this phosphorylation is not required for BRAF binding to CRAF."

"Here, we showed that although UI-152 inhibited ERK, it induced B-Raf binding to Raf-1 as well as Raf-1 activation."

"Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that while CRAF WT was able to bind to BRAF in the presence of activated RAS, CRAF R89L was unable to bind to BRAF."

"While our data indicates B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization is likely a key mechanism promoting MAP Kinase pathway reactivation in response to dasatinib, we have also observed downregulation of negative regulators of the MAP Kinase pathway, including DUSP1, DUSP4, and SPRY1 (data not shown), as well as increased B-Raf protein levels in the BRAF-mutant, BCPAP, cell line in the dasatinib resistant cells (XREF_FIG)."

"15,20-23 We have previously reported mutations in PIK3CA gene in MSI GC 18 and recently, our group have also reported mutations in the MLK3 gene, which is a component of the multiprotein BRAF and RAF1[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Molecular dynamics simulations, combined with cell-based protein-protein interaction studies, reveal that melanomagenic NRAS mutants form intramolecular contacts that enhance BRAF binding affinity, BRAF-CRAF heterodimer formation, and MAPK > ERK signaling."

"In control cells with adequate RAS-GTP levels, either WT BRAF or BRAF mutants form both BRAF homodimers and BRAF and CRAF heterodimers."

"RAS activation results in the binding and heterodimerization of CRAF:BRAF that is necessary for RAF activation and subsequent MEK-MAPK activation ( xref ; xref )."

"Importantly, in cells from these tumors, Braf does not bind to Craf ( xref E)."

"In contrast, sorafenib and 885-A induced strong binding of BRAF to CRAF in all four lines ( xref A)."

"Interestingly, Braf-null MEFs reconstituted with BRAF S729A mutant showed similar basal ERK activity to WT BRAF expressing cells, suggesting that, in these cells dimerization of BRAF with CRAF is not critical for ERK activation and that the BRAF-KSR1 interaction is more important."

"The mechanism lies with the ability of MAT2B-GIT1 to activate Ras and promote B-Raf and c-Raf heterodimerization."

"Another drug resistance mechanism takes advantage of the fact that RAF kinases normally signal as homo- and hetero-dimers, and drug-bound BRAF in an inactive conformation is able to allosterically shift the associated non-drug bound wild-type BRAF or CRAF subunit into an activate conformation in a process called “transactivation” or “paradoxical activation” to promote MAPK signaling xref ."

"After activation of RasGDP proteins by one of its GEFs, RasGTP can bind and activate both C-Raf and B-Raf, though RasGTP has a higher affinity towards C-Raf than B-Raf."

"In contrast, although BRAF inhibitors also block BRAF kinase activity, this relieves auto-inhibition and results in BRAF hyperphosphorylation, BRAF binding to CRAF, pathway activation and oncogenesis, all presumably because BRAF can heterodimerize with CRAF."

"In this model, CRAF association with MEK occurs only after membrane localization and dimerization of BRAF and CRAF."

"Creation and activity profiling of G596E mutants has allowed to confirm this hypothesis.In order to confirm the ability of the studied B-Raf mutants to form functioning heterodimers with C-Raf and to [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"These inhibitors dock on Raf proteins to impair Raf dimerization [74,75,76] and prevent the formation of B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers observed in RAS-mutant tumors treated with first-generation Raf inhibitors [56]."

"To better define the role of B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization in BRAF-mutant thyroid cancer cells, we compared responses between the BRAF-mutant melanoma cell line A375 and the thyroid cancer cell line BCPAP."

"These discrepant observations can be explained by the previously demonstrated occurrence of B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimerization in the intact cell, resulting in C-Raf transactivation and rescue of part[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Using an in vitro system, enhanced recruitment of B-Raf and c-Raf to MEK1 occurred only when both MAT2B and GIT1 were present."

"RAF1 and BRAF dimerization integrates the signal from RAS to ERK and ROKalpha."

"In the presence of activated RAS at the cell membrane, RAF inhibitors stabilize the side-by-side dimerization of BRAF and CRAF and thus ERK activation (XREF_FIG)."

"Consistent with the above findings, EGF treatment strongly induced binding between FLAG-WT-B-Raf and C-Raf as well as FLAG-WT-C-Raf and B-Raf, but little to no binding with A-Raf."

"Finally, we demonstrate that merlin and MLK3 can interact in situ and that merlin can disrupt the interactions between B-Raf and Raf-1 or those between MLK3 and either B-Raf or Raf-1."

"Finally, NanoBiT provided a means to measure pharmacology of kinase inhibitors known to induce the interaction between BRAF and CRAF."

"In the current study, we observed that Vemurafenib could promote BRAF and CRAF dimerization causing paradoxical ERK activation in Vemurafenib resistant DTC cells."

"In normal cells BRAF inhibitors induce the activation of the MAPK pathway, due to the induced homo-or heterodimer formation of wild type C-RAF or BRAF."

"Vemurafenib stabilizes this CRAF and BRAF heterodimerization through stabilization of the ATP binding domain 46."

"It appears to be more of a scaffolding molecule in some cells, stabilizing the interactions between BRAF and CRAF independent of its own binding of RAS XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"In the presence of DGC-0879, the CRAF-BRAF interaction is stabilized."

"An important component of this mechanism is that B-RAF binding to C-RAF is mediated by 14-3-3 as previously established (Weber et al., 2001) and detailed here."

"With regard to BRAF, several target ERK phosphorylation sites are known to exist at S151, T401, S750 and T753 and phosphorylation of all of the sites has been shown to contribute to disruption of BRAF[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Similarly, Heidorn et al. reported that BRAF binding to CRAF in the presence of oncogenic RAS was a mechanism for melanoma tumorigenesis XREF_BIBR."

"By contrast, upon upstream stimulation a mixture of low activity BRAF WT :CRAF and high activity BRAF V600E :CRAF dimers form."

"This is because in the presence of oncogenic RAS BRAF inhibition drives BRAF binding to CRAF, resulting in BRAF acting as a scaffold to facilitate CRAF hyper-activation by stimulating critical events such as serine 338 (S338) phosphorylation ( xref , xref )."

"RAF inhibitors suppress monomeric BRAF V600E, but they have been shown to induce RAF priming (CRAF S338 phosphorylation) and BRAF and CRAF dimerization and activation of downstream ERK signaling in BRAF WT -expressing cells."

"Either direct or scaffold protein mediated interactions among the components of the ERK module (the MAPKKKs BRAF and RAF1, MEK, and ERK) facilitate signal transmission."

"Mutations that prevented BRAF (BRAF R188L) or CRAF (CRAF R89L) binding to RAS (Fabian et al., 1994) blocked BRAF binding to CRAF (XREF_FIG), confirming BRAF and CRAF must bind to RAS in order to dimerize."

"Besides homodimerization of RAF, BRAF and CRAF heteromerization is a physiological relevant mechanism to activate RAF signaling."

"We have also used RNAi to examine the potential role of other proteins implicated in BRAF-CRAF complex formation or pathway activation, including the scaffold proteins KSR, Sprouty2 and RKTG and the small G protein RHEB, but our preliminary results have not revealed obvious roles for these proteins."

"Critically, we show that these drugs are weak RAF inhibitors whose binding to BRAF and CRAF drives BRAF:CRAF heterodimer and BRAF and CRAF homodimer formation, leading to paradoxical activation of both BRAF and CRAF."

"Importantly, in vitro CIP treatment and cell pretreatment with PD184352 did not prevent BRAF binding to CRAF ( xref E and 3F)."

"To explore this possibility in our system, we analyzed the formation of BRAF and CRAF complexes in response to either dabrafenib or RAF265."

"The sequence of Δ3-B-Raf has been noted in GenBank for mouse (e.g., NM_139294) and rat (e.g., XM_231692). Δ3-B-Raf interacts with C-Raf less efficiently (see Figures S1–S3 available online) and was [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Together, these data suggest that the BRAF bound to CRAF is hyperphosphorylated through MEK–ERK-dependent and MEK–ERK-independent mechanisms, but that this phosphorylation is not required for BRAF binding to CRAF."

"Interestingly, while BRAF and CRAF heterodimers could readily be detected in asynchronized cells we could not detect such heterodimers in mitotic cells (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"In agreement with this model, we show that two other pan-RAF inhibitors, ZM336372 and RAF265 also induce BRAF binding to CRAF, but without activating ERK (see XREF_FIG B)."

"Oncogenic mutations in RAS, such as G12, G13 and Q61 substitutions, can lead to the paradoxical activation of MAPK via stable BRAFCRAF heterodimers which are formed following treatment with BRAFi [12]."

"The role of RAS in the formation of BRAF:CRAF heterodimers was elucidated by the co-immunoprecipitation of CRAF and BRAF in the presence of KRAS G12V , an activated oncogenic KRAS variant [ xref ]."

"In 293T cells, the enhanced C-RAF and B-RAF heterodimerization triggered by C-RAF mutations correlated with C-RAF protein stabilization and robust MEK and ERK phosphorylation (XREF_FIG)."

"This is in agreement with recent findings describing that disrupted RAS dimerization and nanoclustering (using a monobody) led to blockade of CRAF and BRAF heterodimerization (Spencer-Smith et al., 20[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In this setting, drug-inactivated BRAF forms an heterodimer with drug-free CRAF that complexes with mutant RAS, which causes allosteric activation of CRAF by the inactive BRAF dimerization partner, thereby increasing ERK signaling ( xref )."

"These results show that the potent antitumor activity of the co-treatment is due to inhibition of RAF/MEK/ERK and PI3K and AKT signaling pathways and BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization.The anti-angiogen[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"This was the first study to show RAF dimerisation without using artificial dimerisation constructs and also showed that MEK1/2 activation by BRAF:CRAF heterodimers was caused by the RAS-mediated recruitment of RAF dimers to the plasma membrane, as a KRAS G12V variant (aa 1–166) lacking C-terminal membrane targeting residues failed to increase MEK1/2 phosphorylation despite co-immunoprecipitating with, and increasing the formation of, BRAF:CRAF heterodimers."

"We show that in Ba/F3 cells expressing BCR-ABL G250E and T315I, BCR-ABL E255K and T315I and BCR-ABL E255V and T315I, nilotinib did not inhibit BCR-ABL or CRKL phosphorylation, and induced BRAF binding to CRAF as well as MEK and ERK activation (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Moreover, this group showed that a so-called kinase-dead mutant of BRAF similarly binds to RAF1 and promotes activation of the MAPK pathway in the presence of oncogenic ."

"In addition, we find that C-Raf is critical for mutant H-Ras-driven signaling and that events stabilizing B-Raf and C-Raf dimerization, such as Raf inhibitor treatment or certain B-Raf mutations, can allow mutant H-Ras to engage B-Raf with increased affinity to promote tumorigenesis, thus revealing a previously unappreciated role for C-Raf in potentiating B-Raf function."

"The inhibitors will act on the BRAF V600 monomers, however, in BRAF wild-type cells, the expression of CRAF was shown to be higher and vemurafenib stabilized BRAFCRAF heterodimers, thus reactivating the MAPK pathway [38]."

"The CRAF-AAFF ( xref ) or BRAF-AAAA ( xref ) receiver mutants were co-expressed with activator forms of BRAF and CRAF."

"In the extreme case of DDR, alternative mechanisms to upregulate this complex can be achieved by V600E BRAF (variably over-expressed) interacting with WT CRAF or with MUT MEK."

"EphA2 inhibitor induced MAPK in dasatinib resistant uterine cancer cells (HEC-1A and Ishikawa) and BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization in HEC-1A cells."

"Phosphorylated Ksr can also function as a transactivator; however, since Raf binding to Ksr induces limited kinase activity XREF_BIBR, in quiescent cells the constitutive association of Ksr with B-Raf may serve to prevent C-Raf binding to B-Raf, safeguarding against undue activation of the pathway XREF_BIBR."

"Binding of the RAF inhibitors and induction of conformational changes in BRAF kinase domain activates wild-type BRAF binding to CRAF, localization to the plasma membrane and increases CRAF homodimerization."

"In addition, CAV-1-mediated cross-talk between EphA2 and BRaf is required for response to dasatinib whereby dasatinib drives BRaf and EphA2 to CAV-1 at the plasma membrane, disrupting the BRaf and CRaf heterodimer and thus down-modulation of the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in dasatinib sensitive cells, but not in dasatinib resistant cells (XREF_FIG)."

"Underlying the mechanism for the autocrine growth promotion, there are three indispensable molecular events disclosed in this study: enrichment of CRAF through inhibition of proteasomal degradation, CRAF stabilization effects of GSTP1 facilitation of the RAF dimer (CRAF-CRAF and CRAF-BRAF) formation, and activation of catalytic activity of CRAF."

"In summary, our data suggest that Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimerization occurs as part of the physiological activation process and that the heterodimer has distinct biochemical properties that may be important for the regulation of some biological processes."

"Importantly, we show that wild-type B-RAF can also activate C-RAF and that wild-type B-RAF and C-RAF form a complex that is RAS-induced, whereas mutant forms of B-RAF bind to C-RAF constitutively."

"A recent study reported that a subset of MEK inhibitors that are inactive in RAS-mutant cancers (AZD6244, GDC-0973) promotes BRAF-CRAF heterodimer formation allowing feedback activation of MEK and ERK, whereas RAS active MEK inhibitors (GDC-0623, G-573) stabilize a nonproductive RAF-MEK complex preventing MEK feedback activation ( xref )."

"Following these conventions, we modeled and simulated the B-Raf monomers, C-Raf monomers, B-Raf/B-Raf homodimers, and B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers."

"The paradoxical activation of MAPK signaling observed in Ras mutant cells following BRAF inhibitor treatment occurs following the increased formation of Raf dimers consisting of either CRAF homodimer pairs or dimers between drug-bound BRAF and CRAF ( xref , xref ) ( xref )."

"Thus, it is BRAF inhibition and not drug binding that drives BRAF binding to CRAF."

"An important component of this mechanism is that B-RAF binding to C-RAF is mediated by 14-3-3 as previously established ( Weber et al., 2001 ) and detailed here."

"In contrast, WT C-RAF binds constitutively to G466V B-RAF and G596R B-RAF ( Figure 3 F)."

"By contrast, other ATP competitive inhibitors, such as 885-A and GDC-0879, stabilized the interaction between B-RAF and C-RAF ( xref ; xref )."

"Notably, T421N CRAF still binds to BRAF in sorafenib and 885-A treated cells (XREF_FIG H), demonstrating that drug binding to CRAF is not required for BRAF binding to CRAF."

"Similarly, binding of C-Raf K375M , but not C-Raf S338A , to B-Raf V600E was markedly impaired ( Figure 1 C), suggesting that binding to C-Raf is required, while C-Raf kinase activity is dispensable [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Interestingly, PLX4032 induces a paradoxical activation of the RAF-MEK-ERK pathway upon inhibition of wild-type BRAF in a RAS-mutant context due the formation of active BRAFCRAF or CRAFCRAF dimers."

"We investigated the relationship between cRaf and BRaf and found that active Ras induced heterodimerization of cRaf and BRaf, an effect that was dependent on the serine residue at position 621 of cRAF : Moreover, we also found that cRaf COOH-terminus constitutively associated with BRaf, whereas the NH (2) terminus did not, even in the presence of active RAS : These data suggest that Ras induces the cRaf and BRaf complex formation through the exposure of 14-3-3 binding sites in the COOH-terminus of cRAF : Thus, Ras induced cRaf-Braf heterodimerization may explain the observed cooperativity of cRaf and BRaf in cells responding to growth factor signals."

"In those cells without BRAF mutations, BRAF inhibitors have been shown to promote BRAF and CRAF heterodimer or CRAF-CRAF homodimer formation, in which one BRAF inhibitor bound RAF protein transactivates the adjacent CRAF subunit of the dimer, leading to downstream activation of MEK-ERK."

"In those cells without BRAF mutations, BRAF inhibitors have been shown to promote BRAF-CRAF heterodimer or CRAF-CRAF homodimer formation, in which one BRAF inhibitor bound RAF protein transactivates the adjacent CRAF subunit of the dimer, leading to downstream activation of MEK-ERK ( xref ; xref ; xref )."

"Previous studies showed that dasatinib (50), like RAF inhibitors (51) induced BRAF/CRAF dimerization leading to MEK/ERK activation in a Ras-dependent manner."

"The dimerization process is mediated by 14-3-3 regulatory proteins as this protein is able to bind both mutated B-Raf protein and the C-Raf protein."

"Nonetheless, it has been suggested that selective BRAF inhibition induces RAS dependent dimerization of CRAF with WT BRAF, but not BRAF V600E, as well as the formation of CRAF homodimers, leading to subsequent activation of CRAF and downstream MEK-ERK signaling (XREF_FIG) [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Further, R15 inhibited CRAF:BRAF interaction induced by these same oncogenic RAS mutants ( xref , xref , and xref )."

"One hour after inhibition of RAS activity with lapatinib, BRAF and CRAF heterodimers were lost from all cells."

"In the same way, targeted expression of activated forms of C-Raf or B-Raf in various tissues of transgenic mice was shown to drive lung, skin, thyroid, and prostate tumorigenesis [ xref , xref , xref ]."

"These studies showed that inhibition of the catalytic activity of wild-type BRAF promotes the formation of a complex between BRAF and CRAF, which increases CRAF catalytic activity."

"Unlike typical RAF inhibitors that target the ATP binding pocket, the allosteric RAF inhibitor KG5 acts in a kinase independent manner to block the dimerization of BRAF and CRAF and phosphorylation of CRAF on S338."

"Furthermore, KSR may be more competent as a RAF activating protein, where it can enhance MAPK signaling by forming a dimer with BRAF or CRAF ( McKay et al., 2011; Michaud et al., 1997; Rajakulendran e[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Upstream NRAS mutation has also been observed to promote heterodimerization of BRAF and CRAF, reactivating MAPK signaling."

"Notably, T421N CRAF still binds to BRAF in sorafenib and 885-A treated cells ( xref H), demonstrating that drug binding to CRAF is not required for BRAF binding to CRAF."

"In the presence of oncogenic Ras, the B-Raf inhibitor PLX4720 and 885-A promotes Ras-dependent B-Raf binding to C-Raf, and activates MEK-ERK signaling [50] to stimulate tumorigenesis."

"In a subsequent study, Raf dimer breaker has been shown to be active against oncogenic B-Raf D594G :C-Raf dimers [ xref ], thus providing further evidence that allosteric type IV inhibitors targeting the Raf dimer interface have potential to be developed as an anticancer drug."

"Here we report that C-Raf surprisingly inhibits B-Raf V600E -induced MAPK activation and transformation through formation of a B-Raf V600E –C-Raf complex with reduced kinase activity."

"BRAF binds to and activates CRAF in a RAS dependent manner that appears to require CRAF transphosphorylation by BRAF, providing subtle pathway regulation that is not fullyunderstood."

"We further show that the pan-RAF inhibitors sorafenib and RAF265 did not inhibit BCR-ABL or CRKL phosphorylation in BCR-ABL T315I Ba/F3 cells and although they induced BRAF binding to CRAF, they inhibited, rather than activated MEK and ERK (XREF_FIG)."

"The essential role for RAS is to counteract RAF inhibition by binding to BRAF and CRAF to form dimers to eventually activate MEK/ERK kinases."

"We also examined if these BRAF and CRAF formed homodimers."

"Furthermore, the RAS EP asserted from their own experience that even the skin phenotype associated with BRAF and RAF1 is distinct from the multiple lentigines phenotype seen in patients with “classical” NSML-related PTPN11 variants."

"Modeling of B-Raf/B-Raf homodimers and B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers."

"Biochemical analysis further revealed that addition of RGS to HeLa cells inhibits the heterodimerization of c-Raf and B-Raf, thereby inhibiting the activation of MEK and ERK pathway."

"However, in KRAS-mutant tumors, selective BRAF inhibitors are contraindicated because they can induce paradoxical downstream signaling activation by promoting BRAF and CRAF hetero-dimerization."

"This mutation can increase RAF dimer formation and promote ERK pathway signal expression. xref In the BRAF gene, a kind of splice variant that deletes a part of the exon that removes the RBD participates in the resistance to BRAF inhibitors by increasing the tendency to form homologous dimers and enhancing the MAPK signaling pathway. xref , xref , xref A study supported that the AGAP3‐BRAF fusion protein, which lacks the RBD, may be a novel resistance mechanism. xref Some researchers also demonstrated that BRAF, when inhibited, can be transformed into CRAF or ARAF through a kinase transformation that continues to activate MAPK, leading to resistance to BRAF inhibitors. xref In addition, in RAS mutations, BRAF can bind to CRAF when BRAF is inhibited, thereby promoting the MAPK pathway."

"This result supports a model in which phosphorylation of both Ser365 and Ser729 of BRAF are required for high affinity binding to 14-3-3 (presumably due to binding to both pockets of the 14-3-3 homodimer) and that this allows 14-3-3 to block interactions between BRAF and CRAF."

"Curiously, PLX4720 did not appear to induce BRAF binding to CRAF, but previous studies have shown that ERK phosphorylates BRAF in a negative-feedback loop that destabilizes its binding to CRAF."

"Raf activation requires Raf homodimerization or heterodimerization (Raf-1 and BRAF heterodimer)."

"For example, kinase-dead B-Raf binds WT B-Raf and C-Raf, and its dimerization with WT Raf family members leads to the activation of the downstream MEK-ERK cascade independently of Ras ( xref )."

"Dual phosphorylation of a specific S PK T P motif within BRAF and CRAF was shown to down-regulate ERK1/2 activation, [ xref ], with phosphorylation of BRAF residues S750 and T753 impairing BRAF:CRAF dimerisation and reducing ERK1/2 activation [ xref ]."

"If a RAF inhibitor binds to wild-type BRAF, autoinhibition is lost and wild-type BRAF forms a dimer with RAF1, which is recruited to the plasma membrane and subsequently activated by RAS proteins."

"This disrupts the RAF dimer interface, preventing the induction of BRAF:CRAF heterodimers normally observed in RAS-mutant cells treated with RAF inhibitors, without lowering the binding affinity of the drug for the dimer partner."

"G12C KRAS -mutant, xref , xref , xref so an alternative is to target downstream effectors in the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway, which has led to the development of RAF, MEK and ERK drugs. xref However, in KRAS -mutant cells, BRAF-selective drugs such as vemurafenib (PLX4032) and dabrafenib xref cause paradoxical hyperactivation of the RAF-ERK pathway through formation of BRAF-CRAF homo- and hetero-dimers. xref Unfortunately, targeting MEK downstream of RAF with drugs such as trametinib xref is ineffective in KRAS -mutant cancers because of feedback mechanisms xref and adverse side-effects, xref and therefore these drugs have been unsuccessful in KRAS -mutant PDAC, CRC and NSCLC. xref , xref "

"Here we show that the proto-oncogene C-Raf paradoxically inhibits B-Raf(V600E) kinase activity through the formation of B-Raf(V600E)-C-Raf complexes."

"Like BRAF, CRAF is also associated with the plasma membrane and can activate MAPK signaling ( xref )."

"The role of ARAF in NRAS induced melanoma has not been a matter of intense investigation mainly because of the well described paradoxical effects of RAF inhibitors in RAS mutated tumours, which is thought to rely mostly on BRAF and CRAF dimerization."

"Although the KRAS MUT and D154Q can still bind CRAF and recruit it to the membrane, BRAF and CRAF dimerization is impaired."

"The key experiments being replicated include Figure 1A, in which the original authors demonstrated that treatment of a subset of BRAF WT tumor cell lines with RAF small molecule inhibitors resulted in an increase in cell viability, Figure 2B, which reported that RAF inhibitor activation of the MAPK pathway was dependent on CRAF but not BRAF, and Figure 4A, where the dimerization of BRAF and CRAF was modulated by the RAF inhibitor PLX4720, but not GDC-0879."

"Critically, we show that whereas imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib did not affect BRAF binding to CRAF in the BCR-ABL cells, they enhanced BRAF binding to CRAF in BCR-ABL T315I Ba/F3 cells (XREF_FIG)."

"Furthermore, overexpression of CRAF is associated with BRAF resistance (Montagut et al , xref )."

"While BRAF inhibitors of both classes stimulate the formation of BRAF-CRAF dimers [ xref , xref ], type-II inhibitors are considerably less efficient than type-I inhibitors in stimulating the phosphorylation of downstream targets, i.e., of MEK kinases and, henceforth, in activating the MAPK pathway."

"Further, we demonstrated the mechanistic basis for high CAV-1 at the plasma membrane holding BRaf, resulting in disruption of the BRAF and CRAF heterodimer and inhibiting MAPK activation following dasatinib treatment."

"This effect was explained by the fact that vemurafenib and dabrafenib are selective for BRAF only, while, in KRAS -mutant tumors, BRAF inhibitors drive BRAF-CRAF binding which finally activated ERK [ xref , xref ]."

"In any case, we did not observe any effects on BRAF kinase activity and heterodimerization with RAF1."

"Wild-type BRAF must form homodimers or heterodimers with CRAF to signal, and it forms these dimers only in response to RAS signaling."

"For instance, an increase of RAS nanoclustering caused by an increase in BRAF and RAF1 dimerization upon treatment with BRAF inhibitors may prevent the interaction of RAS proteins with PI3K [XREF_BIBR]."

"We can hypothesize that this lack of measurable activity might again be related to a too high basal MAPK cascade activation in COS-7 cells transfected with the B-Raf mutants which covers the marginal [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"A potential mechanism underlying there alterations may be a weakened RAF kinase activity [XREF_BIBR] due to the impossibility of BRAF and CRAF hetero-dimerization in response to RAF activation [XREF_BIBR]."

"RHEB Y35N mutation has decreased interaction with BRAF, and RHEB Y35N cells exhibit greater BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization resulting in increased RAF/MEK/ERK signaling."

"Packer and colleagues also reported that BRAF/CRAF heterodimerization was dependent upon RAS by demonstrating that CRAF R89L  was unable to form heterodimers with BRAF ( xref )."

"These cells also exhibited destabilized B-Raf and Raf1 complexes [XREF_BIBR]."

"Targeting the MEK5-ERK5 pathway using MEK5 inhibitor BIX02189 or treatment with RAF inhibitor LY3009120 blocked cell growth to a greater extent in A1847-T cells than parental, demonstrating the dependency of trametinib–resistant cells for MEK5 and CRAF-BRAF signaling ( xref – xref )."

"Other phosphorylation sites on CRAF and BRAF were diminished to some degree following treatment with KG5 which is not surprising considering the fact that KG5 is an allosteric inhibitor of RAF and blocks the dimerization of BRAF and CRAF XREF_BIBR thereby preventing co-activation of these molecules."

"More recent data suggest that B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimerization, either involving B-Raf WT or B-Raf inactivating mutants, occurs as part of the physiological activation process and that the heterodim[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"If a RAF inhibitor binds to wild-type BRAF, autoinhibition is lost and wild-type BRAF forms a dimer with RAF1, which is recruited to the plasma membrane and subsequently activated by RAS proteins."

"14 Overexpression of V1, V2, or GIT1 in HepG2 cells enhanced interaction between B-Raf and c-Raf, and in the in vitro system, presence of MAT2B and GIT1 enhanced binding of B-Raf to immobilized c-Raf."

"The inhibition of B-Raf with paradoxical activation of Raf-1 caused by sorafenib in Pkd2cKO cells is consistent with the concept that PKA activated Ras induces a heterodimerization of B-Raf and Raf-1."

"It is noteworthy that mutation of BRAF Ser365, another known 14-3-3 binding site, to Ala in the context of Ser729 being still present dramatically reduces both basal and AMPK stimulated 14-3-3 binding ( xref ) and allows BRAF-CRAF dimerization and ERK activation to be maintained in the presence of AICAR ( xref and xref )."

"We show that CRAF did not bind to BRAF in untreated or PD184352 treated WM852, D04, MM415, or MM485 cells ( xref A), demonstrating that MEK inhibition does not induce binding."

"It has been proposed that increased ERK signaling occurs via an association between BRAF and CRAF and their ability to stimulate ERK is dependent on CRAF activation [XREF_BIBR]."

"In the presence of oncogenic RAS proteins, kinase-silent BRAF forms a complex with CRAF and lead to hyperactivation of the CRAF/MEK/ERK cascade [XREF_BIBR]."

"This has therapeutic implications, as after treatment of patients with mutant RAS with certain B-Raf inhibitors, B-Raf can bind and activate Raf-1 and promote the oncogenic pathway."

"Raf-1 and B-Raf can form heterodimers, and this may be important for cellular transformation."

"One intriguing phenomenon was that even a catalytically compromised B-Raf was capable of inducing kinase activity of Raf-1 in trans in a manner dependent on a physical interaction between B-Raf and Raf-1, suggesting that the underlying mechanism is independent of a simple transautophosphorylation route [ xref , xref - xref ]."

"This later finding is in contrast to Raf inhibitor-induced C-Raf/B-Raf dimerization, which involves binding of C-Raf to WT B-Raf or impaired activity B-Raf mutants, but not to the high activity V600E-B-Raf ( xref , [ xref – xref ])."

"ERK1/2-dependent BRAF phosphorylation reduces heterodimer formation due to reduced affinity for RAS (phosphorylation at S151) and direct disruption of BRAF:CRAF heterodimers (pT401, pS750 and pT753) [ xref ]"

"Similarly, treatment with AP of cells ectopically co-expressing BRAF-dim and CRAF-dim resulted in induction of BRAF and CRAF dimerization and activation of ERK signaling (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Consistent with our in vitro data, Ponatinib-promoted formation of BRAF V600E , p61BRAF V600E , and BRAF WT dimers with CRAF in all cell lines in a dose-dependent manner (Fig.  xref )."

"5 Overexpression of MAT2B and GIT1 in both HepG2 and RKO cells enhanced interaction between B-Raf and c-Raf."

"Recently, aspirin has been demonstrated to have effective anti-tumor effects against RAS/RAF-mutant cells in colorectal cancer by simultaneously affecting BRAF/CRAF dimerization and hyper-activating the AMPK and ERK pathway [(254); Table 2 and Figure 2]."

"BRAF and CRAF form dimers using the GTP-bound form of RAS activated by receptor tyrosine kinase (RTKs)."

"In non small lung cancer cell lines harboring wild-type LKB1, activation of MAPK was seen after an increase in C-RAF and B-RAF heterodimerization, potentially through down-regulation of Rheb."

"To address this question, we used the R509H and R401H/A mutations that impair dimerization of BRAF and CRAF, respectively, and eliminate their kinase activity (Poulikakos et al., 2010)."

"However, in agreement with a previous report, mutation of Ser729 to Ala in BRAF reduced rather than increased the interaction between BRAF and CRAF in both CCD1106 cells and MEFs (XREF_FIG)."

"In addition, “paradox breakers” such as PLX8394 are next-generation small molecules that disrupt BRAF-containing dimers, including BRAF homodimers and BRAF-CRAF heterodimers, but not CRAF homodimers or ARAF-containing dimers [ xref , xref ]."

"Note also that the BRAF inhibitor PLX4720, which did not induce strong binding of BRAF to CRAF ( xref , xref ), only produced weak synergy with PD184352 to inhibit cell proliferation of these cells ( xref )."

"In contrast, inhibitors like vemurafenib that favor a Src and CDK like inactive conformation of B-RAF fail to promote B-RAF and C-RAF heterodimerization."

"RHEB inhibits BRAF and CRAF Heterodimerization."

"14–3-3 is an additional protein necessary for the interaction between BRAF and CRAF."

"Here we modeled and simulated B-Raf monomers, C-Raf monomers, B-Raf/B-Raf homodimers, and B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers to decipher the detailed mechanism of Raf activation through the transverse side-to-side dimerization."

"Further studies will be required to investigate how the differential and dynamic regulation of 14-3-3 binding to the conserved C-terminal sites in C-RAF and B-RAF ( Hekman et al., 2004 ) affects bindi[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Importantly, we show constitutive binding of Braf to Craf in cells from the G12D Kras / D594A Braf tumors (XREF_FIG E)."

"These inhibitors effectively inhibit RAF monomers (BRAF-V600 signals as a monomer) but cannot be used for RAS -mutant tumours, which signal through BRAF and CRAF dimers."

"Also, consistent with the idea that inhibitor-induced RAS−RAF association is not isoform- or allele-specific, we found that NRAS G12V , HRAS G12V , and KRAS Q61H all exhibited an increased propensity to interact with endogenous BRAF and CRAF upon GDC-0879 treatment (Fig.  xref and Supplementary Fig.  xref )."

"B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimerization as possible link between caveolin and IQGAP1."

No evidence text available

"Further studies have shown that exposure to BRAF inhibitors results in increased binding of BRAF to CRAF, especially in RAS mutant cells leading to hyperactivation of CRAF, and elevated ERK signaling."

"We show that wild-type B-RAF forms a complex with C-RAF in a RAS-dependent manner, whereas the mutants bind independently of RAS. Importantly, we show that wild-type B-RAF can also activate C-RAF."

"Furthermore, although sorafenib and RAF265 induced strong BRAF binding to CRAF, they simultaneously inhibited MEK signaling and were thus able to induce cell death without the need of a MEK inhibitor."

"This binding of B-RAF and C-RAF took place only in the presence of oncogenic RAS and resulted in the formation of melanomas [XREF_BIBR]."

"B-Raf phosphorylates the activation segment of C-Raf directly or indirectly with the help of other kinase molecules where binding of B-Raf to C-Raf performs similar functions as phosphorylation of N-r[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Neither agent inhibited BCR-ABL or CRKL phosphorylation in BCR-ABL Ba/F3 cells and accordingly, they both stimulated BRAF binding to CRAF and CRAF, MEK and ERK phosphorylation in these cells (XREF_FIG)."

"Here, using quantitative proteomics we mapped the interactomes of RAF1 monomers, RAF1-BRAF and RAF1-BRAFV600E dimers identifying and quantifying >1,000 proteins."

"However, in agreement with a previous report ( xref ), mutation of Ser729 to Ala in BRAF reduced rather than increased the interaction between BRAF and CRAF in both CCD1106 cells and MEFs ( xref )."

"Selected cells displayed robust and reproducible enrichment of library-derived cDNAs encoding truncated forms of RAF1 and BRAF proteins, whose silencing reversed the resistant phenotype."

"However, in the presence of the RAF inhibitor PLX4720, this CRAF and BRAF heterodimer kinase domain interaction is destabilized."

"It was previously suggested that RHEB-RAF interaction could disrupt BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization [XREF_BIBR]."

"Successful strategies targeting this tunable-combinatorial signaling complex may include those inhibiting CRAF function (e.g., omni- or pan-RAF inhibitors), V600E BRAF-CRAF interaction, V600E BRAF- MUT MEK interaction/scaffolding, and MEK activation (e.g., phosphorylation by RAF)."

"The paradoxical activation of MAPK signaling observed in Ras mutant cells following BRAF inhibitor treatment occurs following the increased formation of Raf dimers consisting of either CRAF homodimer pairs or dimers between drug bound BRAF and CRAF (XREF_FIG)."

"In the setting of vemurafenib treatment, increased CRAF expression results in an increased rate of BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization as well as CRAF homodimerization resulting in MAPK activation 44."

"This peptide also interacted with endogenous C-Raf and B-Raf ( xref ), showed specificity for Raf binding ( xref ), and was used for all further studies."

"Wild-type BRAF must form homodimers or heterodimers with CRAF to signal, and it forms these dimers only in response to RAS signaling."

"L779450 induced B-Raf and C-Raf dimerization was not reduced in MEFs expressing the R615H- and C809Y KSR1 mutants unable to bind B-Raf; whereas B-Raf and C-Raf dimerization was abolished in cells expressing S297A and S392A-KSR 1 that exhibits enhanced inhibitor induced B-Raf binding (XREF_FIG)."

"Critically, while vemurafenib can inhibit BRAF V600E , which signals as a monomer, it can activate wild-type RAF kinases that act as RAS-dependent CRAF-CRAF homodimers or BRAF-CRAF heterodimers."

"It has been reported that BRAF inhibition induces BRAF binding to Raf-1, leading to Raf-1 hyperactivation and consequently elevated MEK and ERK signaling."

"Moreover, increasing evidence has indicated that mutations in B-Raf that do not affect its kinase activity could also increase MEK-ERK signaling as a result of the formation of a heterodimer between the mutant BRaf and Raf-1 [ xref ]."

"However, kinase impairing BRAF mutations still induce ERK pathway activation when wild-type CRAF, a hetero-dimerization partner of BRAF, is also present in the cell [XREF_BIBR]."

"Fine mapping of the interaction sites by peptide arrays suggested a complex mode of interaction involving multiple contact sites with a main Raf-1 binding site in B-Raf encompassing T753."

"This ERK mediated modification also suppresses RAF kinase signalling, e.g. by interfering with RAF1 and BRAF heterodimerization [XREF_BIBR]."

"These data suggested that increased binding of class 3 BRAF mutants to activated RAS is associated with formation of more heterodimers of mutant BRAF and wild-type CRAF."

"Docking results of BBR-7 and BBR-9 against BRAF and CRAF kinases showed that they are both more effective than BBR-10, as BBR-9 was bound to BRAF and CRAF with Ki values of 0.155μM and 0.265μM, respectively."

"Consistent with these data, we found that exogenously expressed WT B-RAF formed a complex with endogenous C-RAF (Figure 3A) ."

"Our previous finding also showed that a BRAF inhibitor markedly induced the interaction between BRAF and Raf-1 proteins ( xref )."

"BRAF and CRAF heterodimers appear to be most active, relative to BRAF or CRAF homodimers, suggesting that the conformation of the dimer affects activity."

"ERK phosphorylates BRAF on four sites (S151, T401, S750, and T753), which inhibits BRAF and CRAF dimerization and BRAF binding to RAS-GTP [XREF_BIBR]."

"We expressed myc-epitope or HA-epitope tagged versions BRAF or CRAF in D04 cells, immunoprecipitated the myc-tagged proteins and western blotted for the HA-tagged proteins and show that both BRAF and CRAF homodimers were formed in D04 cells ( xref )."

"Indeed, Weber et al. have recently reported that an activated form of Ras induces formation of a Raf-1B-Raf dimer [22] ."

"Moreover, drugs that inhibit BRAF or CRAF activity also enhanced their binding to active RAS ( xref ); but did not affect the binding of BRAF or CRAF into which gatekeeper mutations have been introduced ( xref )."

"To address this question, we utilized the R509H and R401H/A mutations that impair dimerization of BRAF and CRAF, respectively, and eliminate their kinase activity."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR In the presence of oncogenic RAS proteins, however, kinase-silent BRAF forms a complex with CRAF and leads to hyperactivation of the CRAF/MEK/ERK cascade."

"Unlike typical RAF inhibitors that target the ATP binding pocket, the allosteric RAF inhibitor KG5 acts in a kinase independent manner to block the dimerization of BRAF and CRAF and phosphorylation of CRAF on S338 20."

"85 The MATbeta and GIT1 complex also induces heterodimerization between B-Raf and C-Raf, 84 further amplifying the MEK signal."

"Oncogenic activation of this pathway can arise from mutations in any of the pathway components or promoters. xref Typically, the important downstream mediators in the MAPK cell signaling pathway are simulated by the activation of RAS which then signals downstream via the interaction between the serine–threonine kinases, BRAF and CRAF. xref , xref In BRAF wild-type cells, the BRAF kinase is activated by homo- or heterodimer formation with other RAF isoforms such as ARAF or CRAF. xref , xref In BRAF -mutated cells, the BRAF kinase remains constitutively activated in a monomeric state, with a >400-fold increase in kinase activity. xref – xref Upon activation of RAF, there is an interaction with downstream MEK kinases (MEK1 and MEK2) which initiates MEK phosphorylation that in turn facilitates an activating phosphorylation of ERK which promotes oncogenesis. xref , xref , xref Ultimately, the activation of ERK results in cellular proliferation along with migration and angiogenesis, accompanied by a deterrence of apoptosis, thereby promoting malignant cell growth. xref In the pathogenesis of melanoma, there is staunch reliance upon this signaling cascade."

"The authors showed that BRAF binds to CRAF but only in the presence of WT RAS, not oncogenic RAS."

"We proposed that the BRAF non-V600E mutation might activate the BRAF-RAF1 heterodimer, which shows antiapoptotic properties via the activation of Bcl-2 through RAF1 phosphorylation."

"In SKBR3, BGB659 induces WT BRAF homodimers and BRAF and CRAF heterodimers (XREF_FIG lane 4 vs 3, 6 vs 5)."

"BRAF and BRAF homodimers or BRAF and ARAF heterodimers are well known to induce a weaker RAF kinase activity compared to BRAF and CRAF heterodimers [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR] and a compensation of CRAF by BRAF could be only noticed during the first half of gestation [XREF_BIBR]."

"In summary, dimerization of BRAF and CRAF kinases acts as one of the main mechanisms underlying Vemurafenib resistance and can be successfully overcome by next generation RAF inhibitor LY3009120."

"The analysis of the BRAF V600E / NRAS melanoma mouse model showed an unexpected finding related to the effect of BRAF inhibitors in these cells : in fact, BRAF inhibitors induce RAS dependent binding of BRAF to CRAF, consequent activation first of CRAF and then of MEK-ERK signaling [XREF_BIBR]."

"In SKBR3 cells, RAS-GTP levels and induction of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers by BGB659 were both inhibited in a dose dependent fashion by lapatinib and correlated closely with each other."

"Indeed, treatment of HEK293T cells expressing Flag-B-Raf V600E and myc-C-Raf with the Raf inhibitor Sorafenib at concentrations that inhibited MAPK signaling (0.3–3 μM) resulted in increased formatio[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Settleman and colleagues showed that elevated C-RAF expression was associated with mutant B-RAF melanoma cell resistance to AZ628 ( xref )."

"RAS activation results in the binding and heterodimerization of CRAF:BRAF that is necessary for RAF activation and subsequent MEK-MAPK activation (Freeman et al., 2013; Rajakulendran et al., 2009)."

No evidence text available

"Several GFP-fusion proteins containing dimer interface (DI) sequences were generated and examined for C-Raf and B-Raf binding."

"We therefore evaluated B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization in relation to the early recovery in ERK1/2 phosphorylation."

"We found the PLA signal for BRAF and CRAF heterodimer formation was inhibited by RT11-i and gemcitabine co-treatment compared with treatment with either alone."

"BRAF inhibition has been known to induce BRAF binding to Raf-1 in the presence of activated Ras, leading to Raf-1 hyperactivation and consequently paradoxical activation of MEK and ERK signaling."

"Our findings reveal that BRAF-CRAF complex formation is significantly associated with BRAFi treatment, and may therefore serve as a useful biomarker of BRAFi-induced cutaneous and extracutaneous tumor formation."

"Importantly however, S621A C-RAF does not bind to G466V B-RAF ( Figure 3 F), suggesting that 14-3-3 may mediate C-RAF binding to B-RAF."

"This shows that BRAF binding to CRAF is induced in the presence of both oncogenic RAS and activated wild-type RAS."

"To better understand the observed dimerization in the thyroid cancer BRAF-mutant cell lines, we compared B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization in our thyroid cancer cell lines to the melanoma cell line A375 upon treatment with dasatinib."

"Selective inhibition of B-Raf drives oncogenic RAS dependent BRAF binding to C-Raf, CRAF activation and mitogen activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)-extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) signalling, revealing another paradigm of BRAF mediated signalling that promotes tumour progression [XREF_BIBR]."

"PLX4720 induces a shift in the aC-helix of B-RAF and actually destabilizes the interaction between B-RAF and C-RAF ( xref )."

"They have shown that a variant of RHEB (Y35 to asparagine; Y32 in HRAS) impedes RHEB interaction with BRAF leading to an increased BRAF/CRAF heterodimerization and thus activation of the MAPK pathway."

"To ascertain that complex formation is not due to overexpression of oncogenic B-Raf, similar experiments were performed in WM793 melanoma cells that express endogenous B-Raf V600E . Consistent with th[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"It has been shown that RAS GTP loading induces both CRAF and BRAF dimerization [27], a key process in RAF activation."

"ERK re-activation can be achieved via drug induced allosteric activation of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers, or by the kinase COT, which activates MEK1/2 [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"In this scenario, the binding of a classical RAF inhibitor molecule to only one of the two BRAF fusion protomers may trigger transactivation of the other, as previously demonstrated in the case of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers."

"More importantly, ubiquitinated S729A-BRAF almost completely lost its binding to 14–3–3 (Supplementary Fig.  xref ), further supporting a role of BRAF atypical ubiquitination in specifically regulating BRAF intramolecular interaction, but not BRAFBRAF or BRAFCRAF dimerization."

"These effects are consistent with the ability of Raf-inhibitors to transactivate Raf-1 when a PKA activated Ras promotes Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimerization, and are inhibited by interfering with cAMP and PKA signaling both in vitro and in vivo, as shown by the reduction of liver cysts in mice treated with combined octreotide and sorafenib."

"While little or no association between the two RAF proteins was detected in serum starved cells that were treated with DMSO (no EGF), EGF stimulation readily induced the formation of c-RAF and B-RAF heterodimers (XREF_FIG)."

"Isolated Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimers possessed a highly increased kinase activity compared to the respective homodimers or monomers."

"Mutation of CRAF-S621 or BRAF-S729 (residues recognized by 14-3-3) to alanine modulates binding of CRAF to BRAF and diminishes CRAF kinase activity even in the context of oncogenic BRAF P-loop mutants[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Interactions between CRAF and BRAF are complex and incompletely understood despite several recent elegant studies in melanoma ( xref , xref , xref , xref )."

"Both homo- and hetero-dimerization of BRAF and CRAF can modulate therapeutic response and disease progression in patients treated with ATP-competitive inhibitors and are therefore highly clinically significant."

"A knockdown of DGKH in HeLa cells results in significantly impaired cell proliferation by inhibiting EGF induced ERK1/2 and MEK1/2 phosphorylation as well as C-Raf activation via inhibiting B-Raf and [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The RHEB Y35N mutant sustains RAF/MEK/ERK signaling due to a decreased interaction with BRAF, leading to increased BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization."

"We also examined C-RAF binding to B-RAF."

"RHEB Y35N binds BRAF less effectively than RHEB WT resulting in increased BRAF and CRAF Heterodimerization."

"We further showed that RHEB inhibits BRAF-CRAF dimer formation."

"Furthermore, whereas imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib did not induce BRAF binding to CRAF and inhibited MEK and ERK in BV173 cells, they induced BRAF binding to CRAF and activated MEK and ERK in BV173R cells ( xref )."

"YWHAE-NUTM2 interacts with RAF1 and BRAF."

"As demonstrated in Figure 2 B, LY3009120 inhibited phosphorylation of MEK and ERK from 0.01-1.0 muM in spite of its promotion of BRAF and CRAF heterodimer."

"The inhibitors will act on the BRAF V600 monomers, however, in BRAF wild-type cells, the expression of CRAF was shown to be higher and vemurafenib stabilized BRAFCRAF heterodimers, thus reactivating the MAPK pathway [ xref ]."

"This could be because the hydroxy moiety of Ser729 either directly binds to CRAF to stabilize the BRAF-CRAF interaction or enhances a conformational state in BRAF that stabilizes the BRAF and CRAF heterodimer."

"The difference between Raf inhibitor combination effects might be due to the preferred Raf binding conformation for each compound: AZD628 binds to the inactive conformation (DFG-out) of Craf, whereas both GDC0879 and PLX4720 bind to the active CRaf conformation (DFG-in) xref , with PLX4720 causing a c-helix shift that may block BRaf:CRaf heterodimer formation, as observed in our current study."

"Previously it was reported that BRAF V600E kinase activity was reduced when it heterodimerized with CRAF ( xref ), so we hypothesized that KIT could drive formation of BRAF V600E :CRAF complexes, which would have less activity than uncomplexed BRAF V600E . To test this, we used a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assay to measure the interaction between Renilla Luciferase-tagged CRAF (RLuc-CRAF) and Venus-tagged BRAF V600E (V-BRAF V600E )."

"Interestingly, although both MAT2B and GIT1 interact with each other as well as MEK1/2, c-Raf, and B-Raf (Supplemental Figure S1 A), overexpressing V1, V2, or GIT1 failed to activate B-Raf, c-Raf, or [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We show that although sorafenib inhibits ERK (XREF_FIG A), it induces BRAF binding to CRAF (XREF_FIG A), CRAF activation (XREF_FIG G) and CRAF phosphorylation on S338 (XREF_FIG G, inset), a critical event in CRAF activation."

"Heidorn et al. showed that the kinase-dead BRAF needs activated RAS to induce BRAF binding to CRAF [XREF_BIBR]."

"Our inability to demonstrate an obvious role for KSR in mediating BRAF binding to CRAF or CRAF activation by BRAF suggests that the mechanism underlying dimerization here may be different from those described in flies, but clearly additional studies are required to investigate further the role of scaffold proteins in mediating the phenomena we report."

"In contrast, PLX4720, which induced weak BRAF binding to CRAF ( xref ) only weakly synergized with the MEK inhibitor to inhibit cell proliferation ( xref )."

"Regulation and role of Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimerization."

"The cellular activities of these targets were not yet verified.In KRAS mutant HCT116 cells, we demonstrated that LY3009120 induced BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization."

"This finding also suggests that MAT2B and GIT1 may activate MEK in RKO cells via facilitating c-Raf and B-Raf heterodimerization."

"ERK re-activation can be achieved via drug induced allosteric activation of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers, or by the kinase COT, which activates MEK1/2 [116-118]."

"Packer et al. xref reported that the binding of weak RAF inhibitors (imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib) to BRAF and CRAF drives BRAF:CRAF heterodimer as well as BRCF and CRAF homodimer formation in the presence of oncogenetic RAS, thus leading to paradoxical activation of both BRAF and CRAF, followed by the activation of MEK and ERK."

"The consequence of this complex formation is a DiRas3 mediated recruitment and anchorage of C-RAF to components of the membrane skeleton, suppression of C-RAF and B-RAF heterodimerization, and inhibition of C-RAF kinase activity."

"BGB659 and other RAF inhibitors caused marked, dose dependent induction of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers in HeLa and in two melanoma cell lines with mutant NRAS, but not in A375 (BRAF V600E)."

"The monobody NS1, designed for inhibiting RAS dimerization, effectively blocked CRAFBRAF heterodimerization and activation [ xref ], and more recently, has been shown to inhibit Ras-driven tumor growth in mice [ xref ]."

"Importantly, however, MIG-6 failed to regulate BRAF kinase activity and BRAF and RAF1 heterodimerization in our experiments."

"However, B-Raf and C-Raf play a predominant role in activating MEK1/2 [ xref ], while A-Raf functions to activate B-Raf and stabilize B-Raf:C-Raf complexes in some cell types leading to MEK-ERK activity [ xref , xref ]."

"While mutant BRAF V600E is constitutively active and has a limited role in dimerization, 40 the BRAF and CRAF heterodimer is believed to be the primary species in both native signaling and paradoxical activation."

"Interestingly, it was shown that in the TERTp mutant breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231, small molecule mediated dimerization between BRAF and CRAF (a proposed mechanism of this paradoxical activation) was insufficient to recapitulate the activation These studies, and our analysis of CTRP data, suggest that paradoxical activation mechanisms may be less relevant in a subset of tumors, including TERTp mutants."

"Interestingly, whereas we observed increased dimerization in our BRAF-mutant cell lines upon dasatinib treatment, a previous report did not observe dimerization in two BRAF-mutant melanoma cell lines upon treatment with dasatinib and concluded that B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization occurs in a Ras dependent manner."

"Phosphorylation of RAF1 at S621, a site for PRKAA1, enhances its interaction with the cross-linker protein, 14-3-3, which stabilizes RAF1/BRAF heterodimers (28,43)."

"In this work, we modeled and simulated B-Raf monomers, C-Raf monomers, B-Raf/B-Raf homodimers, and B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers, striving to understand Raf dimerization."

"We show that SB590885 and L779450 induced robust BRAF binding to CRAF and synergized with PD184352 to induce synthetic lethality (XREF_FIG, XREF_FIG)."

"Our inability to demonstrate an obvious role for KSR in mediating BRAF binding to CRAF or CRAF activation by BRAF suggests that the mechanism underlying dimerization here may be different from those described in flies, but clearly additional studies are required to investigate further the role of scaffold proteins in mediating the phenomena we report."

"After confirming that drug binding to BRAF drove BRAF binding to CRAF, Heidorn and colleagues tested a kinase dead version of BRAF (BRAF D594A ) (Figure 4D)."

"BRaf inhibitor, PLX4032 is an example of an allosteric inhibitor that inhibits BRaf-CRaf heterodimerization and activation [17]."

"While structures of dimer-promoting inhibitors bound to BRAF or CRAF are plentiful, structures bound to nucleotide and/or structures of RAF in a monomeric state are still lacking."

"Our findings reveal that BRAF and CRAF complex formation is significantly associated with BRAFi treatment, and may therefore serve as a useful biomarker of BRAFi induced cutaneous and extracutaneous tumor formation."

"In the presence of oncogenic RAS, treatment with BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi) such as vemurafenib can drive the formation of BRAFCRAF heterodimers, resulting in a stable complex that hyperactivates MAPK signalling leading to drug resistance [12]."

"B-Raf phosphorylates the activation segment of C-Raf directly or indirectly with the help of other kinase molecules where binding of B-Raf to C-Raf performs similar functions as phosphorylation of N-r[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Critically, GNF-2 did not inhibit BRAF activity in vitro (XREF_FIG), and in BCR-ABL T315I Ba/F3 cells it did not induce BRAF binding to CRAF, did not increase CRAF, MEK or ERK phosphorylation (XREF_FIG), and did not activate BRAF or CRAF (XREF_FIG)."

No evidence text available

"XREF_BIBR Typically, the important downstream mediators in the MAPK cell signaling pathway are simulated by the activation of RAS which then signals downstream via the interaction between the serine threonine kinases, BRAF and CRAF."

"Packer and colleagues also reported that BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization was dependent upon RAS by demonstrating that CRAF R89L was unable to form heterodimers with BRAF."

"In vitro studies have shown that in the presence of oncogenic RAS proteins, kinase impaired BRAF forms a complex with CRAF and leads to hyperactivation of the CRAF/MEK/ERK cascade, suggesting MEK inhibitors or CRAF inhibitors may benefit patients with concomitant kinase impaired BRAF mutation and activating RAS mutation [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"It was previously reported that MLK3 is capable of recruiting a BRAF and RAF1 complex 49, suggesting that MLK3 may function as a link between RAC1 and the MAP kinase cascade."

"Thus, sorafenib, 885-A and PLX4720 all induced BRAF binding to CRAF in NRAS or KRAS mutant cells, but not in BRAF mutant cells, showing that BRAF inhibition per se did not induce this binding; it only occurred when BRAF was inhibited in the presence of oncogenic RAS."

"Molecular dynamics simulations, combined with cell-based protein-protein interaction studies, reveal that melanomagenic NRAS mutants form intramolecular contacts that enhance BRAF binding affinity, BRAF-CRAF heterodimer formation, and MAPK > ERK signaling."

"Since Ras forms a homodimer at the plasma membrane [17], it is possible that Raf-1 and B-Raf form a heterodimer on the dimeric Ras."

"There is evidence for B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimerization with highly increased kinase activity compared with the respective homodimers or monomers [XREF_BIBR]."

"We applied enhanced helper-interaction FRET (hiFRET) probes to study the binding between full-length H-Ras and Raf1 as well as the drug induced interaction between Raf1 and B-Raf."

"By the use of probes based on the principle of fluorescence resonance energy transfer, we found that this amino-terminal B-Raf-specific region is essential for homo-dimerization of B-Raf and hetero-dimerization of B-Raf and c-Raf at the plasma membrane, followed by phosphorylation of Thr118 in the amino-terminal B-Raf-specific region."

"B-Raf-dependent cross-talk with other pathways has not been reported so far, but it is conceivable that, by binding to C-Raf, B-Raf may influence its interaction with other proteins."

"BRAF inhibition has been known to induce BRAF binding to Raf-1 in the presence of activated Ras, leading to Raf-1 hyperactivation and consequently paradoxical activation of MEK/ERK signaling ( xref )."

"They induce BRAF binding to CRAF and CRAF activation, but do not activate MEK-ERK signaling."

"This is because inactivated B-Raf forms heterodimers with Raf-1, which then becomes activated to stimulate ERK xref – xref ."

"Nilotinib induced significant BRAF-CRAF heterodimerization and ERK activation irrespective of RAS mutation status."

"These data suggest that, in the context of upstream stimulation, formation of BRAF V600E :CRAF complexes does not diminish the total signaling output of BRAF V600E -mutant cells."

"Moreover, these inhibitors are potent activators of MAPK signaling pathway through the stimulation of homo-dimerization and hetero-dimerization of CRAF and BRAF, respectively [29, 35]."

"Thus, although they only inhibit RAF weakly, imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib possess sufficient off-target activity to drive the formation of BRAF:CRAF dimers and stimulate paradoxical activation of the pathway."

"Because RAF activation by KRAS requires RAF dimerization (Lavoie and Therrien, 2015), and each RAF monomer has the potential to bind KRAS, we hypothesized that defective oncogenic KRAS dimerization co[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Further, R15 inhibited CRAF:BRAF interaction induced by these same oncogenic RAS mutants (Figures 5D, S3C, and S3E)."

"Mutation of CRAF-S621 or BRAF-S729 (residues recognized by 14-3-3) to alanine modulates binding of CRAF to BRAF and diminishes CRAF kinase activity even in the context of oncogenic BRAF P-loop mutant[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"With regard to BRAF, several target ERK phosphorylation sites are known to exist at S151, T401, S750 and T753 and phosphorylation of all of the sites has been shown to contribute to disruption of BRAF and CRAF heterodimerisation XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"At the molecular level, whereas imatinib, nilotinib, and dasatinib promote the formation of B-RAF and C-RAF complexes in cells with activated RAS, these TKIs are weak RAF inhibitors in vitro 76."

"We show that in Ba/F3 cells expressing BCR-ABL G250E/T315I , BCR-ABL E255K/T315I and BCR-ABL E255V/T315I , nilotinib did not inhibit BCR-ABL or CRKL phosphorylation, and induced BRAF binding to CRAF as well as MEK and ERK activation ( xref )."

"This would explain the reduced sensitivity of CRAF-CRAF dimers to disruption by PLX8394 as well as the asymmetric effect on BRAF-CRAF heterodimers depending on whether PLX8394 binds to BRAF or CRAF."

"This was demonstrated by the activation of BRAF and RAF1 complexes leading to enhanced activation of the MEK-ERK pathway by nilotinib, imatinib, and dasatinib in melanoma, lung, colorectal, pancreatic[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We show that PD184352 stabilizes BRAF binding to CRAF in the presence of PLX4720 (XREF_FIG B), demonstrating that PLX4720 does induce binding, albeit less strongly than the other drugs."

"This could be because the hydroxy moiety of Ser729 either directly binds to CRAF to stabilize the BRAF-CRAF interaction or enhances a conformational state in BRAF that stabilizes the BRAF-CRAF heterodimer."

"Interactions between CRAF and BRAF are complex and incompletely understood despite several recent elegant studies in melanoma."

"Heidorn and colleagues report that paradoxical activation of the RAF-RAS-MEK-ERK pathway by BRAF inhibitors when applied to BRAF WT cells is a result of BRAF and CRAF heterodimer formation upon inactivation of BRAF kinase activity, and occurs only in the context of active RAS."

"Unlike cobimetinib, these inhibitors did not increase B-Raf and C-Raf hetero-dimerization 79."

"Imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib all induced robust BRAF binding to CRAF in cells expressing oncogenic RAS (D04, SW620, H460 and Panc1 cells; XREF_FIG), but not in cells expressing oncogenic BRAF (A2058 or A375 cells; XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Both SB203580 and SB202190 increased BRAF and CRAF dimerization comparable to GDC-0879 stimulation (XREF_FIG)."

"This is because inhibitor binding to wild-type RAF isoforms induces RAS-GTP-dependent CRAF homodimers or BRAF-CRAF heterodimers in which the drug-bound protomer trans-activates the drug-free promoter leading to MEK1/2–ERK1/2 activation [76,77] (Figure 2)."

"We also show that imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib did not induce BRAF binding to CRAF in K562 cells (which express BCR-ABL), but when these cells expressed HRAS G12V , all three drugs induced BRAF binding to CRAF ( xref )."

"In a KINOME scan panel with 256 kinases (DiscoveRx) at 10 μmol/L, CH5126766 was suggested to bind to CRAF (82% inhibition of an ATP analog binding) and BRAF (89% inhibition of an ATP analog binding) but not to 254 other kinases ( xref )."

"Based on this strategy, increased sensitivity of antigen detection was attained in antibody fused FRET probes XREF_BIBR, and transient weak interaction between Raf1 and B-Raf was successfully detected XREF_BIBR."

"The additive effect between Raf and Mek inhibitors on CRaf PM translocation was observed when measuring CRaf and BRaf hetero-dimerization and CRaf kinase activation induced by GDC0879 in the KRasG12D and CRaf cells (XREF_FIG) as well as in H226 NSCLC cells where only endogenous proteins are expressed (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Binding of the RAF inhibitors and induction of conformational changes in BRAF kinase domain activates wild-type BRAF binding to CRAF, localization to the plasma membrane and increases CRAF homodimerization."

"The effectiveness of the therapy is eventually stalled due to new mutations in the same pathway, such as the (N) RAS kinase upstream of BRAF, BRAF itself, the BRAF heterodimerization partner CRAF or in distinct MEK activating kinases as COT-1 [XREF_BIBR]."

"We show that although sorafenib inhibits ERK ( xref A), it induces BRAF binding to CRAF ( xref A), CRAF activation ( xref G) and CRAF phosphorylation on S338 ( xref G, inset), a critical event in CRAF activation ( xref )."

"These mutations have been suggested to stimulate C-RAF activity through the formation of B-RAF and C-RAF heterodimers."

"The functional role of KSR homodimers is still incompletely understood, but the ability of IMP to inhibit MEK activation by Raf has been suggested to result from IMP mediated disruption of KSR1 homodimers and B-Raf and c-Raf heterodimers 52."

"Heidorn and colleagues reported that the BRAF inhibitor 888-5A (Evotec AG, Abingdon, UK) binds to wild-type BRAF in KRAS-mutant cells, promoting formation of BRAF-RAF1 dimers, culminating in MAPK path[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Importantly, the impact of Rheb on B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimerization and kinase activity are rapamycin-insensitive, indicating that they are independent of Rheb activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin and Raptor complex."

"Finally, we demonstrate that merlin and MLK3 can interact in situ and that merlin can disrupt the interactions between B-Raf and Raf-1 or those between MLK3 and either B-Raf or Raf-1."

"BRAF Binding to CRAF Is Mediated by RAS."

"These results suggest that the hydroxy moiety of Ser729, in addition to being a substrate for AMPK and thereby mediating 14-3-3 binding, may also be critical for stabilizing the BRAF and CRAF heterodimer when not bound to 14-3-3."

"However, VEM can activate the MAPK pathway by inducing BRAF-CRAF dimerization."

"We also show that imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib did not induce BRAF binding to CRAF in K562 cells (which express BCR-ABL), but when these cells expressed HRAS G12V, all three drugs induced BRAF binding to CRAF (XREF_FIG)."

"Indeed, we identified a peptide sequence corresponding to a region in the B-Raf dimer interface that when expressed as a GFP-fusion protein in cells, could interact with endogenous B-Raf and C-Raf and block EGF-induced B-RafC-Raf heterodimerization as well as MEK activation."

"The authors showed that BRAF binds to CRAF but only in the presence of WT RAS, not oncogenic RAS."

"The activated RAS binds to RAF and induces conformational changes in RAF, leading to RAF dimerization ( i.e ., BRAF-CRAF), phosphorylation and kinase activation."

"The mutant selective effects observed in cells and patients are likely due to the lower affinity of mutant B-RAF for ATP compared to wild-type forms of B-RAF and C-RAF ( xref )."

"Recently, RKIP was also shown to bind and inhibit BRAF as well as RAF-1 [12,13] ."

"ATP competitive inhibitors for instance are supposed to stabilize the interaction between B-RAF and C-RAF [ xref ]."

"Therefore, the Sorafenib-mediated interaction of C-Raf with B-Raf V600E and the consequential decrease in catalytic activity may be an additional mode of action of Sorafenib."

"Moreover, full-length V600E BRAF over-expression (in M395 SDR or SDR-DDR) was associated with extensive p-CRAF levels (vs. their parental line)."

"As summarized in Table S1,† we modeled the B-Raf/B-Raf homodimers and the B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers."

"Diacylglycerol kinase eta augments C-Raf activity and B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimerization."

"4 Increased expression of V1 or V2 with GIT1 resulted in increased c-Raf and B-Raf recruitment to MEK1 ( Figure 7 A), higher activation of c-Raf ( Figure 7 B), and enhanced interaction between B-Raf [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Active, GTP bound Rheb also has been shown to negatively regulate Ras/B-Raf/C-Raf/MEK signaling by disrupting B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimerization."

"In cells with wild-type BRAF, activation by RAS leads to the formation of homodimers (BRAF-BRAF) or heterodimers with CRAF (BRAF-CRAF), whereas cells with V600E mutations do not form dimers and activate MEK via monomeric BRAF."

"In the MAPK pathway, inhibitors of BRAF kinase can paradoxically activate this pathway in KRAS mutant cells due to their ability to promote the dimerization of BRAF and CRAF and the activation of CRAF."

"One possibility is the heterodimerization of BRAF with CRAF, a BRAF isoform, which drives increased Ras-MAPK signalling XREF_BIBR, and has been noted in the development of resistance and secondary tumours following BRAF inhibition in metastatic melanoma XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"The activated mutant NRAS can activate the MAPK pathway via induction of dimerization of CRAF and BRAF [45]."

"Recent literature has demonstrated that B-Raf can form hetero-complexes with both Raf-1 and A-Raf."

"Our unpublished mutagenesis data suggests that 14-3-3 is required to stabilize these drug-induced complexes (data not shown) and this is consistent with previous observations demonstrating that 14-3-3 mediates BRAF binding to CRAF ( xref )."

"Increased CRAF expression has also been associated with resistance to BRAF inhibitors ( xref )"

"In cell lines, Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimers were found at low levels."

"This shows that BRAF binding to CRAF is induced in the presence of both oncogenic RAS and activated wild-type RAS."

"Under these conditions, B-RAF depletion decreased ERK activation produced by HERC1 knockdown to a similar extent as C-RAF siRNA (Figure 4A, lane 4), suggesting the involvement of C-RAF/B-RAF heterodimers in this signaling."

"It can also be seen that BRAF interacts with RAF1, a known kinase proto-oncogene that also phosphorylates ERK1/2, and like BRAF is also under mutational selective pressure."

"Binding to Ras induces conformational changes that promote Raf dimerization, which in turn mediates kinase activation through an allosteric mechanism that often involves B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimers ([MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"One potential role for this pathway derives from a study showing that Merlin can disrupt a proproliferative complex involving assembly of Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimers on the MLK3 kinase; this complex forms independently of MLK3 kinase activity."

"Active Ras induces heterodimerization of cRaf and BRaf."

"17 The hyperplasia correlated with increased activated ERK (also known as MAPK1; figure 4 ) and evidence of formation of BRAFRAF1 dimers in the tissue, and was prevented with[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"However, in the presence of 885-A, EGF induced robust binding of BRAF to CRAF in PMWK cells and this resulted in sustained pathway activation (XREF_FIG D)."

"Importantly however, S621A C-RAF does not bind to G466V B-RAF, suggesting that 14-3-3 may mediate C-RAF binding to B-RAF."

"In addition to inducing BRAF binding to CRAF in NRAS mutant cells, 885-A and sorafenib also induce this binding in WM1791c melanoma cells and in SW620 and HCT116 colorectal carcinoma cells (XREF_FIG C), all of which express mutant KRAS."

"Effect of inhibitors on BRAF and CRAF heterodimer dependent activation."

"Our observations on impaired feedback CRAF-S338 reactivation upon MEK inhibitor treatment in vivo in the presence of KRAS D154Q, inefficient BRAF and CRAF heterodimer formation, and CRAF activation in[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"These observations are supported by previous research demonstrating that CRAF and BRAF heterodimers are more active than is either the CRAF or BRAF homodimer even when the BRAF protomer has an inactivating mutation."

"In preclinical studies, a subset of resistant BRAF V600E mutant cell lines demonstrated increased CRAF signalling via BRAF and CRAF heterodimerisation and resulted in a shift from B-RAF to CRAF dependency."

"Dasatinib weakly inhibits BRAF, although only at concentrations higher than those needed to induce senescence, and it can induce BRAF-CRAF dimerization and CRAF activation in cells with activated RAS or KI BRAF mutations [ xref , xref ]."

"► BRAF activates ERK but in some circumstances BRAF inhibitors can induce tumor growth ► BRAF inhibitors drive BRAF-CRAF binding, activating ERK in cells with oncogenic RAS ► Kinase-dead mutants of BRAF have the same effect as BRAF inhibitors ► Oncogenic RAS and kinase-dead BRAF cooperate to induce melanoma in mice"

"To test directly if BRAF binding to CRAF is driven by 885-A binding to BRAF, we mutated the so called " gatekeeper threonine " (T529) of BRAF to asparagine (T529N)."

"BGB659 and other RAF inhibitors caused marked, dose dependent induction of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers in HeLa and in two melanoma cell lines with mutant NRAS, but not in A375 (BRAF V600E) (XREF_FIG)."

"As outlined above, both wild-type and mutated B-Raf can bind with C-Raf."

"We find that C-RAF binds to B-RAF only under activating conditions, whereas mutant B-RAF binds to C-RAF constitutively."

"For instance, the model for the BRAF-RAF1 (uniprotkb:P15056 and uniprotkb:P04049) interaction is based on the experimental structure of the BRAF homodimer (PDB: 4ehe,4mbj)."

"One possible explanation for this phenotype is that PLX8394, originally selected for its ability to prevent BRAF and CRAF heterodimer formation in the context of mutant or GTP bound RAS, is not able to disrupt homo-dimerization of BRAF fusion kinases that are stabilized by an additional dimerization domain encoded by the 5 ' partner."

"Importantly, we show that wild-type B-RAF can also activate C-RAF and that wild-type B-RAF and C-RAF form a complex that is RAS induced, whereas mutant forms of B-RAF bind to C-RAF constitutively."

"Importantly, no strong binding of BRAF to CRAF was seen in A375 cells even in the presence of PD184352 and the drugs did not induce strong BRAF binding to CRAF in two other BRAF mutant melanoma cell lines ( xref D and xref )."

"Here, we demonstrate for the first time that activation of Rheb is associated with decreased B-Raf and C-Raf phosphorylation at residues Ser 446 and Ser 338, respectively, concomitant with a decrease in the activities of both kinases and decreased heterodimerization of B-Raf and C-Raf."

"In these models, metformin as single agent induced an activation and phosphorylation of mitogen-activated-protein-kinase (MAPK) through an increased C-RAF and B-RAF heterodimerization."

"Curiously, PLX4720 did not appear to induce BRAF binding to CRAF, but previous studies have shown that ERK phosphorylates BRAF in a negative-feedback loop that destabilizes its binding to CRAF ( xref )."

"It is unclear why PLX4720 only induces weak binding of BRAF to CRAF, but this may stem from its unique property of displacing the alpha-C helix of BRAF when it binds and suggests that this helix is important for BRAF binding to CRAF, something that will only be resolved when the BRAF : CRAF crystal structure is solved."

"The authors show that mutant of BRAF ( R188L BRAF) does not bind to CRAF even in the presence of 885-A, which induces RAS activity."

"Growth factor-induced Raf dimerization can also be inhibited by an 18 amino acid peptide able to bind C-Raf and B-Raf, resulting in decreased Mek activation xref ."

"To determine whether the NtA motif was required on both the “activator” and the “receiver”, as is implied by current models, we tested whether a CRAF “receiver” mutant that cannot be phosphorylated on residues 338–341 (AAFF substituted for SSYY), could be activated by activator forms of BRAF and CRAF ( xref )."

"Since Ras forms a homodimer at the plasma membrane [17] , it is possible that Raf-1 and B-Raf form a heterodimer on the dimeric Ras."

"In contrast, VEM showed modest induction of p-CRAF S338 and BRAF and CRAF dimerization and PB did not induce p-CRAF S338 or BRAF and CRAF dimerization (XREF_FIG)."

"DGKeta also modulates signaling downstream of EGFR by facilitating heterodimerization of B-Raf and C-Raf [XREF_BIBR]."

"Raf inhibitors are known to drive the formation of stable BRaf-CRaf and CRaf-CRaf dimers."

"Thus, it is BRAF inhibition and not drug binding that drives BRAF binding to CRAF."

"As outlined above, however, MIG-6 did not impact on BRAF V600E kinase activity (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY) or BRAF and RAF1 heterodimerization (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"The biochemistry of RAF fusion proteins remains poorly characterized, but canonical RAF signaling is thought to rely heavily on RAS mediated dimerization of BRAF and CRAF protomers."

"Mutation of Ser365 to Ala eliminated the ability of AMPK activators to block the BRAF-CRAF interaction ( xref )."

"Therefore, these findings suggest that the interaction of C-Raf with B-Raf V600E directly lowers the kinase activity of B-Raf V600E . We found that the C-Raf expression levels are reduced relative to[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NS1 binding to Ras disrupts Ras dimerization/nanoclustering, which, in turn, blocks CRAF:BRAF heterodimerization and activation."

"Importantly, the effects of Rheb on B-Raf kinase activity and B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimerization are Rapamycin-insensitive."

"These findings were confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation experiments using an NRAS specific antibody that enabled to detect interactions between NRAS and both BRAF and CRAF (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Studies of RAF inhibitors in cancer led to the discovery of complex compensatory interactions between BRAF and RAF1 that drive a paradoxical increase in ERK1/2 activation [112,113,114]."

"These low activity mutants activate ERK indirectly through the formation of C-RAF and B-RAF heterodimers."

"Interestingly, vemurafenib can paradoxically activate the MAPK pathway via heterodimerization of BRAF and CRAF kinases to promote growth in tumors harboring wild-type BRAF or activating RAS mutations."

"Our studies provide in vitro evidence that BRAF selectively binds to active RAS and that the BRAF and CRAF heterodimer is the most active form relative to their respective homodimers."

"Since RAS and CRAF are required for ERK activation by PLX4720 and 885-A, we investigated if these drugs induce BRAF binding to CRAF."

"BRAF homodimers and BRAF and CRAF heterodimers are barely detectable in SKBR3 treated with lapatinib."

"This indicates the higher activity of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers over BRAF or CRAF homodimers XREF_BIBR."

"It has been reported that BRAF inhibition induces BRAF binding to Raf-1, leading to Raf-1 hyperactivation and consequently elevated MEK and ERK signaling ( xref )."

"In addition, pS621 and 14-3-3 also have been reported to promote Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimerisation [37-39]."

"As discussed above, when WT BRAF cells bearing activating RAS mutations are treated with BRAF specific inhibitors, a BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization induces activation of the MAPK pathway via CRAF [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR] (XREF_FIG)."

"While mutant BRAF V600E is constitutively active and has a limited role in dimerization, xref the BRAF-CRAF heterodimer is believed to be the primary species in both native signaling and paradoxical activation. xref , xref , xref Genetic and biochemical results have repeatedly implicated CRAF as the primary species responsible for phosphorylating MEK in paradoxical activation and native signaling. xref − xref , xref − xref Specifically, inhibitor-bound BRAF is implicated in promoting heterodimerization with unbound CRAF, causing transactivation of CRAF through an allosteric mechanism at the protein–protein interface between protomer kinase domains. xref , xref "

"Treatment with metformin as single agent, however, induced an activation and phosphorylation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) through an increased C-RAF and B-RAF heterodimerization."

"Importantly, T529N BRAF is ~ 170-fold less sensitive to 885-A than wild-type BRAF (17 nM versus 2869 nM; XREF_FIG B) and 885-A did not stimulate its binding to CRAF (XREF_FIG C), proving that drug binding to BRAF drives BRAF binding to CRAF."

"Here we report that AMPK phosphorylates BRAF at Ser729, promotes its association with 14-3-3 signaling adaptor and disrupts the hetero-dimerization of BRAF with KSR1 and CRAF (also known as RAF1)."

"B-Raf inhibitor (s) ' binding of the B-Raf ATP pocket potentiated the formation of B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimers at the membrane, in a Ras dependent manner."

"Interaction of Rheb with B-Raf also indirectly inhibits C-Raf activity by inhibiting B-Raf and C-Raf dimerization."

"Raf-1 and B-Raf can form heterodimers, and this may be important for cellular transformation."

"However, expression of truncated forms of B-Raf or Raf-1 has not been associated with sporadic human malignancies and activating mutations in CRAF have not been found in cancer thus far."

"A novel mechanism for response was discovered whereby high expression level of CAV-1 at the plasma membrane disrupts the BRaf and CRaf heterodimer and thus inhibits the activation of MAPK pathway during dasatinib treatment."

"Similar results were obtained when a subset of these mutants was evaluated for binding to endogenous B-Raf or C-Raf or when they were assessed in BRET assays ( xref and xref )."

"28 However, clinical success has been disappointing, 28 and paradoxical activation in Raf kinase can occur with B-Raf-specific inhibitor (thought to be due to enhanced heterodimerization of B-Raf and [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In both SW480 and Hep3B cells, overexpressing V1, V2, or GIT1 activated B-Raf, c-Raf, and MEK1/2 and enhanced recruitment of B-Raf and c-Raf to MEK1/2 (Supplemental Figure S3)."

"In contrast, when the Ras pathway was activated via EGF treatment, binding between endogenous B-Raf and C-Raf was strongly induced."

"Binding of inhibitors to CRAF or BRAF induces both RAF dimerization and the allosteric transactivation of the unbound protomer of the dimer ( xref ; xref )."

"In addition to the BRAFCRAF heterodimer, respective homodimers of the two isoforms, i.e., BRAF:BRAF and CRAF:CRAF, have also been detected, but were noted to have lower kinase activity [ xref ]."

"Furthermore, whereas imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib did not induce BRAF binding to CRAF and inhibited MEK and ERK in BV173 cells, they induced BRAF binding to CRAF and activated MEK and ERK in BV173R cells (XREF_FIG)."

"BRAF-CRAF heterodimers have the highest catalytic activity followed by BRAF homodimers [ xref ]."

"Nevertheless, peptides generated from the dimerization interface of BRAF have been shown to prevent formation of homodimers and heterodimers of BRAFCRAF in a BRAF-mutant or RAS-mutant cellular context xref , suggesting the possibility of an alternative strategy for developing inhibitors of RAF dimerization."

"To gain mechanistic insights, we first treated SKMEL2 (BRAF WT NRAS Q61R) cells with RAF inhibitors and found that alphaC-IN inhibitors strongly promoted RAF priming and BRAF and CRAF dimerization."

"It is unclear why PLX4720 only induces weak binding of BRAF to CRAF, but this may stem from its unique property of displacing the α-C helix of BRAF when it binds ( xref ) and suggests that this helix is important for BRAF binding to CRAF, something that will only be resolved when the BRAF:CRAF crystal structure is solved."

"Unlike the Mst1 and Mst2 heterodimer reported here, B-Raf and c-Raf heterodimers have higher protein kinase activity than the corresponding homodimers [XREF_BIBR]."

"G466V B-RAF still binds to KD C-RAF, indicating that C-RAF kinase activity is not required for binding and confirming that KD C-RAF is a valid control in our kinase assays."

"Moreover, BRAF inhibitors drive RAS dependent BRAF binding to CRAF, CRAF activation, and MEK-ERK signaling in oncogenic RAS [XREF_BIBR] revealing a paradigm of BRAF mediated signaling that promotes tumour progression with clinical implications [XREF_BIBR] and highlighting the importance of understanding pathway signaling in clinical practice and of genotyping tumours prior to administering BRAF selective drugs, to identify patients who are likely to respond and also to identify patients who may experience adverse effects such as increased invasion [XREF_BIBR]."

"This occurs through a mechanism involving RAS-GTP-mediated RAF dimerization, with the predominant dimer BRAF and CRAF heterodimers."

"It can also be seen that BRAF interacts with RAF1, a known kinase proto-oncogene that also phosphorylates ERK1/2, and like BRAF is also under mutational selective pressure."

"Here we modeled and simulated B-Raf monomers, C-Raf monomers, B-Raf/B-Raf homodimers, and B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers to decipher the detailed mechanism of Raf activation through the transverse side-to-side dimerization."

"Indeed, these TKIs caused BRAF-CRAF dimerization, resulting in ERK1/2 activation."

"Thus, RHEB suppresses the ERK signaling through its interaction with BRAF and inhibition of the formation of BRAF and CRAF heterodimer."

"Recent findings have highlighted a unique mechanism where ATP-analogue RAF inhibitors bind to either B-RAF or c-RAF and induce a conformational change that is conducive to dimer formation (homodimer c-RAF/c-RAF) or heterodimer (B-RAF/c-RAF)) [ xref – xref ]."

"His-pull down experiments showed that while only BAG-1L interacts with fully inactivated C-Raf and B-Raf, both BAG-1L and BAG-1S isoforms interact with phosphomimeticly active forms of kinases."

"This is believed to be mediated by a decrease in negative feedback on the RAS-level [XREF_BIBR], binding of wild-type BRAF to CRAF, and subsequent MAPK signaling through CRAF [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Meanwhile, our IP analysis showed that dasatinib induced the heterodimer of BRaf and CRaf in Ishikawa cells, but not in SKUT-2 cells (XREF_FIG), indicating that co-localization between BRaf and CAV-1 induced by dasatinib in SKUT-2 cells interferes with the formation of the BRaf and CRaf heterodimer and therefore can inactivate signaling downstream of BRaf and CRaf (MAPK pathway)."

"The enzymatically-active form of BRAF or CRAF will be referred to as a “receiver”."

"Immunoprecipitation based assays were used to detect the interaction between BRAF and CRAF."

"Both B-Raf and Raf-1 can bind to other small GTPases notably Rap1, although the B-Raf/Rap1 interaction is thought to be specific for neuronal cells [67,68] ."

"14-3-3 binding to this site appears to mediate the formation of C-RAF:B-RAF heterodimers ( Weber et al., 2001 ), and, in B-RAF, this conserved site is required to couple signals to MEK ( MacNicol et a[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Recent studies have revealed that BRAF inhibitors promote BRAF and CRAF dimerization, an essential step in paradoxical activation."

"Hence, we hypothesized that oncogenic Ras could inhibit B-Raf V600E -mediated MAPK signaling by activating C-Raf and promoting B-Raf V600E –C-Raf interaction."

"OIP5–hC73 protein interacted with the RBD of B-Raf and the IRD of C-Raf ( Fig. 3 )."

"Both paradoxical activation and drug resistance are frequently due to enhanced dimerization between RAF1 and BRAF, which maintains or restores the activity of the downstream MEK-ERK pathway."

"Similarly, Heidorn et al. reported that BRAF binding to CRAF in the presence of oncogenic RAS was a mechanism for melanoma tumorigenesis xref ."

"The effect of the compounds was not restricted to CRAF and BRAF heterodimers as SB202190 also induced BRAF homodimerization (XREF_FIG)."

"While BRAF inhibitors predictably inhibit MEK/ERK signaling in cells harboring BRAF mutations, they paradoxically activate MEK/ERK signaling in cells harboring RAS mutations by promoting BRAF-CRAF heterodimers and homodimers."

"This binding of B-RAF and C-RAF took place only in the presence of oncogenic RAS and resulted in the formation of melanomas [ xref ]."

"Further studies will be required to investigate how the differential and dynamic regulation of 14-3-3 binding to the conserved C-terminal sites in C-RAF and B-RAF (Hekman et al., 2004) affects binding[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The complexity of BRAF-CRAF interactions is epitomized by the RAF inhibitor paradox."

"This finding led to the discovery of the mechanisms involving BRAF-CRAF dimerization."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR Identifying selective CRAF kinase inhibitors that would block BRAF and CRAF heterodimer signaling could thus be a valuable drug for the treatment of mutant RAS driven tumors, but would present a major challenge for medicinal chemistry."

"Dimerized RAF has been visualized by several crystal structures determined with BRAF or CRAF bound to inhibitors, providing insights into the dimerization interface xref , xref , xref - xref ."

"In response to growth factor receptor activation or an oncogenic RAS mutation, the RAS protein binds GTP, is activated (RAS *-GTP; XREF_FIG), localizes to the plasma membrane and induces homodimerization and heterodimerization of BRAF and CRAF."

"Thus, sorafenib, 885-A and PLX4720 all induced BRAF binding to CRAF in NRAS or KRAS mutant cells, but not in BRAF mutant cells, showing that BRAF inhibition per se did not induce this binding; it only occurred when BRAF was inhibited in the presence of oncogenic RAS."

"Herein, we report increased dimerization of B-Raf and c-Raf, as a potential mechanism of resistance to dasatinib, as recently reported by Packer et al (XREF_FIG & XREF_FIG)."

"As BRAF activity can also be regulated by heterodimerization with RAF1, we next investigated whether MIG-6 plays a role in the BRAF and RAF1 heterodimerization process."

"Since activated RAS is known to drive heterodimerization of BRAF and CRAF, Heidorn and colleagues also tested if drug binding drove heterodimerization of BRAF and CRAF, and if this heterodimerization was dependent on active RAS signaling."

"We observed a decrease in BRAF and CRAF heterodimers by co-immunoprecipitation (IP) in KRas lox KRAS MUT and D154Q cells compared to in KRas lox KRAS MUT cells, accompanied by attenuated CRAF-S338 pho[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

No evidence text available

"This appears to be because of partial inhibition of RAF kinases by dasatinib that facilitates the binding of BRAF to CRAF, resulting in a paradoxical CRAF hyperactivation and ERK1/2 phosphorylation."

"Among the mechanisms promoting BRAFi resistance that affect the MAPK signalling pathway, several lead to the dysregulation of RAF1 activity: hyperactivation of RTKs, loss of NF1, mutations in NRAS, increased expression of RAF1, RAF1-BRAF heterodimers, and loss of ERK negative feed-back loops [ xref , xref , xref ]."

"As Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimers have a vastly elevated kinase activity [37], this represents another complementary mechanism how pS621 can regulate Raf activity.Previous studies have suggested that th[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The binding of wild-type B-Raf to C-Raf occurs in a Ras-dependent manner whereas binding of mutant B-Raf to C-Raf is a Ras-independent mechanism ()."

"This is becoming important as current drug development is shifting from BRAF selective to pan-RAF inhibitors in the hope to block BRAF-RAF1 heterodimer signalling [ xref ]."

"To confirm the essential role of RAS, we show that a CRAF mutant (R89L CRAF) that can not bind to RAS did not bind to BRAF (XREF_FIG A and XREF_FIG A) and the corresponding mutant of BRAF (R188L BRAF) did not bind to CRAF (XREF_FIG B and see XREF_FIG B)."

"Either a homo- or hetero-dimer is formed by almost all possible combinations of the three isoforms with heterodimers specifically between cRaf and bRaf being the most common xref , xref ."

"This result supports a model in which phosphorylation of both Ser365 and Ser729 of BRAF are required for high affinity binding to 14-3-3 (presumably due to binding to both pockets of the 14-3-3 homodimer) and that this allows 14-3-3 to block interactions between BRAF and CRAF."

"We show that PD184352 stabilizes BRAF binding to CRAF in the presence of PLX4720 ( xref B), demonstrating that PLX4720 does induce binding, albeit less strongly than the other drugs."

"The formation of CRAF-BRAF heterodimers is paralleled by their recruitment to RAS and binding to MEK, resulting in the formation of RAS-RAF-MEK multimers ( xref )."

"In T cells, Kidins220 is constitutively associated with the TCR and couples the TCR to Erk activation, possibly by its interaction with Raf-1 and B-Raf ( xref )."

"Other human disorders besides cancer are associated with BRAF or CRAF mutations; examples are a group of developmental defects referred to as RASopathies such as the Noonan and Leopard syndromes ( xref )."

"However, the administration of sorafenib to mice with conditionally knocked-out Pkd2 caused an unexpected increase in liver cyst area, cell proliferation and expression of pERK, possibly due to the ability of Raf-inhibitors to transactivate Raf-1 when a PKA activated Ras promotes Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimerization [XREF_BIBR]."

"Packer et al. [42] reported that the binding of weak RAF inhibitors (imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib) to BRAF and CRAF drives BRAF:CRAF heterodimer as well as BRCF and CRAF homodimer formation in the presence of oncogenetic RAS, thus leading to paradoxical activation of both BRAF and CRAF, followed by the activation of MEK and ERK."

"Dissecting the mechanism, they reported that the formation of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers was necessary for pathway activation, and formation of those heterodimers required active RAS signaling."

"Similarly, inhibition of WT BRAF or expression of KI BRAF increases CRAF-BRAF binding, activates CRAF, and enhances MEK/ERK activation [ xref , xref – xref ]."

"Importantly, T529N BRAF is ∼170-fold less sensitive to 885-A than wild-type BRAF (17 nM versus 2869 nM; xref B) and 885-A did not stimulate its binding to CRAF ( xref C), proving that drug binding to BRAF drives BRAF binding to CRAF."

"To further investigate the role of BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization in dasatinib induced senescence, we transfected a BRAF mutant that prevents dimerization (R509H BRAF) into NSCLC cells with endogenous wt BRAF either as a single mutation or in cis with Y472C BRAF (XREF_FIG)."

"Instead, the S230W variant shows increased binding to both Braf and Craf when compared with wild type YWHAZ."

"Once activated, RapGTP can bind to either C-Raf or B-Raf, with a higher affinity towards B-Raf ( xref ; xref )."

"Our data suggest that K-RAS and K-RAS likely do not activate MAPK signaling through B-RAF/C-RAF heterodimerization, but rather through weak activation of A-RAF and C-RAF."

"The mechanistic basis underlying the clinical success of concomitant BRAF/EGFR inhibition builds upon preclinical evidence of a rapid feedback compensation for EGFR mediated by the activation of CRAF or by the transactivation of CRAFBRAF heterodimers xref , xref ."

"BRaf inhibitor, PLX4032 is an example of an allosteric inhibitor that inhibits BRaf-CRaf heterodimerization and activation [ xref ]."

"We also show that under normal conditions, EGF did not induce BRAF binding to CRAF in PMWK cells, a line that is wild-type for BRAF and RAS."

"Understanding the structural basis for the activating effect of these inhibitors enabled design of next-generation BRAF inhibitors that stabilize the kinase in a conformation that is not compatible with BRAFCRAF dimerization or interaction with RAS-GTP xref , xref , xref ."

"Binding of inhibitors to CRAF or BRAF induces both RAF dimerization and the allosteric transactivation of the unbound protomer of the dimer ( Hatzivassiliou et al., 2010; Poulikakos et al., 2010 )."

"Hence, the presence of a preformed BRAF and MEK1 complex in cells suggests that substrate recognition (i.e., RAF recognition of its substrate MEK1) is not a rate limiting step in RAF-MEK pathway signa[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Interestingly, this version of BRAF still bound to CRAF, indicating that it is not drug binding per se, but inhibition of BRAF activity, that drives BRAF binding to CRAF and paradoxical activation of MEK and ERK."

"Since RAS and CRAF are required for ERK activation by PLX4720 and 885-A, we investigated if these drugs induce BRAF binding to CRAF."

"In addition, we reported that DGKη interacted with C-Raf and B-Raf (mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase (MAPKKK)) in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation and regulated the Raf–MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK)–ERK pathway [ xref ]."

"In SKBR3, BGB659 induces WT BRAF homodimers and BRAF and CRAF heterodimers."

"As illustrated in Figures 2 C and S2 C, LY3009120 and other RAF inhibitors (vemurafenib, dabrafenib, sorafenib, AZ628, and TAK-632) all induced BRAF and CRAF heterodimers and CRAF homodimers."

"Evidence indicates that TRAF1 activation requires RAF1 activation, and RAF1 can form heterodimers with BRAF, which contribute to the activation of the ERKs pathway ( xref , xref )."

"Other phosphorylation sites on CRAF and BRAF were diminished to some degree following treatment with KG5 which is not surprising considering the fact that KG5 is an allosteric inhibitor of RAF and blocks the dimerization of BRAF and CRAF 20 thereby preventing co-activation of these molecules."

"Paradoxical activation of MEK and ERK signaling following BRAF inhibition has been primarily ascribed to the formation of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers that stimulate ERK signaling [XREF_BIBR]."

"Interestingly, this version of BRAF still bound to CRAF, indicating that it is not drug binding per se, but inhibition of BRAF activity, that drives BRAF binding to CRAF and paradoxical activation of MEK/ERK."

"We also tested whether AICAR treatment affected BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization."

"BRAF -mutant cancer cells associated with increased CRAF activity retain some sensitivity to MEK inhibition, although at reduced potency ( xref )."

"These results further confirm that LY3009120 is able to inhibit the activities of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers and CRAF homodimers."

No evidence text available

"CRaf and BRaf heterodimerization levels have been reported to be significantly reduced in BRaf knockdown cells XREF_BIBR."

"In contrast, although BRAF inhibitors also block BRAF kinase activity, this relieves auto-inhibition and results in BRAF hyperphosphorylation, BRAF binding to CRAF, pathway activation and oncogenesis, all presumably because BRAF canheterodimerize with CRAF."

"This can then further contribute to activating Raf and downstream events.Interestingly, although MAT2B and GIT1 interacted with MEK1/2, c-Raf, and B-Raf in NCM460 cells, which are normal human colonic[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"14 Overexpression of V1, V2, or GIT1 in HepG2 cells enhanced interaction between B-Raf and c-Raf ( Figure 4 A), and in the in vitro system, presence of MAT2B and GIT1 enhanced binding of B-Raf to i[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"To assess whether RAF dimerization contributes to drug resistance in these tumors, we first compared the levels of BRAF and CRAF dimerization between melanoma and colorectal or thyroid BRAF V600E cells lines."

"This is believed to be mediated by a decrease in negative feedback on the RAS-level [ xref ], binding of wild-type BRAF to CRAF, and subsequent MAPK-signaling through CRAF [ xref , xref , xref , xref ]."

"The monobody NS1, designed for inhibiting RAS dimerization, effectively blocked CRAFBRAF heterodimerization and activation [58], and more recently, has been shown to inhibit Ras-driven tumor growth in mice [59]."

"Finally, NanoBiT provided a means to measure pharmacology of kinase inhibitors known to induce the interaction between BRAF and CRAF."

"The detection of clearly measurable amounts of C-Raf in B-Raf immunoprecipitates indicates the formation of B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimers in the case of all the B-Raf isoforms considered, including B-R[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"This is consistent with the enhancement of induction by active RAS, which promotes homo- and hetero-dimerization of BRAF and CRAF XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Heterodimerization of c-Raf and B-Raf is known to greatly enhance kinase activity compared with the respective homodimers or monomers."

"In this study, we show that inhibition of BRAF by chemical or genetic means in the presence of oncogenic or growth-factor activated RAS induces BRAF binding to CRAF, leading to CRAF hyperactivation and consequently elevated MEK and ERK signaling."

"We asked whether the non V600 BRAF activating mutants function as BRAF homodimers or BRAF and CRAF heterodimers."

"The possible mechanism leading to overactivation of AKT or to the formation of CRAF dimers insensitive to BRAF inhibitors, likely involves RAS mutation [25,26] ."

"We have also used RNAi to examine the potential role of other proteins implicated in BRAF and CRAF complex formation or pathway activation, including the scaffold proteins KSR, Sprouty2 and RKTG and the small G protein RHEB, but our preliminary results have not revealed obvious roles for these proteins."

"In agreement with this model, we show that two other pan-RAF inhibitors, ZM336372 and RAF265 also induce BRAF binding to CRAF, but without activating ERK (see xref B)."

"This discovery led to the development of paradox-breaking BRAFi, which prevent RAF dimerization (BRAF homodimers and BRAF-CRAF heterodimers) and limit the growth of cells that are BRAF wild-type or have alternatively spliced BRAF ( xref ; xref )."

"Taken together, these results indicate that complex 1 is a potent inhibitor of the MEK/ERK pathway in cellulo , presumably via binding to BRAF and CRAF proteins."

"In addition to inducing BRAF binding to CRAF in NRAS mutant cells, 885-A and sorafenib also induce this binding in WM1791c melanoma cells and in SW620 and HCT116 colorectal carcinoma cells ( xref C), all of which express mutant KRAS ( xref )."

"These data suggests that N-region phosphorylation is not essential for C-RAF activation by mutant B-RAF, whereas activation segment phosphorylation and C-terminal 14-3-3 binding are required.We also e[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We also examined if these BRAF and CRAF formed homodimers."

"As our analysis revealed that mutations at MLK3 are most probably functionally relevant, occurring almost exclusively in MSI carcinomas, and that MLK3 is described as a component of the multiprotein BRAF and RAF1 complex, we decided to analyse how mutations in MLK3 (all types) correlated with mutations in KRAS and/or BRAF in our series."

"Finally, B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization is an off-target effect that does not appear to be conserved amongst all Src inhibitors, as the Src inhibitor, saracatinib, does not strongly induce B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization in either the BRAF-mutant (BCPAP) or RAS-mutant (Cal62) cell lines (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), which is consistent with lack of phospho-ERK1/2 induction in response to c-Src knockdown (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"We established that BRAF and CRAF dimerization was an underlying mechanism for Vemurafenib resistance."

"In the latter cells, the persistently GTP bound RAS associates with BRAF and CRAF heterodimers."

"Because the selective RAF inhibitor induced a paradoxical downstream signaling activation caused by BRAF and CRAF hetero-dimerization in KRAS mutant tumors, we employed a pan-RAF inhibitor which drama[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"As RAF dimerization is a key step in pathway activation, it is not surprising that BRAF and CRAF heterodimerization and MEK1 activation is tightly regulated and dependent on multiple factors including[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Regulation and role of Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimerization."

"RAF Inhibitors Induce BRAF Binding to CRAF in RAS Mutant Cells."

"To test directly if BRAF binding to CRAF is driven by 885-A binding to BRAF, we mutated the so-called “gatekeeper threonine” (T529) of BRAF to asparagine (T529N)."

"BRAF Binding to CRAF Is Mediated by RAS."

"This is because in the presence of oncogenic RAS BRAF inhibition drives BRAF binding to CRAF, resulting in BRAF acting as a scaffold to facilitate CRAF hyper-activation by stimulating critical events such as serine 338 (S338) phosphorylation."

"Overexpressing V1, V2, or GIT1 also activated B-Raf, c-Raf, and MEK1/2 and enhanced recruitment of B-Raf and c-Raf to MEK1/2 in SW480 and Hep3B cells."

"For example, vemurafenib which targets mutant b-raf and leads to transient responses in metastatic melanoma also induces undesired transactivation of c-Raf as a result of b-Raf and c-Raf heterodimerization."

"However, although treatment with Cmpd A promoted coimmunoprecipitation of the BRAF and CRAF complex, no paradoxical activation was observed in HEY-A8 or MDA-MB-231 cells, suggesting that any compound [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"BRAF and CRAF heterodimers are believed to be the primary RAF signaling species, and many RAF inhibitors lead to a " paradoxical activation " of RAF kinase activity through transactivation of the CRAF protomer; this leads to resistance mechanisms and secondary tumors."

"GW5074 has a high specificity for Raf kinases [XREF_BIBR], but in general Raf inhibitors may actually promote c-Raf and c-Raf or c-Raf and B-Raf dimerization, leading to transactivation [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"In the presence of oncogenic RAS proteins, kinase impaired BRAF forms a complex with CRAF, which leads to hyperactivation of the CRAF/MEK/ERK cascade [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"B-RAF amplification has also been reported in resistant specimens; conceivably, this mechanism may operate either through an excess of monomeric B-RAF V600E or by potentiating B-RAF and C-RAF heterodimerization."

"Imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib all induced robust BRAF binding to CRAF in cells expressing oncogenic RAS (D04, SW620, H460 and Panc1 cells; xref ), but not in cells expressing oncogenic BRAF (A2058 or A375 cells; xref )."

"Interactome dynamics of RAF1-BRAF kinase monomers and dimers."

"This event enhances EGFR-mediated RAS activity, leading to RAF heterodimer ( i.e ., BRAF-CRAF) formation and C-RAF transactivation, resulting in a rebound activation of the MAPK pathway[ xref - xref ]."

"In contrast, equivalent C-Raf and B-Raf dimerization was observed in KSR -/- and WT-KSR1 MEFs treated with PLX4720, which does not promote KSR1 and B-Raf binding, and PLX4720 induced C-Raf and B-Raf dimerization was significantly increased in both cells lines when Ras V12 was expressed (XREF_FIG)."

"After confirming that drug binding to BRAF drove BRAF binding to CRAF, Heidorn and colleagues tested a kinase dead version of BRAF (BRAF D594A)."

"The molecular basis for the cooperation between Raf-1 and B-Raf is not yet understood."

"As illustrated in Figure 2 A by IP of either BRAF or CRAF and western blot analysis, treatment of HCT116 cells with 0.01, 0.1, or 1 muM of LY3009120 induced a dose dependent BRAF and CRAF heterodimeri[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The dimerization between C-Raf and B-Raf promotes ERK signaling; however, complex formation of KSR and B-Raf actually limits ERK activation [XREF_BIBR], which suggests that KSR in cells being treated with Raf kinase inhibitors may actually limit paradoxical, rebound ERK activation in response to inhibitor induced Raf dimerization and activation."

"Consistent with previous reports demonstrating that dasatinib can promote MAP Kinase pathway activation by promoting dimerization of B-Raf and c-Raf, increased B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization was observed in all four DasRes cell lines (XREF_FIG & XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Consistent with these findings, previous work also observed reduced BRAF-CRAF interaction by co-immunoprecipitation on purified proteins in the presence of an ATP analog xref ."

"While little or no association between the two RAF proteins was detected in serum-starved cells that were treated with DMSO (no EGF), EGF stimulation readily induced the formation of c-RAF and B-RAF heterodimers ( xref )."

"Interestingly, B-Raf inhibitors have been shown to promote Ras dependent B-Raf binding to Raf-1, leading to Raf-1 activation and stimulation of MEK and ERK [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Of note, oncogenic KRAS signaling was reported to require heterodimerization between RAF1 and BRAF, XREF_BIBR whereas oncogenic BRAF V600E signaling is activated through monomeric BRAF."

"This paradoxically activates RAS and the MEK–MAPK signaling axis, through the direct activation of another class of RAF, CRAF, or by facilitating BRAFCRAF heterodimer formation [ xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref ] ( xref C)."

"Furthermore, G466V B-RAF still binds to S338A C-RAF, Y341A C-RAF, and T491A/S494A C-RAF ( Figure 3 F), demonstrating that phosphorylation of the N region and activation segment is not required for[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Importantly, expression of GFP-DI1 blocked the EGF induced heterodimerization of B-Raf and C-Raf as well as signaling from Raf to MEK (as monitored by MEK phosphorylation, XREF_FIG)."

"Vemurafenib stabilized BRAFCRAF heterodimers, thus helping to keep the MAPK pathway active [ xref ]."

"A dimerization-dependent mechanism of RAF activation ( xref ; xref ) is supported by work showing that kinase-dead forms of BRAF, but not CRAF, are oncogenic and can allosterically activate BRAF and CRAF ( xref ; xref )."

"A classic example is resistance to BRAF inhibitors in patients with melanoma, characterized by the paradoxical activation of the MAPK pathway due to increased formation of RAF homo- and hetero-dimers, particularly BRAF-CRAF heterodimers [ xref , xref ]."

"Phosphorylated Ksr can also function as a transactivator; however, since Raf binding to Ksr induces limited kinase activity xref , in quiescent cells the constitutive association of Ksr with B-Raf may serve to prevent C-Raf binding to B-Raf, safeguarding against undue activation of the pathway xref ."

"For example, kinase-dead B-Raf binds WT B-Raf and C-Raf, and its dimerization with WT Raf family members leads to the activation of the downstream MEK-ERK cascade independently of Ras."

"5 Overexpression of MAT2B and GIT1 in both HepG2 and RKO cells enhanced interaction between B-Raf and c-Raf."

"NRAS activation of downstream MAP-kinase family effectors occurs through dimerization of BRAF or CRAF homodimers or BRAF-CRAF heterodimers."

"Raf kinases are activated by Ras, a small GTPase that recruits Raf to the plasma membrane promoting the homo- or heterodimerization of B-Raf and Raf-1, the two main isoforms of Raf expressed in cholangiocytes."

"We show that SB590885 and L779450 induced robust BRAF binding to CRAF and synergized with PD184352 to induce synthetic lethality ( xref , xref )."

"Furthermore, although sorafenib and RAF265 induced strong BRAF binding to CRAF, they simultaneously inhibited MEK signaling and were thus able to induce cell death without the need of a MEK inhibitor."

"In BRAF wild-type cells with CRAF-BRAF heterodimers, BRAF inhibition (e.g., dabrafenib) can cause paradoxical transactivation of the drug-free promoter leading to extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation ( xref – xref )."

"Moreover, they indicate that the B-Raf and C-Raf heterodimers do not posses transforming activity in a fibroblast derived cell lineage at the close to physiologic concentrations expected to be reached[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Additionally, a type I RAF inhibitor, SB590885, also induced significant BRAF and CRAF heterodimer and CRAF and CRAF homodimer."

"Orthosteric inhibitors bind at the dimeric interface and inhibit dimerization, whereas allosteric inhibitors bind to a region other than the interface and occlude the binding of their partners, such a[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Remarkedly, the authors showed that dimerization of WT KRAS with oncogenic KRAS mutants led to the inefficient formation of BRAF and CRAF heterodimers, resulting in reduced downstream signaling."

"This is because, in the presence of oncogenic RAS , BRAF inhibitors drive the formation of BRAF-CRAF hetero- and homodimers containing one partner that is drug bound and one partner that is drug-free."

"82 In this orthotopic model, the enhanced recruitment of C-Raf and B-Raf to MEK1 was observed."

"Here, we have analyzed the biochemical and biological properties of Raf-1 and B-Raf heterodimers."

"These data thus reveal that the S230W variant differs from YWHAZ in its ability to bind to Craf and Braf."

No evidence text available

"Importantly, no strong binding of BRAF to CRAF was seen in A375 cells even in the presence of PD184352 and the drugs did not induce strong BRAF binding to CRAF in two other BRAF mutant melanoma cell lines (XREF_FIG D and XREF_FIG)."

"RAF proteins form homodimers (e.g. BRAF:BRAF) and heterodimers (e.g. BRAF:CRAF); mutant RAS proteins preferentially promote BRAF:CRAF heterodimers which are also the most effective dimer pair for activating MEK1/2 [ xref ]."

"Importantly, with the use of in vitro assays in which MEK1 was immobilized, MAT2B and GIT1 enhanced recruitment of B-Raf and c-Raf to MEK1 only if they were both present."

"Moreover, these ATP-competitive inhibitors induce the formation of B-RAF and C-RAF dimers, leading to ERK activation in diverse cancer cell types ( xref )."

"MEK inhibition induces RAS activation and BRAF-RAF1 dimerization and sustains MEK-ERK signaling, which is responsible for intrinsic resistance to selumetinib."

"Second, LY3009120 inhibits the activities of BRAF and CRAF heterodimer and BRAF or CRAF homodimers via its effective occupancy of both protomers in the dimer."

"This suggests that independent of the BRAF catalytic function, the dimerization with RAF monomers releases the intrinsic activity of BRAF-bound RAF1."

"In this study, we report a suppressive function of the proto-oncogene C-Raf on oncogenic B-Raf V600E . We found that C-Raf suppresses B-Raf V600E through the formation of B-Raf V600E –C-Raf complexes[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We tested this possibility and found that K-RAS and K-RAS showed a barely detectable increase in C-RAF/B-RAF heterodimerization compared to wildtype K-RAS (Figure 5H)."

"This effect would appear to be triggered by a decrease in negative feedback at the level of RAS [ xref ], binding of wild-type BRAF to CRAF, and subsequent MAPK signaling through CRAF [ xref , xref ]."

"44 The process of RAF dimerization is also thought to be important in determining substrate specificity, with the BRAF and CRAF heterodimer known to be more efficient at phosphorylating MEK than BRAF and CRAF monomers or BRAF and BRAF and CRAF and CRAF homodimers."

"This has therapeutic implications, as in patients with mutant RAS, if they are treated with certain B-Raf inhibitors, B-Raf can bind and activate Raf-1 and promote the oncogenic pathway."

"Wild-type BRAF binds to CRAF in a RAS dependent manner and although this binding is weak, it leads to CRAF activation."

"Based on this strategy, increased sensitivity of antigen detection was attained in antibody-fused FRET probes xref , and transient weak interaction between Raf1 and B-Raf was successfully detected xref ."

"Certain small-molecule inhibitors of B-Raf give rise to ‘paradoxical activation’ of Raf by inducing C-RafB-Raf heterodimerization and even C-Raf homodimerization xref and also promote Ras nanoclustering by inducing more, but not larger, Ras nanoclusters in cells xref ."

"Both Ibrutinib and Cabozantinib bind to BRAF and CRAF, and Cabozantinib binds to MEK1 (as mentioned above)."

"Indeed, the metformin induced activation of AMPK enhanced the C-RAF and B-RAF dimerization through a downregulation of Rheb, thus potentiating the signaling from RAS to MAPK."

"This is because inhibitor binding to wild-type RAF isoforms induces RAS-GTP-dependent CRAF homodimers or BRAF-CRAF heterodimers in which the drug-bound protomer trans -activates the drug-free promoter leading to MEK1/2–ERK1/2 activation [ xref , xref ] ( xref )."

"Mutation of the KRas oncoprotein leads to the interaction and activation of BRaf and CRaf and Mek1/2 kinases and phosphorylation of Erk1/2 on the activation segment."

"885-A could induce B-Raf binding to Raf-1."

"Consistent with NRAS MUT , BRAF and CRAF alterations, we detected enhanced endogenous BRAF-CRAF interaction via co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) in all SDR sub-lines ( vs . isogenic P lines) ( xref )."

"Whereas catalytic activity of BRAF enhances pMEK levels in BRAF V600E lines, increased formation of BRAF-CRAF heterodimers and CRAF activation drive pathway activity in BRAF P-loop cell lines, as [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Several proteins have been reported to enhance B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization, including Ras, 14-3-3, KSR1, and MLK3."

"Activated BRAF/CRAF heterodimer phosphorylates MEK1/2, which in turn phosphorylates ERK1/2 at the TEY motif in the activation loop ."

"To test directly if dimer formation was driven by drug binding to BRAF or CRAF, we used mutant versions of BRAF and CRAF in which the so-called gatekeeper residues were substituted with asparagine (BRAF T529N and CRAF T421N respectively)."

No evidence text available

"In a clinical perspective, it is widely acknowledged that paradoxical ERK activation by RAF inhibitors in non-BRAF-mutated cancer cells mostly relies on BRAF and CRAF dimerization."

"WT C-RAF does not bind to WT B-RAF unless G12V RAS is also present ( Figure 3 F)."

"RTK activation of RAS leads to membrane-localized BRAF:CRAF dimer formation and activation ( xref , xref )."

"Immunoprecipitation based assays were used to detect the interaction between BRAF and CRAF."

"Several GFP-fusion proteins containing dimer interface (DI) sequences were generated and examined for C-Raf and B-Raf binding."

"In further support that KSR1 can compete with C-Raf for inhibitor induced binding to B-Raf, C-Raf and B-Raf dimerization was consistently reduced in WT-KSR1 MEFs versus KSR -/- MEFs when cells were treated with any of the Raf inhibitors capable of promoting KSR1 and B-Raf binding (XREF_FIG), and C-Raf and B-Raf dimerization was still reduced in L779450 treated WT-KSR1 MEFs even when Ras V12 was expressed (XREF_FIG)."

"Although RKIP can physically associate with both Raf-1 and B-Raf, it appears to inhibit Raf-1 catalytic activity but not that of B-Raf in our previous study [ xref ]."

"The binding of wild-type B-Raf to C-Raf occurs in a Ras dependent manner whereas binding of mutant B-Raf to C-Raf is a Ras independent mechanism (Dhomen and Marais, 2007; Garnett et al., 2005; Wan et [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"It has been demonstrated that CRAF overexpression is associated with both primary and acquired resistance to BRAF inhibition by AZ628 in in vitro melanoma model."

"In addition, upon BRAF inhibition, there is ERK-dependent activation of EGFR and subsequent reactivation of the MAPK pathway via CRAF, as well as dimerization between CRAF and BRAF ensuring pathway resignalling, and this renders BRAF inhibitors that act to sequester a BRAF mutant monomer, ineffective [24, 136]."

"In contrast, sorafenib and 885-A induced strong binding of BRAF to CRAF in all four lines (XREF_FIG A)."

"Here, we showed that although UI-152 inhibited ERK, it induced B-Raf binding to Raf-1 as well as Raf-1 activation."

"In control cells with adequate RAS-GTP levels, either wild type BRAF or BRAF mutants form both BRAF homodimers and BRAF and CRAF heterodimers."

"This is achieved by B-Raf associating with wild-type C-Raf to form heterodimers."

"Interestingly, activation of the MAPK pathway was increased in all four of the dasatinib resistant cell lines, likely due to B-Raf and c-Raf dimerization."

"Our results suggest that AZ628 has higher cellular affinity for catalytically active CRAF in the impaired-kinase BRAF and CRAF heterodimer complex than Dabrafenib, resulting in stronger ERK pathway inhibition."

"This appears to be because of partial inhibition of RAF kinases by dasatinib that facilitates the binding of BRAF to CRAF, resulting in a paradoxical CRAF hyperactivation and ERK1/2 phosphorylation ( xref )."

"Among these kinases, CRAF is known to be activated by dabrafenib via a paradoxical pathway through the drug-mediated inhibition of one protomer of BRAF in the BRAF-CRAF heterodimer. xref "

"This has therapeutic implications, as in patients with mutant RAS , if they are treated with certain B-Raf inhibitors, B-Raf can bind and activate Raf-1 and promote the oncogenic pathway."

"We find that C-RAF binds to B-RAF only under activating conditions, whereas mutant B-RAF binds to C-RAF constitutively."

"Recent research has indicated the potential for selective inhibition of CRAF-driven signaling to be a more effective and tolerated therapeutic approach for mutant RAS tumors. xref , xref Identifying selective CRAF kinase inhibitors that would block BRAF-CRAF heterodimer signaling could thus be a valuable drug for the treatment of mutant RAS-driven tumors, but would present a major challenge for medicinal chemistry."

"DGKeta physically interacted with B-Raf and C-Raf, regulating EGF induced recruitment of B-Raf and C-Raf from the cytosol to membranes."

"In the presence of BRAF inhibitors and activated RAS, BRAF forms a heterodimer with CRAF, which triggers the activation of the MEK/ERK pathway at the origin of pathologies such as squamous cell carcinoma [ xref ]."

"Caveolin-1 expression, in combination with CRAF and BRAF heterodimerization, is associated with resistance to EphA2 targeting by dasatinib."

"A reverse phase protein array and proximity ligation assay revealed that CRAF and BRAF dimerization, caveolin-1 level, and Notch pathway signaling were predictive of response and resistance to dasatinib."

"Our unpublished mutagenesis data suggests that 14-3-3 is required to stabilize these drug induced complexes (data not shown) and this is consistent with previous observations demonstrating that 14-3-3 mediates BRAF binding to CRAF."

"As expected, the RAF inhibitor vemurafenib induced B-RAF and C-RAF heterodimerization in 293/T cells ectopically expressing wild-type C-RAF (XREF_FIG), but abrogated this heterodimerization in A375 melanoma cells (XREF_FIG)."

"CR1 contains two key regions, the RAS‐binding domain (RBD) and the cysteine‐rich domain (CRD), which combine with RAS‐GTP and are indispensable for cell membrane recruitment. xref , xref , xref An important function of CR1 is to inhibit CR3 and hence keep BRAF inactive. xref , xref When CR1 and RAS‐GTP are combined, this inhibition is relieved, and BRAF is activated (phosphorylation of the activation segment (AS) is also required). xref CR3 contains several key regions, namely, the P‐loop (also known as the glycine‐rich loop, located in the N‐region), an αC helix (important for the formation of BRAFCRAF dimers), a dimerization interface (DIF), a catalytic loop, a DFG motif, and the AS."

"Thus, it is only kinase-dead Braf and not wild-type Braf that binds to Craf in the presence of oncogenic Kras."