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"To determine whether the interaction between USP20 and Claspin is direct, we generated and purified recombinant USP20 and Claspin."

"However, depletion of HERC2 did not affect the binding between USP20 and Claspin."

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"We confirmed the USP20-Claspin interaction by Co-IP."

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"Co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that both HERC2 and CLASPIN were present in the USP20 immunocomplex and both USP20 and CLASPIN were in the HERC2 immunocomplex, suggesting that HERC2, USP20 and CLASPIN form a complex."

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"As shown in Figure XREF_FIG, GST-USP20 was able to interact with His Claspin under cell-free conditions, suggesting a direct interaction between USP20 and Claspin."

"To determine whether the interaction between USP20 and Claspin is direct, we generated and purified recombinant USP20 and Claspin."

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No evidence text available

"As shown in Figure xref , GST-USP20 was able to interact with His-Claspin under cell-free conditions, suggesting a direct interaction between USP20 and Claspin."

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"Further supporting a protective role for USP20/Claspin in cancer, it has been shown that Claspin expression in gastric cancer samples correlates with USP20 expression and that low Claspin and USP20 le[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"