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"Additionally, a deubiquitinase, USP28, has been reported to antagonize ubiquitin dependent proteasomal degradation of c-Myc."

"Interestingly, USP28 can also antagonize the ubiquitin dependent degradation of two additional oncogenic proteins, c-Jun and Notch1, expanding the substrate list that is shared by both USP28 and FBW7."

"Here, using murine genetic models, we determined that USP28 antagonizes the ubiquitin dependent degradation of c-MYC, a known USP28 substrate, as well as 2 additional oncogenic factors, c-JUN and NOTCH1, in the intestine."

"These results showed that the UIM of USP28 most likely enhances the cleavage of Ub chains by binding to the proximal Ub of K11-linked di-Ub and positioning the substrate correctly in the active site."

"USP28 has also been reported to antagonize ubiquitin-dependent degradation of the oncogene product MYC as well as JUN and Notch 105 ."

"We transfected HeLa cells with FLAG tagged Myc or Fbw7 together with HA tagged ubiquitin and increasing amounts of Usp28 and recovered ubiquitinated proteins by immunoprecipitation."

"Interestingly, USP28 can also antagonize the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of two additional oncogenic proteins, c-Jun and Notch1, expanding the substrate list that is shared by both USP28 and FBW7."

"USP28 has also been reported to antagonize ubiquitin-dependent degradation of the oncogene product MYC as well as JUN and Notch ."