

USP7 deubiquitinates AR. 4 / 4
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"We showed that USP7 associates with AR in an androgen-dependent manner and mediates AR deubiquitination."

"USP7 deubiquitinates full-length AR, but not AR-V7, in prostate cancer cells, which suggests that the LBD domain of AR may be critical for USP7 recruitment."

"USP7 mediates AR deubiquitination and associates with AR, in an androgen dependent manner, driving the transcription of target genes and promoting prostate cells growth [XREF_BIBR]."

"In prostate cancer, USP7 can deubiquitinate and stabilize the androgen receptor in an androgen dependent manner, promoting the androgen receptor binding to chromatin for the transcription of target genes related with cell growth and proliferation (Morra et al., 2017)."