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"TGF-beta treatment enhanced the binding of USP26 to SMAD7 but not SMAD6 (Fig XREF_FIG C and D)."

"TGF‐β treatment enhanced the binding of USP26 to SMAD7 but not SMAD6 (Fig  xref C and D)."

"Therefore, in light of our findings that both USP26 and SMAD7 are upregulated following stimulation with TGF-beta, we speculated that USP26 might form a complex with SMAD7 following TGF-beta exposure leading to USP26 mediated deubiquitination."

"Having shown that USP26 is induced by RAC1B and that its knockdown decreased SMAD7 protein abundance, it remains to be determined whether in pancreatic carcinoma cells USP26 indeed binds to and deubiquitinates SMAD7, as shown previously in breast cancer and glioma cells [ xref ]."

"Therefore, in light of our findings that both USP26 and SMAD7 are upregulated following stimulation with TGF‐β, we speculated that USP26 might form a complex with SMAD7 following TGF‐β exposure leading to USP26‐mediated deubiquitination."