

COPS5 activates CTNNB1. 6 / 7
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"Taken together, these findings suggest that Jab1 promotes glioma cell proliferation and increased expression of Jab1 in glioma patients may amplify beta-catenin signaling to contribute to glioma cell proliferation."

"Analysis of immunoblots revealed that beta-catenin was downregulated in recipient cells treated with CSN5 knockdown supernatants from donor cells."

"Jab1 promotes glioma cell proliferation by regulating Siah1 and beta-catenin pathway."

"Depletion of CSN5 in colorectal cancer cells inhibited WNT signaling by downregulation of CTNNB1 ( 45 ) , but inhibition of CSN5 inhibited beta-catenin ( CTNNB1 ) signaling without affecting CTNNB1 protein levels in PC cells ( Fig. S3H ) ."

"CSN5 knock-down led to reduced beta-catenin and phospho-bcatenin levels and this was paralleled by reduced CRC cell proliferation and reduced apoptosis rates, whereas the short-term beta-catenin protein stability was enhanced by CSN5 knock-down in SW480 cells."

"Inhibition of CSN5 can significantly repress multiple key oncogenic pathways in PC progression (eg, MYC, FOXM1, CTNNB1, and AUROR signaling) regardless of AR status."