

SNAI1 increases the amount of EIF3H. 3 / 3
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"Expression of Snail and EIF3H was detected (left) and the intensity of Snail expression was quantified by Image J software (right).cSnail-Flag, HA-UB plasmids with or without EIF3H were co-transfected in HEK293T cells for 24 h. After another 4 h 10 muM MG132 incubation, the ubiquitination assay was performed to detect the poly-ubiquitination of Snail.dandeThe CHX pulse-chase assay was performed on EIF3H stably overexpressed in KYSE150 and KYSE510 cells."

"In clinical ESCC samples, there is also a positive correlation between EIF3H and Snail expression."

"Scale bars, 100 mum.cThe positive correlation was obtained in ESCC samples between EIF3H and Snail protein expression"