

ATXN3 activates HSPA. 13 / 13
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"Atxn3 increased hsp70 basal promoter activity and this may be responsible for some of the enhanced stress induced promoter activity; however, Atxn3 may modulate stress induced activity through other mechanisms."

"Although Atxn3 regulated hsp70 basal promoter activity and protein, it was unexpected that Atxn3 also modulated stress induced hsp70 promoter activity and protein following heat shock and AZE stresses."

"This suggested that Atxn3 modulated stress induced hsp70 promoter activity in response to these stresses."

"Therefore, Atxn3 may be a general modulator of basal hsp70 in many species and tissues as well as being a potential modulator of hsp70 in response to stresses associated with excess misfolded proteins."

"Atxn3 appeared to modulate hsp70 promoter activity in response to heat shock and AZE stress but not to cadmium stress."

"Atxn3 responds to stress, functions in cellular proteostasis, and modulates hsp70."

"As expected, 2DG treated KO cells were very similar to control cells with Atxn3 increasing basal hsp70 promoter activity and a similar increase in hsp70 promoter activity in 2DG treated cells."

"We note that, despite gross similarity, SCA3 degeneration is not identical to general misfolding : some suppressors of Ataxin-3 toxicity strikingly enhanced dominant negative Hsp70 (upregulation of DnaJ-1 and Tpr2), whereas the enhancer CG11033 E3093 suppressed it."

"To determine if Atxn3 modulation of hsp70 promoter activity extended beyond basal activity, WT and KO cells were treated with stressors that induce hsp70 (heat shock, cadmium, and AZE), as well as a stressor that typically does not induce hsp70, 2-DG."

"Hsp70 regulation and its functions are critical for cellular homeostasis; therefore, we examined the possibility that Atxn3 modulates hsp70."

"Transfecting ataxin-3 restored hsp70 basal promoter activity in KO fibroblasts to levels of promoter activity in WT cells; however, mutations that inactivated deubiquitinase activity or the ubiquitin interacting motifs did not restore full activity to hsp70 basal promoter activity."

"Under basal conditions (0 time), transfected Atxn3 increased basal activity of the hsp70 promoter as previously shown in Fig."

"Basal and stress induced Hsp70 are modulated by ataxin-3."