

USP4 activates ODC1. 5 / 5
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"It is worth noting that the activation of ODC by GNP or UNP decreases as the number of the phosphates, from triphos- phates to monophosphates, decrease."

"Another interesting observation is that, whereas the native E. coli ODC is activated by many nucleotides [4], the recombinant, over- produced E. coli ODC is activated only by GNP or UNP."

"Another interesting observation is that, whereas the native E. coli ODC is activated by many nucleotides [4], the recombinant, over- produced E. coli ODC is activated only by GNP or UNP."

"It is worth noting that the activation of ODC by GNP or UNP decreases as the number of the phosphates, from triphos- phates to monophosphates, decrease."

"Another interesting observation is that, whereas the native E. coli ODC is activated by many nucleotides [4], the recombinant, over- produced E. coli ODC is activated only by GNP or UNP."