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"First, in our experimental conditions iNOS expression occurs as early as 3 hr after the exposure to the combined NGF and TNFalpha treatment [XREF_BIBR], earlier than any morphological differentiation induced by NGF."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes neuronal survival and differentiation and stimulates neurite outgrowth."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF), a member of the family of trophic factors known as neurotrophins, promotes the survival and differentiation of specific populations of neurons (Levi Montalcini et al., 1990)[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The process of cell differentiation and neurite outgrowth induced by NGF is relatively slow occurring only after several days of treatment (Greene and Tischler, 1982) whereas Mn induced differentiatio[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF synergistically enhanced IL-5 induced dose dependent increases in histamine content and basophilic cell differentiation of myeloid leukemic HL-60 cells, but was only additive to similar effects of IL-3."

"For NGF induced differentiation, PC12 cells were plated in poly-l-lysine-coated 24-well plates at 3.0 x10 4 cells / well and incubated in DMEM with 10% FBS/5% HS overnight."

"Whereas EGF increased the proliferation rate for all serum conditions, NGF increased the differentiation rate for all serum conditions."

"NGF promotes the growth and differentiation of myeloid and erythroid progenitors, 30,43 but the distribution of NT receptors (except for p75 LNGFR) has not been investigated in the bone marrow."

"PC12 cells expressing GFP-Tmod1 showed proper neurite outgrowth after three and six days of NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF), the first member of the family of neurotrophic factor discovered, can promote the development and differentiation of the central and peripheral nervous system, and is identified as one of the important factors in nerve injury repair."

"Consequently, the aim of this study was to determine whether the rat pheochromocytoma derived PC12 cell line expresses the prodynorphin gene, if it secretes dynorphins, and if the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells toward sympathetic neurons affects the secretion of the latter."

"A well documented example for signal specificity determination is found in rat phaeochromocytoma PC12 cells where epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation produces a transient mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation and leads to cell proliferation while nerve growth factor (NGF) initiates a sustained MAPK activation and induces cell differentiation."

"PC12 cell neuronal differentiation was induced by administration of nerve growth factor-7S (NGF, 50 ng/mL) in Dulbecco 's Modified Eagle medium (DMEM) supplemented with 1% FBS for 7 days, as already d[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) and related neurotrophins promote the survival, differentiation and neurite outgrowth of various peripheral and central nervous system (CNS) neurons (Ip and Yancopoulos 1996,[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Mature NGF induces survival and differentiation while, proNGF was shown to induce the apoptosis of neuronal cells [28]."

"We found that the number of neurite bearing cells in wild type and IP 3 3-KA expressing cell types equalised as C5 dose increased, reflecting a dose dependent affinity of C5 for IP 3 3-kinase, and further indicating that the catalytic activity of IP 3 3-kinase opposes NGF driven PC12 cell differentiation."

"Both AMPK and Ca 2+ / CaMKII inhibition prevent autophagy XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, supporting the relevance of this process in NGF induced differentiation."

"For instance, phosphoinositide 3-kinase has been shown to be required for NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells [XREF_BIBR], however the same results were not observed by other research group [XREF_BIBR]."

"Moreover, the NGF in AEAC conditioned media successfully induced the differentiation of undifferentiated PC12 cells."

"Since the methylated population of HuD was reduced in NGF treated PC12 cells, downregulation of HuD methylation is a possible pathway through which NGF induces differentiation of PC12 cells."

"We next investigated the role of GTP on both NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells and serum starvation induced differentiation of C2C12 cells."

"To identify the regulated genes and thereby to more fully understand the NGF mechanism, we carried out serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) profiling of transcripts derived from rat PC12 cells before and after NGF promoted neuronal differentiation."

"In summary, our results suggest that chloride ion flux plays an important role in TrkA mediated signaling pathway during NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"NGF induces differentiation of PC12 cells by acting through the TrkA receptor."

"In this model, sustained ERK activation induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) results in differentiation, whereas transient ERK activation induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) results in proliferation in these cells."

"These results demonstrated that overexpressing SH2B3 inhibited, whereas reducing SH2B3 increased, NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"It was of interest to examine whether the expression of PCPTP1 and trkA in the PC12h cells was also affected in parallel with the neuronal differentiation induced by the NGF treatment."

"Nerve growth factor promotes differentiation and protects the oligodendrocyte precursor cells from in vitro hypoxia / ischemia ."

"Tet1-PEI polyplexes preferentially transfected PC-12 cells undergoing NGF induced differentiation."

"Mutational analysis of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor (TrkA) suggested that the binding of Shc to the activated receptor is required for NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells."

"These results thus show that NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells is accompanied by a decrease in A2A receptor mediated cAMP accumulation."

"Recently, a transgenic mouse has been generated with doxycycline regulated Dyrk1A transgene expression in the forebrain, in which phosphorylation of mouse Dyrk1A has been demonstrated in primary hippo[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Although cyclin D1 induction is usually associated with mitogenic responses, it has also been observed before the FGF- or NGF induced differentiation of growth arrested neuronal PC12 cells."

"This hypothesis is consistent with a number of previous and recent studies showing that NGF promote differentiation of cultured tumor cells and that single and repeated in vivo subcutaneously [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR], intracerebrally [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR], intranasally [XREF_BIBR], topically [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR] and orally [XREF_BIBR] NGF administered or even endogenously-induced and released NGF [XREF_BIBR] do not cause uncontrolled cell proliferation nor lead to cancer cell generation."

"Here, we confirm that NGF stimulates SOD2 expression XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR in TrkA SH-SY5Y cells (this study), adding to observations that NGF induces Ras and MAPK signalling and neuronal differentiation in TrkA SH-SY5Y cells XREF_BIBR, and suggesting that SOD2 expression in SH-SY5Y cells could be regulated differently by spontaneously active intracellular TrkAIII and NGF activated cell surface TrkA receptors."

"We further found that the neuronal differentiation was potentiated by NGF alone or in combination with E2, while BE (2) EV cells were not affected by the treatment."

"As neurotrophic factors that are retrogradely transported, NGF and BDNF promoted neuronal growth, differentiation, and survival [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]; they also acted as factors controlling cholinergically mediated plasticity in the hippocampus through turnover of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and dopamine [XREF_BIBR]."

"Although some groups have shown that stimulation of GSK3beta results in neurite retractions [53], we found that activation of GSK3beta by the AICD actually enhances neurite outgrowth in PC12, N 2 a ce[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In contrast, Ad-beta-NGF effectively induced the differentiation of BMSCs without causing any cytopathic phenomenon and apoptotic cell death."

"Furthermore, alpha-asarone and beta-asarone together showed synergistic effects in this ratio in potentiating the NGF induced neuronal differentiation in cultured PC12 cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"Furthermore, the box " mastocytoma " under the sequence " no skin lesions " should be called " extracutaneous mastocytoma " since, as also acknowledged by the authors in the text, most mastocytomas ar[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Activation of GSNOR transcription by NF-kappaB negatively regulates NGF induced PC12 differentiation."

"For example, different ligands trigger different dynamics of ERK activation epidermal growth factor (EGF) drives transient ERK activation, whereas nerve growth factor (NGF) drives sustained ERK activation), and these different dynamics correlate with different downstream responses (EGF drives the proliferation of PC12 cells, whereas NGF drives the differentiation of PC12 cells)."

"In contrast, nerve growth factor (NGF) stops proliferation and causes differentiation; NGF treatment produces a very significant rise (300%) in total histidine kinase activity."

"Previous studies have shown that HIV tat suppresses the NGF mediated differentiation of PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells, suggesting that HIV proteins may interfere with NGF signaling."

"Kim and von Zastrow (2003) found that treatment of PC12 cells with nerve growth factor caused cell differentiation and retained the transfected DOPR intracellularly; whereas transfected MOPR is mostly on cell surface."

"GP-17 exerted protective effect against Aβ -induced neurotoxicity in nerve growth factor-induced differentiation of PC12 cells, including oxidative stress, apoptosis, and autophagic cell death, which might be related to estrogen receptor-dependent activation of PI3K/Akt pathways, inactivation of GSK-3β, and activation of nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2/antioxidant responsive element/heme oxygenase 1 (Nrf2/ARE/HO-1) pathways [83]."

"EGF stimulation led to a short pulse of Ras-MEK-ERK activation and cell proliferation, while NGF stimulation elicited prolonged Ras-MEK-ERK signals, exit from the cell cycle and differentiation [51]."

"Nonetheless, other researchers have attributed increased TNFalpha toxicity in PC12 cells to NGF induced differentiation [XREF_BIBR]."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been shown to increase the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into neurons (Antonov et al., 2017)."

"Ip, N.Y., Boulton, T.G., Li, Y., Verdi, J.M., Birren, S.J., Anderson, D.J. and Yancopoulos, G.D. (1994) CNTF, FGF, and NGF collaborate to drive the terminal differentiation of MAF cells into postmitot[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Similarly, in PC12 cells, NGF treatment induced cell differentiation and increased DUSP26 expression [XREF_BIBR]."

"Therefore, we hypothesized that decreased TrkA K63 polyubiquitination and impaired receptor internalization might impair NGF mediated differentiation of PC12 cells."

"After NGF induced differentiation for 3 days, the number and length of neurites of transfected cells were analyzed for each Tmod construct and compared to those of PC12 cells overexpressing GFP only."

"These results suggest that suppression of CDK4 is not required for the NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells."

"When TrkA is activated, NGF induces cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and cell survival."

"However, in some cell types NGF induces cell differentiation or apoptosis, via p53 XREF_BIBR or c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) XREF_BIBR, respectively."

"Staurosporine (5-50 nM) rapidly and dBcAMP (1 mM) more slowly, but not NGF induced morphological differentiation in PC12EN-trk cells."

"Jung et al. reported that this PPARgamma ligand was able to increase NGF induced differentiation of PC-12 NB cells, as assessed by neurite extension and expression of neurofilament [XREF_BIBR]."

"NGF induced differentiation critically depends on elevated intracellular calcium concentration."

"Treatment of PC12 cells with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) reduced the levels of GSH, a major cellular reductant, and enhanced NGF induced neuronal differentiation, activation of AP-1 and the NGF receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkA."

"However, PD98059 only partially suppressed NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells over-expressing Fes, suggesting that the dominant signal for neurite outgrowth involving Fes is mediated by an Erk [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Additionally it was found that BDV CRP4 infection of PC12 cells activates the ERK1/2 pathway, hindering NGF induced cell differentiation XREF_BIBR."

"Nonetheless, treatment of PC12 cells expressing RhoA V14 with dibutyryl-cAMP (db-cAMP), a membrane-permeable cAMP analogue, restores NGF induced differentiation and neurite outgrowth."

"We next investigated whether the reduced cell viability and the enhanced basal and NGF induced differentiation in BE (2) ESR1 cells had any effect on cellular processes involved in tumor progression."

"NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells transfected with TrkA-CFP normally as wild cells without transfection and the expression of TrkA was observed on the entire cell membrane which surrounds the cell body, axons and growth cones."

"Exposure of PC12 cells to NGF triggers differentiation into sympathetic like neuronal cells, characterized by long-term and stable neurite outgrowth and exhibiting many properties of adrenal medullary chromaffin cells, including catecholamine synthesis, storage, and secretion XREF_BIBR."

"Previous reports indicate that Egr1 may have a role in NGF mediated sympathetic neuron differentiation, but the results were not confirmed in Egr1 deficient mice."

"PC12 cells The PC12 cell line has served as the premier model system for examining the molecular mechanisms by which nerve growth factor (NGF) and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) induce neuronal diff[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Moreover, NGF promotes megakaryocytic differentiation but blocks erythroid differentiation (72)."

"To assess the role of PLC-gamma1 in mediating the neuronal differentiation induced by NGF treatment, we established PC12 cells that overexpress whole PLC-gamma (PLC-gamma1PC12), the SH2-SH2-SH3 domain (PLC-gamma1SH223PC12), SH2-SH2-deleted mutants (PLC-gamma1deltaSH22PC12), and SH3 deleted mutants (PLC-gamma1deltaSH3PC12)."

"NGF promotes proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitors."

"These changes in phospholipid metabolism are discussed with respect to their role in NGF induced nerve differentiation."

"The initial recruitment was altered because the number of secondary follicles was reduced, despite the fact that NGF promotes their growth and differentiation."

"Margolis, R.K., Salton, S.R. and Margolis, R.U. (1987) Effects of NGF induced differentiation on the heparan sulfate of PC12 pheochromocytoma cells and comparison with developing brain."

"It has been known that the process of phosphorylation of ERK is the necessary requirement of PC12 cells differentiation induced by NGF XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR."

"Given that persistent activation of ERK is required for the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells, Metrnl expression was shown to be dependent on ERK activity 48."

"Optimal Brsk1 promoter activation required both demethylation and Sp1 binding.Our results indicated that NGF induced PC12 cells differentiation by promoting the transition from a methylated to a hypom[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"However, we have previously shown that NGF, over a wide concentration range, does not induce apparent biochemical or morphological differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells (P ~ hlman et al., 1981; Odelstad et[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The advantage of using this neuronal cell model to study neuritogenesis is that, contrarily to neurons, PC12 cells survive in the absence of NGF and the differentiation induced by NGF is reversible, w[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Some studies showed that, as a potent promoter of mineralization during dentin formation, NGF significantly stimulates DNA synthesis and mineral deposition in cultures of human pulp cells, and induces differentiation of odontoblast-lineage cells with subsequent biomineralization in vitro[24], [25], [26]."

"The results of the present study demonstrated that NGF and bFGF co-transfection was able to induce the differentiation of BMSCs into neuron like cells; the co-transfected group had the highest proportion of neuron like cell differentiation, as compared with the other groups."

"14 The results of 2D culture in the present study showed that NGF greatly promoted osteoblast growth and differentiation, with more viable cells and higher ALP activity than the control (XREF_FIG)."

"XREF_FIG shows that NGF released from cubosomes promotes neuronal cell differentiation."

"On the other hand, in cells expressing the deletion mutant GAP, differentiation induced by NGF was potentiated, as demonstrated by enhanced acetylcholinesterase activity and induction of neurofilament proteins."

"NGF also aids in the differentiation and growth of sensory and sympathetic neurons, as demonstrated by various in vitro and in vivo studies."

"Several reports have already shown that NGF induced differentiation implies higher lipid synthesis, particularly of phosphatidylcholine."

"Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether NGF induces osteogenic differentiation of mouse embryonic osteogenic precursor cell line MC3T3-E1 by BMP-2 and search further mechanisms of NGF on BMP-2."

"These results indicate that Shoc2 knockdown blocks NGF promoted PC12 cell differentiation."

"This is the first molecular evidence for the reversible activation of neuron specific genes during NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"EGF, which triggers pulsatile dynamics, drives proliferation, whereas NGF triggers sustained activation and differentiation."

"The effect of tuftelin siRNA was quantified up to 6 days of NGF-induced differentiation."

"In our study, we noticed that NGF induced cell differentiation and neuritogenesis was greater in cells grown on collagen compared to laminin."

"Following NGF induced differentiation, monomeric DREAM also accumulates in the nuclear compartment, while it is less abundant in the cytosol."

"These results further indicate that NTRAP is required for NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"One of the most important neurotrophic factors is the nerve growth factor (NGF), which promotes the outgrowth of neurites and stimulates the differentiation of neurons."

"Retrograde trophic signaling of nerve growth factor (NGF) supports neuronal survival and differentiation."

"We observed that low doses of p-cresol potentiated nerve growth factor-induced differentiation via secretion of BDNF in cultured PC-12 cells."

"NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells is mediated by actin-polymerisation-driven membrane protrusion, involving GTPase signalling pathways that activate actin nucleation promoting factors such as the neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP)."

"In search for mechanistic insights into this process, we considered that neuronal development requires a large amount of energy and building blocks, thereby suggesting that NGF induced differentiation might influence the bioenergetic status."

"This was not accompanied by any changes in the expression of Apaf-1, suggesting that inhibition of caspase-9 activation was not due to down-regulation of Apaf-1 which has been reported to occur during NGF mediated differentiation of sympathetic neurons over 7 days [XREF_BIBR], but instead upstream of apoptosome formation."

"Inorganic mercury has been shown to change the fate of murine central nervous system stem cells, alter neuronal differentiation, affect neurotransmitter production, alter the conductance of L-type calcium channels, potentiate calcium signals elicited by depolarization or agonist stimulation, enhance NGF induced differentiation in PC-12 cells, and modify calcium signals, thereby activating apoptosis in cell lines [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Our observations that CREB3L2 mRNA levels increase 6 h after NGF addition suggest that, in a similar manner to that of c-fos, the rapid response of CREB3L2 may be required during the first stages of NGF induced differentiation."

"Exogenous nerve growth factor (NGF) can induce osteogenic precursor cell differentiation and promote fracture healing."

"These data provide evidence that p75 can modulate signal transduction through Trk in a neuronal progenitor cell context and that such modulation has functional consequences for the neuronal differentiation pathway induced by NGF."

"Src homology (SH) domains of phospholipase C-gamma1 (PLC-gamma1) impair NGF mediated PC12 cells differentiation."

"Verdi J. M., Birren S. J., Ibanez C. F., Persson H., Kaplan D. R., Benedetti M., Chao M. V. and Anderson D. J. : p75LNGFR regulates Trk signal transduction and NGF induced neuronal differentiation in [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF combined with DPSCs can promote osseointegration in the peri-implant tissues in rats possibly due to a TrkA-mediated effect of NGF for promoting osteogenic differentiation of the DPSCs."

"NGF release from thermo responsive collagen-polyNIPAam polymer networks supports neuronal cell growth and differentiation."

"This provides an explanation for our observations that NGF promotes both ISC self-renewal and the differentiation of Paneth and EC cells."

"Our results indicated that KXS 2012 significantly potentiated NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"The precise mechanism through which NAB2 overexpression leads to lowered levels of p21 WAF1 remains to be elucidated; however, this downregulation is likely to result directly in an inability of these cells to differentiate, as induction of p21 WAF1 has been shown to play an important role in NGF mediated differentiation of PC12 cells."

"The significant increase in NGF mRNA levels we detected in AD patients may lead to (1) T and B lymphocytes proliferation, (2) differentiation and activation of eosinophils, (3) mast cell degranulation[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"To study whether RICH proteins participate in the extension of neurites or the formation of new branches in neurons, stable transfectants of the pro neuronal PC12 cell line were generated to express high levels of zRICH during the differentiation triggered by NGF treatment (XREF_FIG)."

"These results show that SH-PTP1 is differentially phosphorylated and activated by NGF in PC12 cells and suggest that this activation may play a role in NGF induced differentiation."

"Addition of NGF to PC12 cells is known to induce both their differentiation into neuronal cells and the transient expression of the mRNA of immediate early genes such as Krox24 (Watson and Milbrandt, [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"It is known that NGF induced differentiation relies on the MAPK and ERK pathway."

"Interestingly, despite increases in the level of alpha1B subunit (pi-conotoxin binding subunit of the N-type VDCC) expressed upon NGF induced differentiation, there was no change in the relative contr[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Nerve growth factor (NGF), acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) promote the survival and differentiation of a variety of peripheral and central neurons."

"It has been reported that Egr1 is an early response gene group caused by nerve growth factor (NGF) induced neuronal differentiation, and regulates the expression of early genes in neuronal differentia[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"App dephosphorylation during neuronal differentiation seems to be a general characteristic because we observed this phenomenon also in other systems, such as Ngf mediated differentiation of PC12 cells (XREF_FIG) and retinoic-acid-mediated differentiation of neuroblastoma cells (data not shown)."

"In neuronal and fibroblast cells, where NGF can also act as a mitogen, SNT was tyrosine phosphorylated to a much greater extent during NGF induced differentiation than during NGF induced proliferation."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) activates its receptor, a member of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) superfamily, and crucially modulates neuronal cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation."

"The differentiation programs of 1C11 cells can not, however, be triggered by NGF alone, which may simply act as a modulator of neuronal functions."

"Nevertheless, these results indicate that NGF loaded scaffolds can cause cellular differentiation, at least in the in vitro PC12 cell model."

"Endogenous M-Ras also plays essential roles in NGF induced neuronal differentiation [5], dendrite formation in cortical neurons [15], and TNF-alpha-induced lymphocyte adhesion [16]."

"Fig. 1 A shows that in PC12 cells nerve growth factor (NGF), which induces neuronal differentiation and causes growth arrest, significantly increased RSV-CAT activity."

"FAC1 is located throughout the cytoplasm and in neuritic processes during NGF induced differentiation."

"In control experiments NGF-induced differentiation occurs normally ( Figure 7A ), even if mNGF was preincubated with a non relevant mAb or with the concentrated untransfected CHO cell supernatants (data not shown)."

"25 TNF and other members of the TNF superfamily of cytokines 26 mediate neurite outgrowth, normal fetal development of nociception, and the survivability, excitability and cell differentiation mediated by nerve growth factor."

"It is the sustained activation of MAP kinase through a Ras dependent pathway, starting with the prolonged phosphorylation of the Y-490 Shc site in Trk A, that is required for NGF induced differentiati[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) triggers a differentiation pathway in PC12 cells."

"NGF fails to induce the neuronal differentiation of a v-myc immortalized sympathoadrenal progenitor cell line [27]."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces neuronal differentiation in neuroblastoma cells transfected with the NGF receptor cDNA."

"We compared the gene expression profiles obtained from MED283-TrkA cells undergoing NGF induced apoptosis to PC12 cells undergoing NGF induced differentiation."

"However, cells transduced with an effective shRNA inactivating endogenous rat VHL (sh-ratVHL) failed to respond to NGF mediated differentiation (Fig. 7c)."

"Besides, CBCT examination revealed a better amount of callus formation and reconstruction, and a more uniform distribution of collagen in the bone matrix depending on the effect of exogenous NGF, implying that NGF could promote the proliferation and differentiation of bone cells to reconstruct the mandible (Figs."

"The results were quite different for cells undergoing NGF induced differentiation."

"Our results show that the Tat mediated signaling events, which lead to serum independent growth and the inhibition of NGF induced differentiation, have a common cellular target : the upregulation of Id1 expression."

"We have therefore examined the effects of NGF induced differentiation in a clone of PC12 cells that was isolated based on neomycin resistance (clone 1 in the original article) (Zacchetti et al., 1991;[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"For example, p75NTR can also bind to TrkA to form a high and affinity complex for NGF that promotes neuronal survival, differentiation, and growth."

"Using PC 12 cells as a model, NGF induced differentiation has been shown fol- lowing a rapid accumulation of p21r ' " (Kremer et al., " Corresponding author."

"S1P modulates NGF induced differentiation of rat DRG neurons."

"APP Regulates NGF Receptor Trafficking and NGF Mediated Neuronal Differentiation and Survival."

"Moreover, the amount of MVP and its corresponding transcript in PC12 cells appear to be independent of NGF induced differentiation as estimated by Western and Northern blot analyses (not shown)."

"We have reported that the MEK and ERK pathway is involved in the upregulation of FAIM-L after NGF induced PC12 differentiation XREF_BIBR, and, recently, it has been shown that the neural specificity of its expression is governed by NSR100 splicing factor XREF_BIBR."

"The data reported here show that there are marked synchronized changes in small GTP binding pro teins, isoprenylation and methylation during NGF induced differentiation of which nine were identified a[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Furthermore, recent studies have demonstrated that NGF promotes differentiation and maturation of nonpeptidergic neurons through both RET dependent and RET independent signaling mechanisms, possibly via Runx1 expression [XREF_BIBR]."

"In fact, NGF enhances human lung, skin and conjunctival fibroblasts migration, differentiation into myofibroblasts, and contraction of collagen gels, but not proliferation and collagen synthesis, indi[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In one case, expression of single mutants Y490F and Y785F did not affect NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation, suggesting a redundancy in their phenotypical role."

"To investigate signaling pathways triggering autophagy during NGF induced differentiation, we examined the activation of AMPK and mTOR, two kinases known to regulate autophagy 22."

"In the absence of T3, exogenous TR alpha-1 inhibits NGF induced neuronal differentiation and represses neuron specific gene expression."

"Cyclin D1 and CDK4 were selectively sorted into EVs during differentiation mediated by NGF (for PC12 cells) and RA (for N2A cells)."

"Trewioidesine A, an unsaturated fatty acid from rhizomes of Alchornea trewioides, shows synergy with NGF in inducing differentiation of pheochromocytoma PC12 cells."

"Moreover, Rap1 was found to be important for NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells by the sustained activation of B-Raf and Erk by Rap1."

"Verdi JM, Birren SJ, Ibanez CF, et al. p75 (LNGFR) regulates trk signal transduction and NGF induced neuronal differentiation in MAH cells."

"Isorhamnetin Potentiates the NGF Induced Differentiation of PC12 Cells."

"The hypothesis that a differentiation pathway is activated by exogenous NGF in DU145 cells is also supported by findings indicating that NGF treated DU145 cells expressed a low telomerase activity, as a result of a decrease in human telomerase reverse transcriptase transcription."

"In particular, NGF has been demonstrated to promote the differentiation of oligodendrocytes in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) and a positive role of this neurotrophin in the recovery of[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"(b) For NGF induced differentiation, cells induced and uninduced with dox were pre-treated with 100 ng/ml NGF (Invitrogen, UK) for 3 days before adding 1 muM STS for 8 h. Cloning and transfection."

"Accordingly, we detected high level of ARG2 in untreated DU145 cells, and NGF treatment that induces cell differentiation significantly reduced ARG2 mRNA expression.The PTGES (prostaglandin E synthase[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The first model is that constituted of PC-12 cells incubated with NGF, a treatment which induces neuronal differentiation and growth arrest [44]."

"To assay the effect of ZF-HA on NGF induced differentiation, we grew the four stable PC12 cell lines in a serum-free medium and treated cells with 100 ng/ml NGF."

"Thus these data indicate that full length MVI is necessary for Rac1 transient activation.To test whether overexpressed GFP-MVI or GFP-GT affect distribution of DOCK7 during NGF stimulated differentiat[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Consistent with their potency in inducing neurite outgrowth when stimulated with EGF, BPGAP1-BCH, BPGAP1, and BPGAP1-R232A also potentiated a similarly potent neurite outgrowth upon stimulation with a suboptimal level of NGF (10 ng/ml), which by itself did not induce PC12 differentiation (XREF_FIG and XREF_FIG)."

"The levels of immunoprecipitated proteins increase during NGF induced differentiation."

"Therefore, acetylcholinesterase activity has been a useful marker of NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells [22,23]."

"Since the two pathways are critical for NGF induced neuronal differentiation and survival of PC12 cells XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR, we investigated the influence of compounds on the phosphorylation of associated proteins in Ras and ERK and PI3K and Akt pathway."

"We show that NOMA-GAP is essential for NGF stimulated neuronal differentiation and for the regulation of the ERK5 MAP kinase and the Cdc42 signaling pathways downstream of NGF."

"In C6 astrocytoma cells NGF inhibited proliferation and induced morphological changes, including the formation of growth cones, outgrowth of processes and cellular hypertrophy, indicating that exogenous NGF stimulated differentiation and inhibited proliferation of these cells."

"alpha -latrotoxin (1 nM) increased basal release to 22.7 +/-1.4% (n = 3), dependent on NGF induced differentiation, and botulinum toxin A (2 nM) reduced K + -induced release from 16.6 +/-0.4 to 11.1 +[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"More pertinent to the neuronal specific expression of sElk-1, we show it plays an opposite role to Elk-1 in potentiating NGF driven PC12 neuronal differentiation."

"The exposure of these cells to nerve growth factor (NGF), one of the neurotrophic factors, triggers their differentiation into sympathetic like neuronal cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"As the sustained activation of ERKs responsible for NGF driven differentiation of PC12 cells is mediated by Rap1 XREF_BIBR, it may be that the dual GAP activity of Gap1IP4BP on both Ras and Rap is limiting the ERK dependent outgrowth process."

"Recently, we demonstrated that the non receptor tyrosine kinase c-Fes is expressed in PC12 cells, is activated by NGF, and accelerates NGF induced differentiation of this cell line [14]."

"To examine whether or not the MAP kinase (MAPK) cascade mediates the NGF- and Ras induced neural differentiation process, we injected PC12 cells with constitutive active forms of each components of the MAPK cascade."

"It would appear that the potentiation of NGF induced differentiation, observed with Cav-2 overexpression, is not a consequence of an enhanced anti-mitogenic response."

"Induced differentiation and identification of cells PC12 cells with good growth were selected and inoculated into six-well plates coated with PLL , and nerve growth factor ( NGF ) was used to induce differentiation ."

"However, it seems highly plausible that the observed responses may play roles in NGF promoted neuronal differentiation."

"To see if the mutant NGF could be trafficked along axons, transfected PC12 cells were treated with mouse NGF over a period of five days to induce differentiation of naïve cells."

"Cells were incubated for another 24 hours to allow the NPs to interact with cells and to induce differentiation mediated by NGF."

"For instance, although EGF and NGF trigger similar sets of signaling pathways in PC12 cells including Raf/MEK/ERK XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, PI3K and AKT XREF_BIBR, and PLCgamma pathways XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, EGF induces cell proliferation while NGF induces cell differentiation accompanied by cell cycle arrest XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"In the present paper, we have investigated the possibility that the neuronal differentiation process induced by NGF in PC12 cells could be associated to an increase in SM content."

"For instance, NGF and TrkA induces differentiation, apoptosis, and growth inhibition in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma (Chou etal., 2000; Lavenius etal., 1995; Matsushima and Bogenmann, 1993), and high expression of TrkA is considered a favorable prognostic indicator in neuroblastoma (Nakagawara etal., 1993)."

"Interestingly, this binding is modulated during NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells with a twofold increment in the differentiated cells, compared to control cells."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes the survival and differentiation of specific populations of neurons."

"The PC12 cell line may be used as a model of NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"However, continued stabilization of p53 protein during NGF induced differentiation occurs despite the increased MDM2 and cyclin G1 RNA levels shown here and maintained MDM2 protein levels (data not shown)."

"In primary culture of newborn mice superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons, BMCC1 expression is downregulated after NGF induced differentiation, but upregulated during the NGF depletion induced apoptosis [XREF_BIBR]."

"Reduced Dp71 expression inhibits NGF-induced neurite outgrowth and neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells [147]."

"Thus, these findings indicate that NGF mediates differentiation and cell survival in hES cells by activating this pathway."

"NGF Induced Cell Differentiation and Gene Activation Is Mediated by Integrative Nuclear FGFR1 Signaling (INFS)."

"In the current study, we asked whether Gbetagamma is involved in NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells through its ability to interact with MTs and modulate MT assembly."

"NGF induces differentiation via the receptor-tyrosine kinase, TrkA, which causes a sustained activation of downstream signaling pathways, including both the ERK and AKT pathways XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Interestingly, Cav-1 and Cav-2 exhibit different kinetics of expression during NGF induced differentiation."

"RTKs are utilized by ESPs as seemingly unrelated as nerve growth factor (NGF), which induces survival and differentiation in postmitotic neurons, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF), which promotes pro[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Conversely, overexpression of CD38 increased cell proliferation but delayed NGF induced differentiation."

"Twenty stably expressed genes, including thirteen ribosomal protein genes, were selected from microarray analysis of the gene expression profiles of GDNF and NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"Besides, Ex-4 was able to augment NGF induced neuronal differentiation, and apparently attenuated neural degeneration following NGF withdrawal [XREF_BIBR]."

"The trkA receptor has been shown to be translocated from docking sites to the plasma membrane during NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"Subsequent studies revealed that the purified murine NGF (adult submaxillary gland) stimulates morphological differentiation, regulates neuronal gene expression (through interaction with specific cellular receptors) and plays a critical role in mature neurons for acting directly on peripheral sensory and sympathetic neurons and for maintaining their function and phenotype [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"These results indicate that MEL-A and NGF induce differentiation of PC12 cells through different mechanisms."

"In rat PC12 cells, both NGF and PACAP can induce PC differentiation into a neuronal phenotype (Grumolato et al., 2003)."

"Interestingly, during NGF induced differentiation, the NCX1 protein level increased, NCX3 decreased, and NCX2 remained unaffected."

"Neurite outgrowth was measured at 48 and 72 h during early stages of NGF induced differentiation and at 14 h in NGF primed and replated cells."

"Notably, it has been shown that overexpression of caveolin-1 functions as a dominant negative [XREF_BIBR] and impairs NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"The PC12 rat phaeochromocytoma cell line has been used extensively for studying nerve growth factor (NGF) signal transduction, but is also responsive to other growth factors, including epidermal growt[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"As mentioned above, studies in the past have demonstrated that NGF promotes differentiation and neurite extension via activation of p44 and p42 MAPK and p38 MAPK XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"These data are consistent with the hypothesis that phosphorylation of serine 188 of RhoA selectively affects RhoA binding to different effectors.In the context of NGF induced differentiation, previous[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The fact that NGF and dexamethasone can produce differentiation without measurable changes in N 8 -acetylspermidine levels suggests that different (or multiple) mechanisms may be involved in these dif[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Experiments on PC12 cells were performed using an NGF induced in vitro differentiation of PC12 pheochromocytoma cells according to the standard protocols."

"One study has suggested the existence of an adaptor protein ArgBP2 linking RAFTK and c-Cbl in a complex at lipid rafts during NGF induced differentiation [12]."

"Scanning and transmission electron microscope studies were carried out on the rapid cell surface responses of cultured newborn rat sympathetic neurons to nerve growth factor (NGF), a substance that promotes their survival and differentiation."

"L5 Inhibits NGF Induced Differentiation of PC12 Cells."

"Thus, once NGF triggers differentiation, Brsk1 expression is necessarily augmented as an indispensable part of the gene battery for neuron polarity, driven by the increased Sp1 DNA binding to the Brsk[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Two principal nitrated bands having an estimated molecular weight of 53 and 50 kDa are evident and display drastic changes during NGF induced differentiation."

"These results indicate that ADT increased NGF promotes NEPC differentiation and suggest that NGF expression is likely regulated by ZBTB46."

"Preliminary studies in the nervous system indicate that SH2B3, expressed in cortical neurons from embryonic stages, competes with the other family members (SH2B1 and SH2B2) and inhibits the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells reducing the neurite outgrowth of cortical neurons, through binding of its SH2 domain to the NGF receptor and repressing the PI3K pathway XREF_BIBR."

"To investigate whether the blocking of the IGF-I receptor counteracts NGF induced differentiation of trkA transfected cells, 1 x 10 4 cells were split in a six-well plate in triplicate."

"In our previous study, we found that intraventricular NGF administration improves the cerebral perfusion and stimulates the pathway of neurogenesis differentiation by the activation of DCX biosynthesis."

"The activation of PtdIns 3-kinase is, therefore, a common event in the signal transduction processes elicited by growth factors stimulating distinct cellular end points in PC12 cells, namely the NGF induced neuronal differentiation and EGF stimulated mitogenesis."

"NGF mediated differentiation of the cells is regulated by Ras activation via phosphorylation of Erk, PI3K and Shc [XREF_BIBR]."

"This suggests that induction of NGF mediated differentiation may provide a novel therapeutic approach to growth control of glial tumors."

"Hence, NGF induced differentiation is confined to a particular class of neural related tumors, and, even for these cell lines, differentiation is incomplete."

"Because ZF-HA might block NGF induced differentiation by sequestering proteins that are not involved in NGF signaling but that are important for neurite outgrowth, we further investigated the role of NTRAP in NGF signaling by using shRNAs."

"However, NGF is sufficient to promote terminal differentiation of a approximately 8% of trk transfected MAH cells to postmitotic, NGF dependent neurons, whereas all cells eventually die in medium with bFGF."

"NGF is known to induce neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells through activation of ERK signalling XREF_BIBR."

"Stimulation of the cells with NGF induces activation of the MAP kinase cascade [3], which was recently shown to be essential for NGF induced differentiation of the cells [5]."

"In rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, NGF induces neuronal differentiation."

"Secondly, knockdown of RGS14 in PC12 cells inhibits both NGF- and bFGF mediated neuritogenesis, whereas depletion of RGS12 selectively inhibits only NGF promoted neuronal differentiation."

"NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells (50 ng/ml, 5 days) resulted in a two- fold increase in both the mRNA and protein levels."

"It was hypothesized that physiologically, IL-6 functions not so much as an instigator of neuronal differentiation, but rather as an enhancer of NGF mediated differentiation."

"These molecular interactions have important functional implications as the depletion of p62 with an anti-sense construct severely impairs NF-kappaB and IKK activation as well as it inhibits NGF induce[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Stathmin was isolated and identified as a differentially expressed gene by the differential display method in PC12 cells during differentiation induced by NGF."

"NGF at 50 ng mL -1 was used here as the positive control to induce neuronal differentiation."

"In line with this finding previous studies reported that uPAR expression is necessary for NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation."

"Previous studies have suggested that the ERK and MAPK pathway is crucial for NGF induced neuronal differentiation of cells because blocking ERK and MAPK activation inhibits neurite induction, and constitutive activation of the ERK and MAPK pathway results in neurite outgrowth XREF_BIBR."

"In this paper, we show by flow cytometry that nerve growth factor (NGF) induces PC12 cells differentiation characterized by cell cycle arrest in the G1/G0 phase, similarly to that observed in serum deprived cultures."

"We describe here a new validated method to measure NGF induced differentiation in 3-D."

"NGF treatment of PC12 cells induces their neuronal differentiation, which can be easily visualized by neurite outgrowth."

"As expected, both NGF and BDNF induced striking differentiation to equivalent extents in cells transfected with the empty vector (XREF_FIG, Middle and Right; XREF_FIG, Middle and Right, pcDNA3 mediated responses to NGF and BDNF)."

"Consistent with this hypothesis, overexpression of TRKA in neuroblastoma cell lines enhances NGF induced differentiation both in vitro and in vivo."

"Application of exogenous NGF inhibited cell proliferation, and promoted glioma cell differentiation [79] ."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF), another member of the neurotrophin family, exerts its survival promoting effects by stimulating neural development and differentiation through MAPK cascade."

"Verdi JM, Birren SJ, Ibanez CF, Persson H, Kaplan DR, Benedetti M, Chao MV, Anderson DJ : p75LN0FR regulates Trk signal transduction and NGF induced neuronal differentiation in MAH cells."

"The model suggests that depending on the serum concentration, EGF (NGF) even directs differentiation (proliferation) at the single-cell level."

"Induction parallels NGF stimulated PC12 differentiation from a chromaffinlike phenotype to a sympathetic neuronlike phenotype."

"A putative role of PAI-1 during neuronal differentiation is supported by the observation that treatment with PAI-1 promoted the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells XREF_BIBR."

"Both NGF and BDNF promote neuronal survival and differentiation in cultures of dissociated ganglionic neurons (Lindsay and Rohrer, 1985) and prevent naturally occurring cell death in specific peripher[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Silencing of FEZ1 by RNA interference (RNAi) strongly inhibited the NGF induced differentiation and efficiently reduced the anterograde transport of mitochondria in PC12 cells, suggesting that FEZ1 is essential for NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Previous observations taken together with our results suggests that increased intracellular levels of cyclic AMP after treatment with NGF induced differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells."

"These changes prompted us to assess whether NGF induced differentiation affects the mitochondrial bioenergetics."

"The endogenous Nedd5 is enriched at the perinuclear region in undifferentiated PC12 cells and radiates outward, from the perinuclear region toward the growth cone, upon NGF induced PC12 neuronal differentiation."

"Oxanosine was shown to inhibit NGF induced differentiation in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, possibly by inhibiting c-ras functions (29)."

"The increased NGF significantly enhanced the neuronal differentiation and cell proliferation."

"Thus, it came as something of a surprise when Fos transcription was shown to be induced in neuroendocrine cells by stimuli including Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which promotes differentiation, not division."

"Differential screening of cDNA libraries derived from untreated and NGF treated PC12 cells has been uti- lized to uncover potential gene products involved in NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"The distinct regulation of ERK by ANG II and NGF further indicates basic differences in AT (2) receptor- and NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"PC-12 cells still differentiated in the culture media, but less than in control cultures, whereas the differentiation induced by NGF (50 ng/ml) was completely abolished by the antibody."

"Furthermore, dominant negative Ras (Ras ' 1 " " ' 17) blocked the neuronal differentiation induced by NGF and FGF [20]."

"NGF induces the differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, similar to TGF-beta1, and it stimulates dermal fibroblast contraction [XREF_BIBR]."

"From the in vitro culture of muscle derived stem cells, it was observed that the NGF immobilized microspheres induced more neurogenic differentiation than the bFGF immobilized microspheres, as evidenced by a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction using specific neurogenic markers (Nestin, GFAP, beta-tubulin, and MAP2) and Western blot (Nestin and beta-tubulin) analyses."

"Finally, a neurotrophin unbalance has been proposed as an AAS neurotoxic mechanism involving the nerve growth factor (NGF), a member of the neurotrophin family that promotes the differentiation, growth, and survival of specific neuronal populations during development and in the adulthood [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Thus, we tested the role of DDAH in NGF promoted differentiation of PC12 (pheochromocytoma) cells."

"NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells was also enhanced on MTAC- and PLL grafted hydrogels."

"Interestingly, there was Diva and BclB downregulation in the NDPKB and Nm23H2 overexpressing cells, which is a salient point since decreased expression of Diva and BclB was also observed during NGF induced differentiation."

"NGF not only promotes the growth and maintains the survival of sympathetic and sensory neurites, but also enhances the karyokinesis and differentiation of nerve cells following an increase in nerve cells."

"To address the potential function of Praja1 in neuronal differentiation, we analysed the protein expression at different stages of NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"During NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation, P-HP1gamma-Ser83 is only present during the first 4-6hours before its subsequent degradation."

"The induction of Praja1 during NGF induced differentiation suggests that these mechanisms may be involved in the termination and fine tuning of neurite formation."

"In addition, ICRF-193 also blocked neurite outgrowth and growth cone formation of PC12 cells undergoing NGF induced differentiation."

"Although nei- ther cAMP, nor Ca2+ appear to play a substantial role 196 J. Szeberdnyi, P. Erhardt / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1222 (1994) 187 202 in NGF induced neuronal differentiation (see above[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Conversely, in neuronal/neuro-ectodermal tumors, NGF rather induces differentiation of neoplastic cells in the presence of a normally active TrkA signaling."

"Introduction of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors into a medulloblastoma cell line results in expression of high- and low-affinity NGF receptors but not NGF mediated differentiation."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) and dexamethasone, commonly used inducers of differentiation in PC12 cells, produced differentiation without measurable changes in N8-acetylspermidine levels, suggesting that different (or multiple) mechanisms may be involved in these differentiation processes."

"In PC12 cells, BARP partially colocalized with the Ca 2+ -dependent secretory vesicle markers synaptotagmin I and, upon NGF induced differentiation, localized to the growth cone (XREF_FIG)."

"Interestingly, we found that the ability of DeltaNp73 to suppress NGF mediated neuronal differentiation is correlated with its ability to regulate the expression of TrkA, the high-affinity NGF receptor."

"In order to investigate the role of PI3-K and Akt in NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells, we generated cells ectopically expressing constitutively activated (CA), wild type (WT) and dominant negative (DN) forms of Akt."

"In the course of NGF induced differentiation, PMA induced PLD activity was measured by labeling the cell lines with [3 H] myristic acid."

"NGF activates the differentiation of mouse calvaria osteoblasts [ xref ], behaves as an autocrine anti-apoptotic factor [ xref ] and enhances callus maturation and mineral apposition after mandible distraction osteogenesis [ xref ]."

"Our results show that c-Jun/AP-1, through up-regulation of NCAM140, plays an important role in both NGF induced neuronal differentiation and resistance to apoptosis induced by NO in neuroblastoma cells."

"These findings suggest that the association of PLD with PKC-alpha or -betaII, and their expression, are tightly coupled with neuronal differentiation, and may play a role in the maintenance of the dif[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF treatment induced neuronal differentiation morphologically and increased the current density of ICa, and especially that of the omega-conotoxin (omega-CgTX)-sensitive component."

"NGF caused a significant stimulation of granulocyte differentiation from human peripheral blood and murine bone marrow cells, suppressed apoptosis of rodent neutrophils and peritoneal mast cells, enhanced functional properties of murine neutrophils and human eosinophils, and not only promoted colony formation of murine IL-3-dependent bone marrow derived cultured mast cells, but also induced the phenotypic change to connective tissue-type mast cells."

"The results of this study suggest that NGF might promote the differentiation of corneal limbal progenitor cells into conjunctival goblet cells and upregulate the expression of MUC5AC mRNA in primary culture."

"However, APP deficient cells show better responses to NGF stimulated differentiation and survival than control cells."

"We found that the addition of GDNF, NGF, EGF, and NT-3 to in vitro cultures of MASCs increased migration and differentiation toward neuronal phenotypes."

"CNTF, FGF, and NGF collaborate to drive the terminal differentiation of MAH cells into postmitotic neurons."

"Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) are often used to induce neural differentiation in BMSCs in vitro."

"Consistent with this suppression, NAC inhibits NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells."

"For example, activation of EGFR by EGF binding leads to transient ERK activation and proliferation of PC12 cells; whereas NGF activation of Trk triggers sustained ERK activation and PC12 differentiation."

"This is in contrast to NGF induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells, demonstrated by neurite extension and increased neurofilament L, in which p21 " " was acti- vated and cells were not growth i[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Our study revealed that bFGF and NGF increased neural differentiation of DPSCs synergistically, compared with bFGF and NGF alone."

"Both NGF and a caspase inhibitor reduced apoptosis and, thereby, enhanced differentiation."

"Cell differentiation caused by norepinephrine, but not NGF, was reduced by all inhibitors studied."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes PC12 cells differentiation into a sympathetic neuron like phenotype, and this effect is regulated by the sustained activation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MA[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Again, no difference in subcellular localization was observed following differentiation, which was induced by NGF."

"The impact of energy metabolism is substantiated by evidence that NGF induced differentiation causes an early induction of P-AMPK and is fully prevented by CC."

"Similarly, in ex vivo dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cultures, NGF treatment induced neural differentiation, and neurite outgrowth correlated with decreased levels of HP1gamma protein (13.5 +/-7.7% of control p < 0.01; Fig."

"These results show that T-cadherin is subject to dual regulation during NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells, namely transcriptional repression mediated by Dnmt3b and post-translational degradation through the proteasomal pathway."

"Treatment of PC12 cells with NGF induces differentiation into a neuronal phenotype, characterized by neurite outgrowth and the appearance of a number of molecular markers observed in sympathetic neu- [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Another study suggested that NGF also acts during the or phase and induces the differentiation of PC12 cells XREF_BIBR."

"Three different administration protocols were used : oligonucleotides were added at 1 microM for 24 hours to nondifferentiated PC12 cells, together with nerve growth factor (NGF) or 24 hours following NGF induced cholinergic differentiation."

"Telomerase down-regulation does not mediate PC12 pheochromocytoma cell differentiation induced by NGF, but requires MAP kinase signalling."

"NGF promotes the survival, differentiation, and maintenance of small fiber sensory and sympathetic neurons in the peripheral nervous system (9)."

"Continuous NGF stimulation induces PC12 cell differentiation."

"The rat pheochromocytoma cell line, PC12 's, has been the most commonly used model for the study of NGF action, in these chromaffin cells NGF can induce prolifera- tion (Burstein and Greene, 1982) and[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In PC12 cells, epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces transient ERK activation that leads to cell proliferation, whereas nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes sustained ERK activation and cell differentiation."

"Morphological differentiation induced by NGF was associated with up to 30-fold increases in the level of neurofilament protein recognised by monoclonal antibody RT97."

"Although it has been almost a decade since the identification of Egr1 as an immediate early gene in NGF mediated PC12 cell differentiation, our data provides some of the first evidence that Egr1 activity is required for PC12 cell differentiation."

"To more closely examine these changes in chemistry during both the early and late stages of differentiation, cells treated with NGF for fixed time periods were examined."

"Peunova and Enikolopov [9] reported that NO triggers a switch to growth arrest during NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells by inducing nitric oxide synthase (NOS)."

"We have measured the accumulation of transcripts for myosin and actin during NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"A rat pheochromocytoma cell line (PC12 cells) was used as a model to investigate the role of calmodulin and its multiple mRNAs in NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"To investigate mechanisms involved in NGF induced differentiation, we employed PC12-615 cells overexpressing TrkA receptors 32, which differentiate more rapidly and in response to lower NGF concentrations 32, compared to PC12wt XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"NGF increased multiple parameters of differentiation, including neurite length, the proportion of cells extending neurites, and branching, as well as promoting cellular survival and proliferation."

"We previously elucidated the detailed molecular mechanisms of the nerve growth factor (NGF)-mediated delta opioid receptor (OPRD1 or DOR) gene expression during NGF induced differentiation [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR], showing that sustained activation of phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) signaling is required for NGF modulated OPRD1 gene expression [XREF_BIBR]."

"Herein, we investigated the role of p75 NTR in NGF induced myofibroblast differentiation and collagen synthesis in these cells using lentivirus transfection to overexpress and knock down."

"We propose that NGF induced increases in TRPC1 may drive heteromeric TRPC1-TRPC5 channel formation that acts together with the decreases in TRPC5 expression to facilitate neurite outgrowth during the initial stages of NGF induced differentiation."

"The formation of neurite like processes appears to be an expression of paracrine and paraneuron-type cell differentiation not mediated by NGF."

"The MEK1 and MAPK pathway constitutes an essential element in NGF mediated differentiation, shown by pharmacological inhibition of MEK1 with PD098059 and siRNA mediated knockdown of MAPK."

"It has been reported that NGF could promote the proliferation and differentiation of bone cells and inhibit the formation of osteoclasts through endocrine factors such as other neuropeptides and hormones, thereby promoting fracture healing [XREF_BIBR]."

"Our study in PC12W cells shows that, independently of the state of differentiation and independently of whether proliferation or differentiation was induced by EGF or NGF, ATz receptor stimulation alw[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Thus, the modifica- tion of the cellular differentiation state produced by gluco- corticoids, retinoic acid or NGF may be mediated by the modulation of dlk and related genes."

"When human cDNAs encoding cyclins and CDK2 were introduced into PC12 cells, only CDK2 overexpression inhibited NGF induced differentiation."

"While both recombinant NGF and CNTF enhanced the survival and differentiation of chromaffin cells, CNTF at 50-500 ng ml-1 was significantly better than NGF."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) is known to induce differentiation of pheochromocytoma into sympathetic neuron like cells."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) binding to its receptors TrkA and p75 (NTR) enhances the survival, differentiation, and maintenance of neurons."

"These findings suggest a novel role for the constitutively active LPA (1) receptor in regulating NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"SH2B1beta, another member of the same family as LNK, shuttles between the plasma membrane, cytosol and nucleus; and its nuclear-cytosol cycling is critical to promote NGF mediated preneuronal cell differentiation 33."

"Second, while blockade of NGF induced differentiation by the MAPK inhibitor PD98059 had no effect on NGF and TNFalpha promoted iNOS expression, blockade of NFkappaB did not affect NGF induced differentiation but completely inhibited iNOS expression."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF), a member of the family of trophic factors known as neurotrophins, promotes the survival and differentiation of specific populations of neurons (Levi Montalcini et al., 1990)[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Exogenous addition of NGF promoted the differentiation of CjECs by increasing nuclear localization of SALL2 in p75+ + CjECs while proNGF played an opposite role."

"Persistent ERK activity is required for NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"On the contrary, sustained ERK activation induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) leads to cell differentiation into a neuronal phenotype."

"It is required for NGF induction of morphological differentiation and secondary response genes by NGF."

"After addition of nerve growth factor (NGF) triggering PC12 cells differentiation, bright, long and stable FAs were seen elongating on ridges at the tip of aligned neurite like processes."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, at the concentration of 25 ng/mL, the NGF induced pronounced differentiation of PC12 cells at day 5."

"Further studies are needed to determine differences and commonalities in the pathways whereby MGV-1, glutamate, and NGF stimulate differentiation of PC12 cells, including the involvement of the TSPO."

"Extended MAPK activation has been proposed to be critical in mediating the differentiation effects of NGF in PC12 cells [XREF_BIBR], this could provide an explanation for the potentiating effects of Cav-2 expression on NGF induced differentiation."

"The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (UPAR) is preferentially induced by nerve growth factor in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells and is required for NGF driven differentiation."

"NEAP and DUSP26 suppresses NGF induced PC12 differentiation through down-regulating the phosphatidylinositide-3 kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway and impairs PC12 cell growth through suppressing EGFR expressions by WT1 mediated transcriptional suppression XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Through recruitment of multiple histone deacetylase complexes [57,58], it inhibits neurite outgrowth and NGF-induced differentiation by silencing otherwise default pathway neuron-specific genes including Na 1.2 Na channel expression [59,60]."

"We conclude that tyrosine nitration of proteins could be a novel molecular mechanism involved in the signaling pathway by which NO modulates NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"Overexpression of DYRK1A reduced the NGF induced activation of NFAT but promoted the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"This cell line responds to nerve growth factor (NGF), which induces neurite outgrowth and allows the differentiation of PC12 cells in sympathetic like neurons."

"NGF promotes cholinergic neuronal differentiation through the PI3-K and Akt pathway."

"For example, NGF induces granulocyte differentiation from human and murine hematopoietic stem cells (Matsuda et al., 1988, 1991; Kannan et al., 1993)."

"Sustained MAPK activation is clearly required for NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"In summary, our data suggest a mechanism which contributes to an undifferentiated phenotype in MYCN amplified NB cells : MYCN induced miR-18a down-regulates ERalpha and thereby interferes with estradiol and NGF stimulated neuronal differentiation."

"Using immunofluorescence and western blot analyses, we also found a direct correlation between reduction of 60-80% in tuftelin protein expression and inhibition of about 50-70% in NGF-induced differentiation of the cells, as was detected after 3-6 days of treatment."

"Inhibition of the TNF receptor 2 increased Erk activation by NGF and resulted in enhanced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells."

"KXS 2012 promotes NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"Differentiation was induced by culturing cells in serum free media and 50 ng/ml NGF."

"NGF induced differentiation was accompanied by a down-regulation of adenosine A2A receptors : receptor binding decreased to 500 fmol/mg, immunoreactive A2A receptor protein was decreased by about half and cAMP production was reduced by 60%."

"It has been reported that NGF can effectively induce the differentiation of embryonic neural precursor cells, and the overexpression of proNGF in prostate cancer tissue could also effectively induce neurogenesis."

"Here, we also show that Sprouty4 negatively regulates NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and primary sensory neurons."

"In addition, ERalpha enhances the expression of the NGF receptors TrkA and, after activation, p75 NTR, which are both crucial for NGF induced differentiation."

"As shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 B, Almal induced chromatin condensation and DNA ladder formation was completely prevented by the addition of NGF (100 ng/ml) to the culture medium.However, the shrinkage [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"On the other hand, NGF can promote astrocyte differentiation, nerve repair and regeneration (Davis et al., 2018)."

"In our study, we established a link between NGF promotion of neuroendocrine differentiation via CHRM4 after the development of resistance to ADT in prostate cancer."

"NGF and NT-3 both signal through TrkA receptors on the axons of developing sympathetic neurons, but while NGF supports survival and differentiation, NT-3 does not."

"In contrast, Vambutus et al. [41] showed that SHP-1 may play a role in neuronal differentiation in NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"These observations support earlier findings that NGF stimulates differentiation of human and mouse neuroblastoma cells in vitro."

"By using the PCR primer sets for the mouse counterpart, we also examined if the gene expression was changed during the NGF induced differentiation and the NGF depletion induced programmed cell death i[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Collectively, these data suggest that a sublytic concentration of L5 (10 mug/mL) remains still neurotoxic and impairs neuronal development by inhibiting NGF induced differentiation."

"One study demonstrated that NGF mediated differentiation of PC 12 cells was inhib- ited by transfection with antisense DCC constructs or treatment with antisense DCC oligonucleotides [43]."

"NGF stimulates T cells, B cell proliferation and differentiation, and eosinophil differentiation from peripheral progenitors, and is thus implicated in the pathogenesis of allergic inflammation."

"Furthermore, we assessed whether addition of NGF p itself has any impact on the activation and survival of p75NTR positive cells using PC12 cells as model system for NGF induced neuronal differentiation when cultured in serum free media."

"CREB3L2 Modulates Nerve Growth Factor-Induced Cell Differentiation."

"Overexpression of Akt inhibits NGF induced growth arrest and neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells."

"For two models of " primed " PC12 cells, we found that UPAR expression and function are not required for NGF induced differentiation."

"Cells expressing No ICD showed robust differentiation (> 68%) when treated with 50 ng/mL NGF, indicating that endogenous TrkA retained ligand sensitivity and signaling activity."

"The integrity of both binding sites is required for the NGF induction of Ras-MAP kinase (MAPK) signaling and morphological differentiation of PC12 cells [3,9]."

"Therefore, current data on the role of NGF in neuroblastoma strongly suggests that NGF–TrkA interactions promote tumor cell differentiation, oncogenic n-myc dowregulation and thereby an improved progn[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NO is reported to involve in NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"Verdi, J.M., Birren, S.J., Ibanez, C.F., Person, H., Kaplan, D.R., Benedetti, M., Chao, M.V. and Anderson, D.J. (1994) p75rNn ~ regulates trk signal transduction and NGF induced neuronal differentiati[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"It has been demonstrated that NGF can induce BMSC differentiation into neural cells, via generating neuropeptide signals and receptors."

"Since HSF-2 shuttles from the cytoplasm to nucleus to regulate gene expression, we assessed HSF-2 subcellular localization upon NeuroD6-or NGF mediated differentiation."

"By generating stable lines that express REST under control of an inducible promoter, it was possible to induce REST prior to exposure to a specific growth factor signal (NGF) that cause terminal diffe[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Namely, NGF stimulates differentiation and/or proliferation of immune cells including lymphocytes, leucocytes and mast cells."

"To examine whether Tiam1 plays a role in NGF induced neuronal differentiation, PC12 cells were transfected with pSuper-Tiam1 RNAi or control plasmid in combination with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression vector."

"A v-myc- immortalized sympathoadrenal progenitor cell line in which neuronal differentiation is initiated by FGF but not NGF."

"On the other hand, monosialylated ganglioside GM1 suppressed cell signals in NGF-induced differentiation of PC12 cells [31]."

"Additionally, it has been shown that differentiation of rat PC-12 cells induced by NGF increases 5-HT 3B receptor subunit expression [XREF_BIBR]."

"However, overexpression of the Src Homology domains of PLCgamma1 inhibits NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation, presumably through competition with endogenous PLCgamma for receptor interaction."

"Septal cultures were maintained using the same conditions as those described for cortical cultures, except that NGF (50ng/ml) was added to the cultures after plating, and then at DIV 7 and 12 to stimulate the phenotypic differentiation of cholinergic neurons."

"To assay the involvement of tyrosine nitration in the signaling events underlying NGF induced differentiation, anti-nitrotyrosine antibodies were first used to detect tyrosine nitrated proteins in imm[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In addition, protein kinase dependent pathways are likely to mediate SRIF effects on NGF induced differentiation."

"In this study, we demonstrate that NGF induced differentiation involves modulation of Atg9-Ambra1-dependent mitophagy through activation of P-AMPK and P-CaMK triggered by altered energy homeostasis and mobilization of intracellular Ca 2+."

"In summary, we have found that overexpression of NAB2, a corepressor of the NGF induced immediate-early protein Egr1, blocks NGF mediated differentiation of PC12 cells."

"Thus, our observations support the hypothesis that NGF treatment leads to neuronal differentiation via sus tained activation of the Ras/Raf/MEKIERK pathway in PC12 cells."

"Further studies are required to understand the focal adhesion dynamics during NGF induced differentiation of PC-12 cells and to fully elucidate the role of serine phosphorylation of paxillin in the regulation of focal adhesion structure."

"Seven days after the supplement of NGF, the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells were determined using immunofluorescence staining with antibodies against the neuron specific marker microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP2; Supplementary Figure XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"TOB2 regulates mRNA deacetylation, potentiates NGF induced differentiation, and protects neurons from apoptosis [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Moreover, the increased promoting capacity under NO stimulation without TrkA inhibitor suggests a synergic effect of NGF for NO induced cell differentiation."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) and other neurotrophic factors promote both epithelial proliferation and differentiation."

"Sig-1R agonists did not cause intracellular Ca 2+ mobilization, neuronal firing and dopamine release by themselves, and they exerted their modulatory action when the IP3 receptor, K+ channel or NMDA c[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Rat PC12 pheochromocytoma cells treated with nerve growth factor (NGF) extend " neurites " and initiate a neuronal differentiation pathway."

"Hence, Rsu-1 expression enhances NGF induced differentiation while inhibiting the growth of cells."

"As a neuropeptide, nerve growth factor (NGF) was involved in cartilage metabolism and NGF is hypothesized to mediate the chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs."

"Hydrocortisone, DMSO, BHA, and KCL, as well as bFGF, NT-3, β-mercaptoethanol (β-ME), BDNF, and NGF are used to induce differentiation [148,149]."

"Furthermore, we revealed that KDM4B and c-Jun from JNK signaling pathway work in concert to regulate NGF-mediated osteogenic differentiation through simultaneous recruitment to the promoter region of DLX5."

"Using the PC12 cell model of NGF induced neuronal differentiation, we hypothesized that p53 is involved in differentiation through specific transcriptional regulation of target genes."

"PC-12 cells showed a steady and significant increase in NDPKB and Nm23H2 and beta-tubulin mRNA levels, with a concurrent decrease in Diva and BclB mRNA levels during the course of NGF induced differentiation."

"Figure XREF_FIG shows that NGF induced differentiation leads to a higher formation of multipolar cells (69%) compared to beta-PVDF (48%) stimulated cells."

"NGF, p75 NTR, and TrkA expression in dental tissues indicates a function for NGF signaling in cell proliferation, differentiation and mineralization events during odontogenesis, paralleling its role in the development of the nervous system."

"These observations, that chronic treatment with LiCl inhibits the NGF induced neuronal differentiation in a transcription dependent manner and inhibits phosphoinositide metabolism, suggest a possible causal relationship between these two events."

"Some of these efforts have involved the use of defined growth factors and growth media supplements, including the use of transforming growth factor (TGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and nerve growth factor (NGF) to induce DPSC differentiation [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"We show that the NGF has retained its bioactivity and induces neurite outgrowth and profound differentiation (of> 50% for PC12 cells) throughout the period of release within a single administration."

"EGF, which stimulates MAP kinase shortly in PC12 cells, also causes proliferation, while NGF, which stimulates it much longer, causes differentiation [23]."

"Together, our present findings delineate a CRT dependent regulation of NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"Interestingly, decreased expression of NF-kappabeta pathway genes has been detected in differentiating hESCs, while IL-2 and NGF have been used to induce differentiation of hESCs to natural killer cells and neurons, respectively, lineages that are distinctly different from the trophectoderm."

"In particular, we show that miR-21 enhances neurotrophin signaling and controls neuronal differentiation induced by Ngf."

"NGF has been shown to induce differentiation of immortalized dental papilla cells into odontoblasts in vitro, suggesting its role as a stimulant for mineralization."

"In the immune system, NGF promotes survival and activation of eosinophils, induces differentiation in B-lymphocytes, augments cytokine synthesis in T cells, and increases proliferation, differentiation, and production of various mediators in mast cells."

"Chronic NGF treatment of PC12 cell cultures elicited robust morphological differentiation, a threefold increase in mean calcium channel current density, and an eightfold increase in mean sodium channel current density."

"The NGF induced neurite outgrowth is enhanced by PMA (Roivainen et al. 1993, Hundle et al. 1995, O'Driscoll et al. 1995), and the NGF induced differentiation of the chelerythrine treated PC12 cells wa[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes neuronal differentiation of PC12 pheochromocytoma cells."

"Overexpression of SH2B3 not only inhibits NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells but also reduces neurite outgrowth of primary cortical neurons."

"Overexpression of PP1 (wild type) promotes NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells, whereas that of PP1 (T320A) has no effect."

"It has been observed that NGF can induce both differentiation and proliferation in cells."

"Sabeluzole (4-(2-benzothiazolylmethylamino)-o ~- ((4-fluo- rophenoxy) methyl)-l-piperidineethanol), has been shown to in- crease neurite outgrowth (20), to potentiate NGF induced morpho- logical diffe[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"As another example, overexpression of a neuro-endocrine-associated phosphatase can suppress NGF stimulated neuron differentiation in PC12 cells."

"It has been shown that transient ERK1/2 activation in PC12 cells upon EGFR stimulation by EGF induced proliferation, whereas sustained ERK1/2 activation by NGF induced differentiation XREF_BIBR."

"A similar effect has been described in a work where a role for the zeta isoform in NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells was reported (Wooten et al., 1994)."

"PC12 cells, which are derived from rat adrenal medulla, are used as a model for neuronal differentiation because they develop neuron like characteristics when treated with NGF or with pituitary adenylyl cyclase activating peptide (PACAP)."

"Also, in PC12 cells, differentiation is triggered by the addition of NGF to the culture media, allowing examination of effects at specific stages of neurodevelopment, beginning at cell replication and extending though differentiation; these types of determinations require coordinated and uniform differentiation of the cell population, a situation that can not be modeled in vivo."

"We examined the effect of nerve growth factor (NGF) on the expression of low-affinity NGF receptor (LNGFR) in cultured P3 basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, on which NGF acts to promote differentiation."

"In order to explore the role of this signaling cascade in NGF mediated survival, differentiation and proliferation, we generated recombinant adenoviruses which express the intermediates of the erk cascade in their wild type, dominant negative and constitutively activated forms."

"ARAP was a very weak mitogen for rat pheochromocytoma PC-12 cells and it also slightly inhibited the differentiation of PC-12 cells that were induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) (data not shown)."

"However, once exposed to IL-10 in culture, they release nerve growth factor (NGF) which supports neuronal survival and differentiation (Corsini et al., 1996)."

"It has since been shown that NGF treatment of immature chro- matin cells from prenatal and neonatal rats in primary culture briefly stimulates cell proliferation [163], and then induces differentiatio[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Expression of the exocyst subunit Exo70 in PC12 cells and neurons leads to the generation of numerous membrane protrusions, an effect that is strongly potentiated upon NGF induced differentiation."

"In addition, a distinct K+ ionophore, valinomycin, similarly inhibited the NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells increased cyclin D1 inhibiting PCNA level (Yan & Ziff, 1995)."

"Here we provide evidence that MKK7gamma1 blocks NGF mediated differentiation and sustains proliferation by interfering with the NGF triggered differentiation programme at several levels : (i) down-regulation of the NGF receptors TrkA and p75; (ii) attenuation of the differentiation promoting pathways ERK1/2 and AKT; (iii) increase of JNK1 and JNK2, especially the JNK2 54kDa splice variants; (iv) repression of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21 (WAF1 and CIP1), which normally supports NGF mediated cell cycle arrest; (v) strong induction of the cell cycle promoter CyclinD1, and (vi) profound changes of p53 functions."

"An obvious candidate is NGF, as sabeluzole has been shown to potentiate NGF induced morphological differentiation (25)."

"This study demonstrates that alpha1M, the constitutive form of alpha-macroglobulin in the rat, possesses the ability to promote NGF mediated differentiation in PC12 cells, possibly via its direct action on TrkA receptors and TrkA mediated signal transduction and gene expression."

"Similar to inactivation of VHL, inactivation of TFAM upon transduction with an effective shRNA, PC12 cell showed no characteristics of phenotypical changes associated to NGF induced differentiation (Fig. 7d, e), indicating that low mitochondrial content prevents neural differentiation induced by NGF."

"(c) Changes in the level ofPCPTP1 mRNA during PC12h cell differentiation elicited by NGF or Dex PC12 cells resemble immature adrenal chromaffin cells and can, in response to NGF, differentiate into a [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"During the process of NGF induced differentiation of the cell line, 4 days of MEHP exposure (2.5-250 muM) increased membrane and cytoskeletal protein contents, enhanced NGF induced neurite outgrowth, up-regulated the choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) mRNA and down-regulated tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA levels, which suggested the promoted differentiation towards the acetylcholine (ACh) phenotype at the expense of the dopamine (DA) phenotype."

"In these experiments, the NGF induced differentiation was mediated by the expression of different NOS isoforms and subsequent NO release, since coincubation with several non selective NOS inhibitors p[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"They showed that the synergistic effects of the NGF treatment and electrical stimulation promoted the differentiation of cells."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induced differentiation of human neuroblastoma cell line."

"Conversely, incubation of the cells with a reductant, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), inhibited NGF induced neuronal differentiation and AP-1 activation."

"In confirmation of the immunofluorescence experiments, immunoblotting shows that nitrotyrosine containing proteins change subcellular localization during NGF induced differentiation (Figs. 4E and F)."

"During NGF mediated PC12 differentiation, tuftelin expression was significantly induced in correlation with neurite outgrowth."

"We demonstrated that miR-183 and/or miR-96 impede NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"For example, studies of PC12 cells have shown that NGF, which generates a long lasting activation of MAPK, induces neuronal differentiation in these cells, while EGF, which induces a much shorter MAPK[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In addition, NGF could be shown to amplify basophil differentiation induced by Mo-CM, and the activity of NGF inducing basophil differentiation was dependent on the presence of T lymphocytes."

"In these studies, NGF was shown to promote the differentiation of grafted cells and processes, and increase chromaffin graft survival (Stromberg et al., 1990)."

"In summary, our data reveal the critical regulatory effect of DDAH1 on NGF promoted differentiation of PC12 cells in an NOS/NO dependent but ADMA independent manner."

"In the present study, we provide evidence linking Fes to NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"Thus, we identified changes in neuronal differentiation pathways with the KEGG database, which were synchronized with NGF induced differentiation."

"Regarding the role of NGF in NSCs differentiation, Yi et al suggested that NGF stimulates the NSCs differentiation into neurons, a requirement for successful integration into the damaged central nervous system."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces differentiation of the rat pheochromocytoma clone (PC12) by activating the high affinity receptor, p140 (trkA), linked to mitogen activated protein kinase."

"As was previously reported, the conjugated NGF to the magnetic carriers is functional and induces even higher levels of differentiation."

"Three important conclusions emerge from this study : (i) internalization of NGFRs is not necessary for some early rapid transcriptional effects of NGF; (ii) an unknown factor (s) that cooperates with the cloned NGFR in allowing high-affinity NGF binding is found in a primitive central nervous system cell line; and (iii) NGFRs introduced into and expressed by D283 MED (i.e., MED-NGFR) cells are partially functional but are unable to induce differentiation in these primitive neuron like tumor cells, implying that high-efficiency receptor mediated endocytosis of NGF and its receptor may be a necessary step in the cascade of events leading to NGF mediated differentiation."

"While in the present study, we demonstrate that endogenous Spry4 is a physiological negative feedback regulator of NGF induced neuronal differentiation, previous studies proposed Spry2 and Spry4 as the critical regulators of Erk and MAPK activation related to neuronal cell differentiation in the context of FGF XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"We first determined whether the level of DNA MeTase activity in the nucleus is altered following NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells and defined the time point at which it occurs."

"To determine if the regulation of neurite growth was specific to dephosphorylation of the ErbB4 receptor, we examined the effect of ACPT on neurite outgrowth upon treatment with NGF, which induces PC1[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"A Modified Chinese Herbal Decoction (Kai-Xin-San) Promotes NGF Induced Neuronal Differentiation in PC12 Cells via Up-Regulating Trk A Signaling."

"A similar differentiation induction by NGF plus T3 was observed in a central nervous system derived neuronal cell line (E 18) expressing exogenous TR alpha-1."

"Together these data indicate that NAB2 interferes with NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation at a step downstream of signal transduction and immediate-early gene induction."

"We have analyzed the involvement of neuritin in NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells by investigating the time-course of neuritin expression, the effects of its overexpression or silencing, and the possible mechanisms of its regulation and action."

"Evidence of mitophagy during NGF induced differentiation."

"In the absence of serum, nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes the survival and differentiation of the PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces survival and differentiation of the neural crest derived PC12 cell line."

"In this work, we show that NGF induced differentiation requires the activation of autophagy mediated by Atg9b and Ambra1, as it is disrupted by their genetic knockdown and by autophagy blockers."

"This could explain the interpretation of Singh et al. [10] that a bryostatin sensitive PKC is required for NGF induced differentiation and would identify delta-PKC as being the specific isoform in thi[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In PC12 cells, prolonged activation of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) -1 and -2 correlates with the NGF induced differentiation [4]."

"Recent experiments clearly showed that the overexpression in PC ~ 2 cells of gpl40trk, the NGF high affinity receptors, accelerated NGF induced differentiation [65] and that altered internalization of[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Forced expression of either sense PRP19 alpha or sense 14-3-3beta RNAs promoted NGF induced neuronal differentiation, whereas down-regulation of these mRNAs showed a suppressive effect."

"These results indicated that upregulation of the NGF enhances neuroendocrine differentiation in prostate cancer after ADT."

"Together with our previous results that hSef inhibits FGF and NGF induced PC12 differentiation, our data indicate that hSef plays a critical role in determination of cell fate by controlling the balan[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF is known to induce cellular differentiation of PC12 cells."

"In contrast, GDNF and NGF released from bicomponent scaffolds with 1:1 and 2:1 component ratios of GDNF and PLGA fibers to NGF and PDLLA fibers induced much less neural differentiation at both day 4 and day 7."

"These findings suggest that NGF modulates the differentiation and proliferation of the periodontal ligament cells by paracrine and autocrine functions in vivo."

"The in vitro release study showed that TP-NGFP-TP membrane could efficiently liberate TMZ to inhibit the growth of C6 glioma cells, and sufficient NGF to induce the differentiation of PC12 neuron cells over four weeks."

"In parallel, the NGF induced expression of neuronal differentiation marker proteins (i.e., MAP2 and beta3-tubulin), were also obviously upregulated by the combination of 1 or 3 with NGF (XREF_FIG c)."

"In addition, NGF stimulates differentiation of granulocytes and macrophages (Susaki et al., 1996; Kannan et al., 1993; Matsuda et al., 1991; Kannan et al., 1992), promotes proliferation of B- and T-ce[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We optimised the culture conditions of 3 frequently used commercially available PC12 variants and demonstrate their variation in capacity for NGF induced differentiation."

"In contrast, the v-erbA oncogene, a mutated, oncogenic version of TR alpha-1, partially but constitutively inhibited NGF- induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and potentiated dexamethasone induced chromaffin differentiation, giving rise to an aberrant " interlineage " cell phenotype."

"It is possible that the dramatic morphologic changes observed during NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells are associated not only with increased synthesis in the Golgi apparatus of plasma membrane components such as gangliosides, but also with increased degradation in lysosomes of other plasma membrane components such as sulfatide."

"Chelerythrine, a specific PKC inhibitor, perfectly inhibited the electrically induced differentiation but not the NGF induced differentiation."

"In addition to assessing L5 effects on PC12 cell viability, we further examined whether L5 disturbs NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells."

"In this study, we hypothesize that transfection of NGF and Noggin in BMSC treatment of stroke promotes BMSC neuronal differentiation and improves functional outcome after stroke."

"Copper may be required for various aspects of NGF stimulated neuronal differentiation."

"These results (1) indicate that the diversity of Ca2+ currents in PC12 cells arise from the expression of three distinct alpha1 and three different beta subunit genes; (2) support a model for heterogenous beta subunit association of the N-type Ca2+ channel in a single cell type; and (3) suggest that the regulation of the N-type Ca2+ channel during NGF mediated differentiation involves an increase in the number of functional channels with no apparent changes in subunit composition."

"However, the NGF induced TNF-alpha suppresses Erk activation by NGF, blocking NGF induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells."

"GDNF and NGF released from bicomponent scaffolds with 1:2 component ratio of GDNF and PLGA fibers to NGF and PDLLA fibers induced no neural differentiation at day 1, but much more neural differentiation at day 4 and highest neural differentiation at day 7."

"Thus, these results describe the regulation and participation of HP1gamma in a novel membrane-to-nucleus pathway, through NGF-PKA signaling, which is involved in NGF induced neuronal cell differentiation."

"In fibroblasts, NGF induces proliferation, migration and differentiation into myofibroblasts, which could play a vital role in cutaneous wound healing [XREF_BIBR]."

"Nuclear matrix–associated Dp71d increases during neuronal NGF-induced differentiation and relocates from the periphery of the nuclear matrix to the centre of the nucleoskeletal structure [173]."

"NGF induced osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells through BMP-2 and Smads pathway and induction of Runx2."

"Stimulation of AT 2 receptors in these cells significantly enhanced the NGF mediated morphological differentiation, but induced a differential regulation of cytoskeleton elements that varied from the [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"IFN-gamma facilitates NGF induced neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells."

"We have found previously that the PI3K pathway, but not the MEK and MAPK pathway, is the mediator of NGF induced cholinergic differentiation."

"More recently, Gbetagamma has been shown to play a key role in NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12cells through its interaction with tubulin and MTs and modulation of MT assembly."

"Exogenous NGF treatment induced further terminal differentiation and growth inhibition."

"Combination of HGF and beta-NGF significantly increased the efficiency of hepatic differentiation."

"Discontinuous NGF stimulation is sufficient to induce PC12 cell differentiation."

"In contrast, during NGF induced differentiation of these cells into a neuronal cell type, both snRNPs and DNase hypersensitive chromatin domains are detectable as a " shell " at the nuclear periphery,[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The discovery of the ability of positive allosteric modulators of the AMPA receptor to induce the expression of neurotrophic factors BDNF and NGF, triggering the mechanisms responsible for the survival of existing functioning neurons, as well as growth and differentiation, the formation of new synapses makes the development of new drugs based on tricyclic derivatives of 3,7-diazabicyclo [3.3.1] nonane is especially promising for use in the later stages of post-stroke rehabilitation."

"For example, re-expression of exogenous TrkA in NB cells guides cells to NGF induced differentiation."

"These results suggested that sufficient NGF layer, i.e. adequate NGF content, in NGFP membrane is critical to induce neural cell differentiation and in turn potential neural tissue reconstruction."

"NGF and dbcAMP are known to induce differentiation in PC12 cells and have additive and synergistic effects on neuritogenesis [32]."

"XREF_BIBR In addition, presence of neuron specific staining in differentiated neuronal cells confirmed that NGF loaded HCSLNs caused neuronal cell differentiation."

"Taken together, the data indicate that CREB3L2 modulates NGF induced cell differentiation and strongly suggest that Rab5 GTPase is one of the CREB3L2 targets."

"In addition, blockade of sGC activity with specific inhibitors failed to block NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation."

"We cultured PC12 cells in the presence of NGF for 5 days to induce differentiation and then added aggregated Abeta to observe the subcellular distribution of transcriptional regulators and phosphoryla[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In vitro cell culture experiments on mouse neuroblastoma cells showed that ethanol extracts of MAK-5 produced morphological and biochemical differentiation of 75% of the cells [XREF_BIBR], while, in a further recent study, MAK-5 potentiate NGF inducing neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"NGF arrests the cell cycle at the G1 phase 16 and induces neuronal differentiation via Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway after cell cycle arrest."

"Increased expression of phospholipase D1 mRNA during cAMP- or NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"The induction of solid clusters of cells by these peptides is also evident during the early stages of neuronal differentiation stimulated by NGF in PC12 cells."

"NGF induces cell differentiation and neurite outgrowth by binding with and activating the NGF receptor tyrosine kinase followed by activation of a variety of signaling cascades."

"Conversely, after NGF induced differentiation, 150 mM ethanol caused a significant 21% loss of cells."

"Transglutaminase 2 and NF-kappaB interplay during NGF induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells."

"Introduction of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors into a medulloblastoma cell line results in expression of high- and low-affinity NGF receptors but not NGF mediated differentiation."

"The effect of NGF on a set of 17 PC12 cell clones was investigated in order to clarify some aspects concerning the changes in cell morphology and Ca2+ homeostasis that occur in the PC12 cell line after NGF induced differentiation."

"However, an oligodeoxynucleotide antisense to CaM gene III did not significantly alter the proliferation or the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"We observed that the NGF releasing PAM coated with two synthetic peptides (poly-D-lysine and fibronectin like) induced PC12 cell differentiation and reduced cell death and proliferation."

"The same role has been confirmed for neuritic cells (Nakajima et al., 1994) and the plasmin generation has been shown to be essential for nerve growth factor (NGF) induced differentiation in PC12 cell[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF stimulates oligodendrocyte differentiation, as defined by the elevation of myelin basic protein (MBP) in postmitotic cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"We studied neurotrophins (NTs) as signaling molecules for periodontal tissue regeneration and showed that nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) modulate the proliferation and differentiation of human periodontal ligament (HPL) cells in vitro."

"Taken together, these data indicate that SH2-Bbeta is a novel signaling molecule required for NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"Other studies have suggested that NGF induces differentiation of SCs through p75 signaling, which would also slow the proliferation of SCs."

"After NGF induced differentiation for 3 days, PC12 cells overexpressing the GFP-Tmod1 and Tmod2 chimera had significantly fewer (1.57 +/- 0.51 neurites and cell) and shorter (29.2 +/- 14.7 mum) neurites than cells overexpressing the mChFP-Tmod2 and Tmod1 chimera, 3.17 +/- 0.63 neurites and cell and 57.5 +/- 16.8 mum, respectively."

"NGF promotes neuronal differentiation, a process that involves activation of ERK1/2."

"This may be similar to the scenario of the PC12 proliferation and differentiation model that PARP-1-mediated PARylation is involved in NGF induced differentiation 43."

"NGF stimulates differentiation as well as maintenance of cell viability while insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) stimulates only trophic actions in PC12 cells."

"In the current study, we firstly investigated whether BM-MSCs from NOD mice could effectively differentiate into retinal cells by using a cocktail of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), which could induce MSCs differentiation into retinal neuron like cells."

"In in vitro studies, NGF induces the differentiation of healthy conjunctival FBs into myoFBs, the main effector and target cells of fibrotic process."

"A total of 736 proteins were abnormally expressed in the mutant lines following NGF mediated differentiation."

"As shown in Fig. 2, both clusterin and SCLIP expression were enhanced during NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and they were co-localized at perinuclear region."

"NGF acts on various classes of neuronal and non neuronal cells to promote cell survival, stimulate neurite outgrowth and modulate cell differentiation (Cowan, 2001; Hamburger, 1993)."

"NGF promotes neurite outgrowth, neuronal survival, and neuronal differentiation upon binding to tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA) (60, 61)."

"Analysis of downstream signaling elements in mutated TrkA receptors indicates that NGF induced differentiation is dependent on TrkA kinase activity, but several redundant pathways seem to be used farther downstream."

"In summary, our results suggest that CLC-4 is an important mediator of the TrkA mediated signaling pathway and thus, the NGF induced differentiation of neuronal cells."

"In addition, the report that NGF, which induces neuronal differentiation via activation of ras in PC12 cells, increases Na +-K+ATP ase activity (moue, Matsui and Hatanaka, 1988) strongly supports our [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"As expected, both the PC12-ErbB4-GFP and the PC12-GFP cell lines exhibited the characteristic morphological changes indicative of neuronal differentiation involving neurite outgrowth when treated with NGF (XREF_FIG)."

"Furthermore, NGF promotes the proliferation and differentiation of T and B lymphocytes (Brodie and Gelfand, 1992; Otten et al., 1989; Thorpe and Perez-Polo, 1987), and acts as a survival factor for me[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In conclusion, NGF which was conjugated with HCF gel in NGF delivering implant showed a controlled releasing kinetics and enhanced neural differentiation of PC12 cells."

"In stem cells cultured from the embryonic striatum, NGF stimulates differentiation into bipolar neuronal cells, BDNF into multipolar neuronal cells, and NT-3 into bipolar neuronal cells and oligodendr[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"To ascertain the role of utrophin in cultured neuronal cells, we investigated its expression and distribution along the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells grown on different substrata."

"NGF conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles promote differentiation and outgrowth of PC12 cells."

"For NGF induced differentiation, cells (2,800 cells and cm2) were plated onto collagen coated plates in DMEM supplemented with 100 ng/ml NGF (Harlan Bioproducts, Madison WI), 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"PP2A subsequently suppressed ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which resulted in inhibiting PC12 cell proliferation through G 0 / G 1 phase arrest and NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"While constitutively active TrkA is transforming, full length (WT) TrkA plus NGF promotes differentiation; therefore, we compared the growth rate of WT TrkB NCM-1 cells with or without BDNF."

"NGF addition to PC12 cells stimulates their differentiation into cells with many properties of sympathetic neurons [10]."

"Neurotrophic factors (NTs) are family of structurally and functionally related growth factors that include NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and NT-4/5 that stimulate the survival, differentiation and function of neural cells via selective activation of tyrosine kinase receptors (TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC) in the absence or presence of p75NTR."

"The present results demonstrate for the first time that inhibition of tumor cell proliferation of C6 glioma by NGF occurs in vivo, probably through the NGF mediated differentiation of C6 glioma cells which has been observed in in vitro studies."

"In these characteristics, SCG10 induction appears to constitute a reliable molecular index of the transcription dependent neuronal differentiation induced by NGF."

"Infusion of nerve growth factor (NGF) or implantation of NGF rich tissue into the area of the graft prolongs survival and induces differentiation into neural like cells."

"NGF at 50ng/mL concentration was found to induce neuronal differentiation of hMSCs into neuronal subtypes."

"Many studies (Ahmed et al., 1995; Ghosh and Greenberg, 1995; Jordan et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2009) have demonstrated that bFGF can promote mitosis in the early stage of NSCs proliferation, while NGF[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Upon nerve growth factor (NGF) induction of PC12 cell differentiation into neurons, dynamin levels increase approximately twofold."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induced differentiation of PC12 cells, and after 12 days of NGF treatment there were large increases in the levels of the heterotrimeric G protein subunits alpha o1, alpha i1, beta, and alpha s, small increases in those of alpha i2 and alpha q, and a slight decrease in that of alpha o2."

"The forced expression of E2F4 markedly enhanced the rate of PC12 cell differentiation induced by NGF and also greatly lowered the rate at which cells lost their neuronal phenotype following NGF removal."

"Experimental Cell Research 51 Tissue culture on electrophoretic gels 499 The mechanism by which NGF initiates differentiation of neuroblasts is undetermined."

"Experimentally, NGF has been shown to induce goblet differentiation and increase in MUC5AC both in human conjunctival epithelial cells exposed to increasing NGF concentrations and confirmed in primary cultures [XREF_BIBR]."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induced differentiation in postnodal pieces (PNPs) of stage 4 chick embryos."

"Importantly, PC12 cells overexpressing d-Asb11 appear to continue proliferating upon NGF induced differentiation, as they form overlaying colonies in contrast to control cells that remained in a monolayer (XREF_FIG)."

"No essential regulatory elements, located between -1800 and -1453 bp, appeared to contribute to the overall Bcl-w promoter activity upon NGF induced differentiation (XREF_FIG)."

"Further, trophic growth factor for sympathetic and sensory nerve growth factor (NGF) also stimulate the differentiation, growth, maintenance, and survival of sympathetic and sensory nerve cells."

"PD98059 significantly inhibited NGF induced differentiation in control cells under our experimental conditions."

"The results indicate that coexpression of both low- and high-affinity NGF receptors are not only more efficient in restoration of NGF induced differentiation pathway, but also be able to activate the pro apoptotic activity of low-affinity NGF receptor and make the tumor cells become NGF dependent and irreversibly differentiated."

"NGF induces survival and neurite outgrowth from certain peripheral nervous system neurons and promotes the differentiation of PC12 cells to neuronal like cells with neuritic processes."

"Finally, overexpression of Erbin leads to inhibition of NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells, whereas down-regulation of endogenous Erbin by specific siRNA exhibits an opposite effect."

"Additionally, NGF and BDNF during early brain development allow the differentiation of stem cells into neurons and their survival [48]."

"NGF driven differentiation of PC12 cells normally proceeds through a two-step process where cells initially spread and produce lamellipodia and unstable filopodia and then extend stable neurites."

"Given the responses to prostate tumors, it is reasonable to assume that the NGF may also induce neuroendocrine differentiation of adenocarcinomas after ADT, which may affect tumor growth and progression in the tumor microenvironment XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"NGF, which stimulates neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells, facilitated the phosphorylation of ERK 1/2, SAPK and JNK, and Akt but not that of p38MAPK."

"We tentatively conclude that NGF increases astrocyte number in culture by stimulating mitosis as well as enhancing survival or differentiation."

"We previously reported that in PC12 cells NGF induced activation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) occurs independently of classical and nonclassical PKC isoforms, whereas aPKC isoforms were shown to be required for NGF induced differentiation."

"NGF can activate the cell metabolism by binding to specific TrkA receptor, promoting the proliferation and differentiation of nerve cells, and regulating the survival of central and peripheral nerve cells and the growth of axons, thus playing an important role in the repair of nerve cell injury ."

"All together, these data provide new evidence that NGF mediated differentiation involves extensive modulation of mitochondrial dynamics and biogenesis to increase their efficiency and meet higher energy requirements."

"To test whether overexpressed GFP-MVI or GFP-GT affect distribution of DOCK7 during NGF stimulated differentiation, immunostaining for DOCK7 was performed in transfected cells in the presence or absen[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In the remodeling phase, NGF regulates fibroblasts and induces their differentiation into myofibroblasts ultimately leading to wound contracture."

"Moreover, the ability of NGF to promote neuronal differentiation was attenuated by Rit knockdown."

"The study of the regulation of the expression of these and other NGF inducible genes should valuable new information concerning how NGF and other growth factors cause neural differentiation."

"The PC12 cell line is a useful cellular model for studying NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"Furthermore, NGF stimulated differentiation of PC12 neuronal cells correlates with a 4-fold increase in the V max of SPHK, an effect that required protein kinase activity and protein synthesis (Rius e[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Here, we investigated the potential of Gab1 to induce neurite outgrowth and DNA synthesis, two other important aspects of NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and NGF independent survival."

"Conversely, if the number of TrkA receptors is reduced, NGF is no longer able to induce differentiation or sustained ERK1/2 signaling."

"Therefore, these data uncover the role of the AICD in promoting NGF induced neuronal cell differentiation as a Wnt repressor.We also explored the effect of AICD on neurite extension in primary neurons[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The fastest growing cells and fastest NGF induced differentiation was observed with the latter cells and they were used for most experiments."

"Moreover, Lhx9 increased NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells."

"NGF may have increased neuronal differentiation and survival and favored neurogenesis and neuron survival through subventricular zone (SVZ) neurogenesis or reprogramming of reactive astrocytes."

"In the PC12 model, nerve growth factor (NGF) triggers differentiation into neurotransmitter phenotypes, with formation of neuritic projections and acquisition of electrical excitability."

"The duration signalling is one of the major differences that accounts for the differentiation program elicited by NGF vs. the action of other mitogenic growth factors, such as EGF."

"This is similar to the expression profile of these proteins during NGF induced differentiation."

"During NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells, alpha-actinin increased in association with neurite outgrowth and was predominantly distributed throughout the entire growth cone and the distal portion of neurites."

"More importantly, we found that TTC3 levels can strongly affect the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells, by a CIT-K-dependent mechanism."

"Conversely, cells with lower HP1gamma levels, achieved by siRNA mediated knockdown, displayed a higher propensity for dose dependent, NGF induced differentiation, in particular at low doses of NGF."

"Activation of the neurotrophic tyrosine kinase type 1 receptor, NTRK1, by binding of the specific ligand, nerve growth factor (NGF), inhibits angiogenesis, induces differentiation and growth arrest and mediates apoptosis [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Removal of the second, but not of the first, C1 domain generated a fragment that suppressed neurite outgrowth during RA-, CNTF-, and NGF driven neuronal differentiation."

"We have previously shown that 10058-F4 stimulates NB differentiation, induces expression of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor TrkA and hence renders MYCN amplified NB cells sensitive to NGF mediated differentiation XREF_BIBR."

"The lack of growth-inhibition made it possible to isolate stable PC12 transfectants expressing different levels of the mutant protein (designated M17-sub- clones) and to study the Ras-dependence of NG[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF, BDNF, NT-3, NT-4/5 and NT-6 constitute NGF family (the neurotrophins), which may enhance both survival and differentiation of neurons from the EGF responsive hippocampal and the subventricular zone neural stem cells."

"We found that Ngf and Egf acted on the same IGR gene promotor element of the |-Srgap2-Fam72a-| master gene to mediate cell differentiation and proliferation, respectively."

"This result is consistent with our previous observation in which the TAM ligand, Gas6, can replace the NGF to support PC12 growth and differentiation XREF_BIBR."

"The prototype of this paradigm is that of PC12 pheochromocytoma cells undergoing mitogenesis versus neural differentiation when treated with EGF versus NGF."

"Treatment with 17-DMAG attenuates the levels of TrkA and inhibits NGF mediated differentiation of PC-12 cells."

"Howev- er, NGF induced morphological differentiation of PC 12 cells, as well as ^ Hlfu- cose incorporation into NILE GP, was not inhibited by Al-tunicamycin (Richter- Landsberg & Duksin, unpublished)."

"For the property of potentiating effect on NGF induced neurite outgrowth, isorhamnetin would have potential to be used to treat the differentiation problem caused by NGF insufficiency."

"MiR-21 is a Ngf Modulated RNA Involved in Ngf Signaling and Differentiation."

"These results demonstrate that hyper-activated CMT2B Rab7 mutants inhibit NGF induced differentiation in PC12M cells."

"During NGF mediated differentiation, an increase in the expression of specific mRNAs for the early response genes Fos, cJun, and NGF1a was detected in both the vector control and Rsu-1 transfectants."

"Additionally, our data provide the first information on the molecular mechanisms regulating the expression of shootin1 gene : NGF activates the TrkA receptor tyrosine kinase, which results in the activation of a number of intracellular signalling pathways, including PI3K that induces protein expression of isoform-2 of shootin1 only during NGF mediated differentiation of PC12 cells."

"In the present study we showed that GLCE depletion caused arrested PC12 cell growth and promoted the cell neuritogenesis and differentiation induced by NGF (nerve growth factor)."

"Here, we establish that BMP and Smad1 signaling is specifically required for NGF mediated axon growth but not cell survival or differentiation of developing sensory neurons."

"In contrast to that, our observations suggest that p75NTR plays a subtle but critical role in NGF induced PC12 differentiation."

"In contrast, NGF induced neuronal differentiation in HTLA230 cells expressing the endogenous trkA receptor gene, despite the lack of p75 expression."

"E2F4 was previously shown to be highly upregulated after neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells treated with NGF."

"To examine whether M6a participates in neuronal differentiation, the sense and antisense transfectants were treated with NGF for 3 days to induce neuronal differentiation."

"In agreement with this report, overexpression of Sef inhibits both FGF- and NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"The second consequence of NGF induced differentiation are the changes in the transcriptional activity of Dnmt3b gene."

"These results thus show that NGF induced differentiation of PC 12 cells is accompanied by a decrease in A receptor mediated cAMP accumulation."

"During NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells, neurites appeared after 48 h. However, demethylation alone was not enough for neurite growth (Kaya-Tilki et al., 2016), as well as for the fu[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Our results suggest that (1) different receptor tyrosine kinases use similar patterns of activation of signaling pathways to mediate distinct biological outcomes of cell migration and proliferation, (2) NGF activates signaling proteins in smooth muscle cells similar to those activated during NGF induced neuronal differentiation, and (3) the combinatorial effects of different signaling pathways are important for the regulation of smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation."

"The NGF promoted effects comprise chemoattraction, activation and differentiation of neutrophils, T H 2 lymphocyte proliferation, and B cell survival, among others."

"Thus, NAC suppresses NGF induced neuronal differentiation by uncoupling the signal transduction from Ras to the MAP kinase cascade in PC12 cells."

"In the present study, we found that the level of CRT was enhanced in NGF stimulated differentiation of PC-12 cells through the extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK)-dependent mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway."

"Moreover, the expression pattern of TRPC changes during NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"For example, daily NGF injection in neonatal mice for 10 days causes enhanced differentiation of ganglionic neurons, leading to 5-fold higher protein content and a 3.7-fold higher specific activity to TH."

"This pathway is essential for NGF induced neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells."

"Therefore, we aimed to analyze the expression and signaling mechanism of CREB3 transcription factor family members, using the NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation model."

"When PC12 cells underwent NGF induced differentiation, the rate of cell replication fell dramatically and neurite extension was evident both from morphological examination and from biochemical markers (increased protein : DNA ratio)."

"NGF promotes proliferation and differentiation of neurons, and also modulates the repair of injured nerves XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"For example, PP1 is a downstream target of the nerve growth factor (NGF)/early growth response 1 (Egr-1)/cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) pathway during NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells, sugg[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"heparin and nerve growth factor (NGF) loaded lipid nanoparticles can stimulate the differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into neurons, thereby showing great potential in restoring neuron function that may beneficial to ALS patients [XREF_BIBR]."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces sustained activation of classical MAP kinase (MAPK, also known as ERK) and neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells, whereas epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces transient activation of ERK and MAPK and stimulates proliferation of the cells."

"Otherwise, for NGF : PEI-NPs cell differentiation proceeded similarly to the control cultures treated with NGF."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) not only promotes neuronal survival but also enhances the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts."

"NGF and BDNF, primarily known as biological mediators stimulating neuron growth, proliferation, survival and differentiation are recently studied also as metabotrophic factors, acting on glucose and energy metabolism, pancreatic beta cells and cardiovascular homeostasis."

"More experimental data are required to exactly enlighten the mechanism underlying the differentiation induced either by NGF or by nano-roughness, including investigations concerning the possibility that cytoskeletal changes may increase eNOS activity and NO production which can then be involved in ERK phosphorylation together with induction of one or more NOS isoforms."

"The NGF dimer binds to a dimeric form of TrkA or a monomeric p75 NTR to transduce functional signals and induce neuronal differentiation [XREF_BIBR]."

"Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation is considered to be necessary for the NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells (10)."

"Pharmacologic NGF blockade and NGF knockdown markedly inhibited CHRM4 mediated NEPC differentiation and AKT-MYCN signaling activation."

"However, EGF leads to stimulation of proliferation whereas NGF induces PC12 differentiation to a neurone like phenotype."

"We therefore questioned the mechanisms by which IP 4 might prevent PC12 cell differentiation, and focused on the ERK signaling pathway as sustained activation of ERKs is reported to be essential for the NGF mediated differentiation of PC12 cells XREF_BIBR."

"This role is central both on naive and NGF treated PC12 cells indicating that the mechanism (s) involved are conserved through the NGf induced differentiation process."

"During NGF induced neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells, increased proliferation at early phase is required XREF_BIBR."

"NGF affects functional properties such as chemotaxis and phagocytosis in neutrophils and granulocytes, and induces proliferation and differentiation of monocytes through the trkA receptor."

"To investigate changes in the secretory pathway during NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation, cells were treated with NGF during 6 days as previously reported."

"An essential component of the NGF induced differentiation is the development of action potentials and sodium channels."

"In order to assess the neuronal guidance on NGs with very small periodicity, PC12 cells were seeded on the complete set of NGs (periods from 1 µm down to 200 nm), and neuronal differentiation was induced by NGF stimulation (100 ng/ml) (Fig. 2a)."

"With Sema4D PC12 cells could respond to very low concentration of NGF such as 0.1-1.0 ng/ml NGF that alone induced no obvious neuronal differentiation."

"NGF induced differentiation involves a number of protein kinases, including extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK)."

"Zhangfei enhances expression of Brn3a, an inducer of TrkA expression, promoting autocrine NGF stimulation of TrkA that leads to MAPK-dependent neuronal differentiation and cell death in ONS-76 MB cells [105]."

"These results indicate that down-regulation of c-myc oncogene may be a key event during NGF induced differentiation and over-expression of c-myc oncogene may, at least partially, be responsible for the genesis of neuroblastoma."

"These results suggest that SH2B1beta stimulates NGF induced neuronal differentiation at least in part by enhancing expression of a specific subset of NGF sensitive genes, including Plaur, Mmp3, and/or Mmp10, required for neurite outgrowth."

"NGF and GDNF are added to our neuronal stem cells in culture on day 19 to promote proliferation and differentiation."

"Trks includes the NGF receptor, Trk A, which mediates NGF induced neuronal survival and differentiation in PC12 cells XREF_BIBR."

"NGF induced differentiation led to a substantial increase in neurite lengths means and percentage of the neurite bearing cells."

"In line with the microscopic data, immunoblot analysis revealed that NECC2 protein levels increased progressively during NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells (XREF_FIG)."

"We demonstrate that L5 concentration- and time-dependently reduces cell viability by inducing ATM and H2AX associated DNA damage and LOX-1/p53/caspase-3-dependent apoptosis; moreover, sublytic concentration of L5 inhibits NGF induced neuronal differentiation by LOX-1-mediated suppression of the PI3K and Akt cascade (XREF_FIG)."

"Thus, it is conceivable that the NGF induced increase in cell surface PrPc (achieved by priming PC-12 cells with this soluble factor for 5 days) may facilitate differentiation after plating the cells [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The mitogen, EGF, induced short-term ROS production whereas NRG and NGF, which induce cell differentiation, induced prolonged ROS production."

"In PC12 cells, activation of ERK1/2 is known to participate in the initial phases of NGF induced differentiation by activating the expression of early genes involved in cell cycle arrest and differentiation [XREF_BIBR]."

"This redistribution is found upon NGF driven differentiation of PC12 cells, where neurite elongation is not observed when Elk-1 is restricted to the nucleus."

"The clearly different expression profiles of EGR1, ITGA1, and CRYAB when normalized to GAPDH raised the possibility that GAPDH expression could be regulated over the course of NGF induced differentiation."

"However, NGF induced differentiation was not apparently impacted when Rab7 was knocked down by siRNA (XREF_FIG)."

"Among the many downstream signaling pathways that are initiated by the NGF and TrkA signaling pathways, a sustained activation of the Erk1/2 mitogen activated protein kinase signaling pathway is believed to play a necessary role for NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells i.e. neurite outgrowth."

"Shorter isoform p42 Ebp1 predominantly resides in the cytoplasm and promotes NGF mediated differentiation of PC12 cell, whereas p48 does not exert neurite outgrowth (Liu et al., 2006)."

"In this study, we established an NGF induced PC12 differentiation model to screen novel compounds that have the potential to induce neuronal differentiation, and further characterized 4,10-Aromadendranediol (ARDD) isolated from the dried twigs of the Baccharis gaudichaudiana plant, which exhibited the capability of promoting neurite outgrowth in neuronal cells in vitro."

"A comparison of the genetic programs utilized by NGF and IL-6 to induce neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells yielded some interesting new targets that are induced exclusively by IL-6 and clearly end[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"To test the hypothesis that dual and sustained delivery of GDNF and NGF with different release kinetics can modulate neural differentiation, the morphology of PC12 cells cultured on different scaffolds was investigated and neurite length was measured for determining neural differentiation percentages."

"It has been previously described that differentiation of PC12 cells can be induced by NGF [XREF_BIBR]."

"We identified Polo like kinase 2 (Plk2) and poliovirus receptor (PVR) as indispensable for NGF driven neuronal differentiation and alphaB-crystallin (Cryab) as an inhibitor of this process."

"These results suggest that NAB2 overexpression prevents cell cycle arrest, a prerequisite for NGF induced differentiation."

"NGF promotes survival and differentiation of PC12 cells by activating the TrkA receptor."

"The different fates of PC12 pheocromocytoma cells in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) are classical examples of temporal control in ERK1/2 signaling, as EGF induced transient activation of ERK stimulates PC12 cell proliferation, whereas NGF sustained stimulus leads to cell differentiation [XREF_BIBR]."

"The present results show that both mRNA and protein levels of DDAH1 were increased, whereas those of DDAH2 were decreased, during NGF promoted cell differentiation."

"We performed microarray experiments and used the KEGG database, system biology analysis, and annotation of pathway functions to study NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"To analyze if DNMT3B was one of the possible enzymes responsible for regulating the methylation status of the Brsk1 promoter during NGF induced differentiation, we co-transfected pHDNMT3B constructs, [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We have found previously that the phosphatidylinositol 3 '-kinase pathway, but not the MEK and MAPK pathway, is the mediator of NGF induced cholinergic differentiation."

"The data indicate that overexpression of gp140trk in PC12 cells markedly accelerates NGF induced differentiation pathways, possibly through the elevation of gp140trk tyrosine kinase activity."

"A v-myc-immortalized sympathoadrenal progenitor cell line in which neuronal differentiation is initiated by FGF but not NGF."

"Also occurring at NGF nanomolar concentrations were effects on neural cells, such as the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 [28,29] and neuroblastoma cells [30], or of sensory neurons [31]."

"Overexpression of beta-NGF promotes differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into neurons through regulation of AKT and MAPK pathway."

"[Effects of monoclonal antibodies to bovine nerve growth factor on NGF induced cell differentiation in culture]."

"To compare the differentiation programs induced by NGF and v-src, we have established a PC12 cell line expressing a temperature sensitive v-src protein."

"Although radioimmunoassay did not detect significant adjustments of the CaM contents in any of the above brain areas, an increased immunoreactivity was determined in the hippocampal pyramidal cell lay[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Results presented in Figs. 1E and F show that K252a abolishes the NGF mediated differentiation of PC12 cells whereas it has no effect on MDA treated cells."

"These findings suggested that NGF not only promotes the early stages of follicle development, but also induces the initial biochemical differentiation of secondary follicles into gonadotropin responsive structures."

"Conversely, after NGF induced differentiation, the antigen is found enriched in the neurite and growth cone and disappears from the perinuclear position."

"Pheochromocytoma (PC12) cell has the potential for neuronal differentiation induced by nerve growth factor (NGF)."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulates growth and differentiation of sensory and sympathetic neurons."

"Infusion of NGF into the area of grafted medullary adrenal tissue prolongs graft sur- vival and induces differentiation into neuronal like cells (Stromberg et al., 1985)."

"For example PC12 cells were seen to undergo a normal NGF induced differentiation, with the fusion protein being highly concentrated in the filopodia- like structures of extending growth cones."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) triggers a differentiation pathway in PC12 cells, which then extend long neurite processes, and NGF also induces increased phosphorylation of PC12 cell dynein intermediate chains [XREF_BIBR]."

"Our data suggest that the temporal convergence of the Rab22, Rab5, and Rab21 domains on early endosomes mediated by Rabex-5 may facilitate the biogenesis of NGF signaling endosomes and NGF induced cell differentiation."

"Here, we identify Tetraspanin1 (Tspan1) as a critical regulator of TrkA signaling and neuronal differentiation induced by NGF."

"Under some circumstances, wortmannin and LY294002 have been proving to block the ERK1/2 activation pathway in some cell lines [9,10], but their effectiveness in blocking NGF induction of PC12 differen[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Given that NGF exerts trophic effects via TrkA binding, it was expected that L5/LOX -1 would interfere with NGF induced neuronal differentiation by disrupting TrkA."

"Tuftelin Is Required for NGF-Induced Differentiation of PC12 Cells."

"Introduction of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors into a medulloblastoma cell line results in expression of high- and low-affinity NGF receptors but not NGF mediated differentiation."

"Neuronal differentiation triggered by NGF specifically induced the biosynthesis of secretogranin II in PC12 cells (Laslop and Tschernitz, 1992; Mahata et al., 1999a; Scammell et al., 1995), in RINm5F [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Furthermore, we showed that nm23-H1 mutants, defective in inhibiting the invasive phenotype, downregulate Rb2 and p130 expression and inhibit NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation."

"Our data suggest that RabGEF1 is negative regulator of NGF induced neuronal differentiation and of NMDA receptor mediated signaling activation in PC12 cells."

"The neurotrophin Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) promotes survival and differentiation of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons."

"In our text mining study, Hia has been linked to nerve growth factor (NGF), a homodimeric protein that acts as a mediator of inflammation in injured tissues, induces neuronal differentiation, promotes neuronal survival and prevents apoptosis in neurons of both central and peripheral nervous systems."

"PC12 cells with good growth were selected and inoculated into six-well plates coated with PLL, and nerve growth factor (NGF) was used to induce differentiation."

"During prenatal development and adulthood, NGF mediates proliferation, differentiation, and survival of neuronal (Bibel and Barde, 2000; Huang and Reichardt, 2003) and nonneuronal (muscle, astrocytes,[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"High concentration of GM1 can promote NSCs proliferation and NGF can promote NSCs differentiation."

"GDNF, BDNF, NT-3, and NGF increased cell differentiation into a neuronal phenotype when compared with negative controls, but only NGF showed an incremental dose response (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces terminal differentiation in PC12, a pheochromocytoma derived cell line."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been demonstrated to support survival and differentiation of neuronal cells."

"Early observations in our laboratory indicated that LAMTOR2 XREF_BIBR is an essential modulator of NGF mediated differentiation."

"Further exploration revealed that the combination of BCP and NGF promoted osteoblast differentiation through the regulation of the BMP2 and Runx2 signaling pathway."

"In this work, we aim to study the modifications in organelles and proteins associated with the secretory pathway as well as the response and participation of CREB3 transcription factors in the NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation model."

"FRD1 could play a role in regulating gene activity in the proliferation and differentiation pathways induced by nerve growth factor (NGF)."

"While no significant association could be established between charge and the differentiative and proliferative properties of the polymers, AFM analysis indicated augmentation of NGF induced neuronal differentiation on smooth polymer surfaces."

"These results indicate that the PI3K pathway, but not the MEK and MAPK pathway, is the mediator of NGF induced cholinergic differentiation."

"In neuronal cells, nuNCX1 was detected on the inner membrane of the NE where protein expression and activity of the exchanger increased during NGF induced differentiation."

"The fungal alkaloid militarinone A (MiliA) was recently found to stimulate neuronal outgrowth in PC-12 cells by persistant activation of pathways that are also involved in NGF mediated differentiation, namely the PI3-K and PKB and the MEK and ERK pathways."

"After stimulation with NGF for 72 h, control PC12 cells showed obvious outgrowth of neurites (neurite positive cells = 75.2 +/-11.0%), indicating that neural differentiation was triggered by the stimu[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"However, to our knowledge, this is the first presentation that the reagent directly affected the mobilization of intracellular cations reduces the NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"During NGF-induced differentiation, the complex is altered to contain β-dystroglycan, α1-syntrophin, β-dystrobrevin, γ-sarcoglycan and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF), a prototype neurotrophic factor that was discovered several decades ago, promotes the growth, survival and differentiation of sensory and sympathetic neurons in the peripher[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Our results suggest that activation of sphingosine kinase and subsequent formation of SPP may play an important role in the differentiation and survival effects induced by NGF."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) normally induces the differentiation of PC12 cells into a neuron like phenotype."

"Downregulation of HP1gamma Occurs During Serum and NGF Induced Neuronal Cell Differentiation."

"Receptor subtype specific changes in PC12 cell morphology were also discovered : expression of alpha (2A)-AR, but not of alpha (2B) - or alpha (2C)-AR, induced differentiation like changes in cells not treated with NGF."

"As to the neuropeptide Y (NPY) gene, a typical neuronal LRG, the approach was introduced to elucidate the transcriptional regulations of the NPY gene induced by membrane depolarization and NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells based on morphology are presented in XREF_FIG."

"Overall, we here provide the first evidence of a functional link between boosted energy metabolism and molecular events modulating mitophagy, and mitochondrial biogenesis and remodeling during NGF induced differentiation."

"Antisense oligonucleotide and anti-UPAR antibody experiments demonstrate that NGF induced UPAR expression is required for NGF driven PC12 cell differentiation."

"The results indicated that the released LBP dramatically enhanced both proliferation and neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells induced by NGF."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been demonstrated to support survival and differentiation of neuroblastoma (NB) cells by activation of the TrkA receptor."

"As NGF promotes the survival, differentiation, and phagocytosis of macrophages (Caroleo et al, 2001), macrophage derived NGF may maintain the number of macrophages and enhance their elimination of bac[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Similarly, NRP/B antisense treatment inhibited NGF induced differentiation of PC-12 cells, resulting in the inhibition of neuronal process formation."

"In PC12 cells, robust MAP kinase activation induced by EGF and FGF2, respectively, contributes to cellular proliferation, whereas nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulation leads to prolonged activation of MAP kinase through the FRS2alpha-Shp2-Rap1 pathway and to neuronal differentiation [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Although Ect2 depletion alone had no such effect, the Ect2 suppressive signal and simultaneous NGF induced intracellular signal induced morphological differentiation of PC12 cells."

"There is biological plausibility to this convergence of Pb on NGF stimulated differentiation."

"The regulation of nerve growth factor (NGF) protein and NGF messenger RNA (mRNA) in the developing rat brain has been studied to assess the hypothesis that NGF supports the differentiation of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain."

"The neurotrophin nerve growth factor ( NGF ) modulates the growth of human gliomas and is able to induce cell differentiation through the engagement of tropomyosin receptor kinase A ( TrkA ) receptor , although the role played in controlling glioma survival has proved controversial ."

"However, p120 RasGAP recruits complexes that contain p190 RhoGAP and p62Dok to activated tyrosine kinases [252,253], suggesting it has roles that go beyond that of a negative regulator.In PC12 rat phe[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"These results indicate that PPP4R2 is capable of physically interacting with SMN in neuronal cell lines and suggest that both its N-terminus and C-terminus may contribute to the interaction.While stud[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Data in PC12W cells showed that AT2R stimulation by Ang II enhances neurite elongation and promotes NGF-induced neuronal differentiation."

"For instance, in rat adrenal pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, nerve growth factor (NGF) induces cell differentiation mainly through sustained phosphorylation of ERK [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR], whereas pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) induces cell differentiation mainly through cAMP dependent CREB phosphorylation [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"These results indicate that NMDA receptor functions and monoaminergic nervous systems are significantly stimulated during NGF induced differentiation."

"These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that NGF induced differentiation of PC-12 cells is coupled with enhanced endocytosis of WGA and probably of its ' receptor ' to the innermost Golgi cisterna (e) and the closely associated vesicles."

"Volume 315, number 3, 227-232 FEBS 11973 1993 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 00145793/93/S6.00 January 1993 Epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-a can induce neuronal d[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF induced NO increases p21 during NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells."

"Since BAG3 expression was shown to be associated with NGF induced neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells, we decided to investigate its expression in the developing (E18) and adult brain."

"Thomas, S.M., M. Hayes, G. D'Arcangelo, R.C. Armstrong, B.E. Meyer, A. Zilberstein, J.S. Brugge and S. Halegua, 1991, Induc- tion of neurite outgrowth by t;-src mimics critical aspects of NGF induced [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF induced differentiation was accompanied by a down-regulation of adenosine AZA receptors : receptor binding decreased to 500 fmoVmg, immunoreactive AZA receptor protein was decreased by about half [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Taken together, these results suggest that the NGF driven differentiation process of PC12 cells can be divided into two discrete processes : latent and extension."

"The consequences of this regulation were studied in two models of neuronal differentiation : rat PC12 cells treated with NGF and neurogenesis of rat primary cortical neurons."

"Bcl-2 antisense oligonucleotide suppressed not only the NGF induced increase in bcl-2 but also NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"To investigate if siRNA knockdown of Rab7 affected NGF induced differentiation in PC12M cells, TrkA-EGFP was co-transfected with either Rab7 siRNA-1 or GL3 siRNA into Neuroscreen-1, a sub-cell line of PC12M cells."

"In PC12 cells, NGF induced differentiation involves activation of NOS isozymes and NO production, and inhibition of NOS activity prevents NGF mediated neurite outgrowth [9] and expression of cholinerg[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"An increase in Tmod1 message and protein levels during neuronal differentiation was observed in the rat cerebellum over postnatal days 15-20, and increases in Tmod1 message levels were also observed after NGF induced differentiation of rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells."

"NGF stimulated differentiation of the cells resulted in the elevation of basal SAPK activity to levels four- to sevenfold greater than in untreated cells, which was correlated with an approximate fivefold increase in SAPK protein levels."

"In order to investigate how neuronal growth factor (NGF) contributes to BMSCs differentiation, BMSCs were co-incubated with an anti-NGF antibody and AST IV, and then levels of osteogenesis markers were assessed."

"As occurs in other epithelial cells [52], in HEK293 cells, NGF may induce a certain degree of cell differentiation by interacting with endogenously expressed TrkA receptor."

"In P19 cells a strong induction of HuD mRNA was observed after triggering neuronal differentiation by retinoic acid, whereas in PC12 cells the mRNA was present before and after nerve growth factor (NGF) induced neuronal differentiation."

"We tested this hypothesis and investigated the role of Praja1 in NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"The combination of NGF and TRKA can inhibit apoptotic proteins, promote neuron differentiation and axon growth, and mediate allergic reactions by activating the PI3K/MAPK/PLCgamma signaling pathways XREF_BIBR."

"Previous studies revealed that liganded ERalpha enhanced NGF induced differentiation in PC-12 cells while in the absence of 17beta-estradiol (17betaE2), the expression of ERalpha actually partly suppressed NGF induced neurite outgrowth or expression of neuronal markers [XREF_BIBR]."

"Moreover, the prolonged half life of SM in the presence of NGF, as resulted from our experiments in which PC12 cells were loaded with C12-LRh-SM, can partially contribute to the observed increase of S[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Here, we report that Gbetagamma, an important component of the GPCR pathway, is critical for NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells."

"Our findings indicate that HA inhibits NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells partially by inhibiting ERK phosphorylation through RHAMM, and suggest that the binding of HA to RHAMM modifies the signaling pathways in PC12 cells treated with NGF."

"After treatments with chemicals, cells were trypsinized and triplicate counted from trypan blue staining.To characterize the profound role of PLC gamma1 in NGF mediated PC12 cell differentiation, we e[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"It has been established that NGF and PACAP cause differentiation of these cells."

"During NGF induced differentiation, PC12 cells extend neurites that adhere to ECM proteins."

"Additionally, measurement of the neurite extensions did not reveal any significant difference in neurite length when comparing NRG versus NGF induced differentiation."

"It has been shown that PC12 differentiation induced by NGF is mediated by its interaction with the tyrosine kinase receptor type 1, TrkA."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) leads to neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and promotes their survival in serum-free medium."

"NGF promotes PC12 neuronal differentiation concomitant with release of."

"To guide the neuronal differentiation of MSCs, a nerve growth factor conjugated to electrospun nanofibrous meshes with its topographic signals significantly promoted cell function after injury [98]."

"NGF, the best characterized neurotrophin, elicits differentiation, survival, and neurite growth in sympathetic neurons."

"NGF can promote synaptic growth, nourish neurons, regulate the growth, development, and differentiation of neurons in the central nervous system, playing a neuroprotective effect on brain tissue (Ziv-Polat et al., 2014)."

"In naive PC12 cells the region was free of methylation and remained unmethylated during NGF induced differentiation."

"These results suggest that nitrated proteins change their subcellular distribution during NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells and translocate from the cytosolic to the cytoskeletal fraction.The [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The results suggest that NGF triggers the chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs via interactions between NGF and the TrkA / p75 NTR receptors, and these interactions subsequently activate downstream molecules, such as PI3K and AKT."

"Similarly, NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells is also sensitive to PTX."

"Furthermore, poly (L-lactic acid-co-caprolactone)/silk fibroin blend nanofibers that contained the combination of NGF and monosialoganglioside promoted increased cell differentiation and proliferation compared to nanofibers with only NGF incorporated (Sun et al., 2016)."

"We also found that Sprouty4 negatively regulates NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and primary sensory neurons."

"Over the last three decades, a consistent number of published studies have shown that NGF can promote cell differentiation and arrest tumor progression, as observed in primary and cell line tumor cells [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"It is demonstrated for the first time that protoberberine alkaloids potentiated the NGF induced differentiation of neural cells."

"The stimulation of NGF activates the PI3K and Akt pathway promotes cellular proliferation, differentiation, and survival."

"For example , p75NTR can also bind to TrkA to form a high-affinity complex for NGF that promotes neuronal survival , differentiation , and growth ."

"Schwann cells were previously reported to express and secrete the NTRK1 specific ligand, NGF, which lead to peripheral nerve regeneration and axonal myelination as well as to neuroblastoma cell differentiation [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"Nevertheless, with the initiation of NGF induced differentiation, the same concentration had a profound impact on ChAT."

"Indeed, the experimental evidence that NGF exposure induces differentiation rather than proliferation in cancer cell line (pheochromocytoma, glioma, neuroblastoma and pancreatic beta cells) argues against the pro cancer role of NGF."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) acts on various classes of central and peripheral neurons to promote cell survival, stimulate neurite outgrowth and modulate differentiation."

"Following treatment with nerve growth factor (NGF), conditions which induce differentiation to an electrically excitably neuronal-cell type, the neurotoxin activated 22Na+ uptake increases approximately 12-fold, on a per cell basis, reaching a maximum in 12-16 days."

"PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells are widely used as target cells of NGF, as NGF induces differentiation of PC12 cells from round chromaffinelike cells to neurite bearing sympathetic neuron like cells [[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Expression of one NGF preferentially induced gene, urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (UPAR), is required for NGF induced neurite extension and neuronal differentiation."

"Furthermore, ILK can regulate integrin dependent neurite outgrowth in N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells XREF_BIBR and NGF stimulated differentiation of PC-12 cells and dorsal root ganglion neurons XREF_BIBR."

"SuperFect (TM) was originally designed as a DNA transfectant, however Superfect and siRNA dendriplexes have previously been described to successfully knock down the expression of Erbin in rat cheochromocytoma cells (PC12), resulting in a 52% enhancement of NGF mediated differentiation."

"These observations may account for the absence of neuronal differentiation of persistently infected PC12 cells treated with NGF."

"Collectively, these findings demonstrate that a PS-1 mutation alters cellular signaling systems associated with NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells."

"NGF also synergizes with GM-CSF to promote human basophil and mast cell differentiation in both methylcellulose and suspension cultures of myeloid progenitors."

"In addition, cyclin dependent kinase-2 (CDK2) overexpression inhibited the NGF induced differentiation of PC-12 cells."

"To determine whether metformin and NGF modulated cell migration and differentiation, both relevant processes for the angiogenic potential of EA.hy926 cells, tube formation and migration were evaluated in Matrigel and migration assays, respectively."

"As a first experimental approach to test this hypothesis, we have used aged mice treated intracerebroventricularly firstly with EGF to stimulate cell proliferation [25,29,30,37], followed by NGF to pr[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Thus, NGF induces neuronal survival, growth, and differentiation of CA production in a dose dependent fashion."

"This relates with the differential roles of these RTKs in neuronal function: NGF/TrkA signaling stimulates sympathetic neuron differentiation, whereas BDNF/TrkB signaling facilitates neuronal plasticity, survival and angiogenesis (Schramm et al., 2005)."

"Similar results were observed during NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation."

"NMB did not significantly elongate neurites, whereas NGF significantly increased neurite length, and thereby induced differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells into neuron like cells (XREF_FIG)."

"Here, we newly report that NGF induced differentiation requires the activation of mitophagy through mechanisms that are dependent upon altered energy homeostasis and requirement of mitochondrial remodeling."

"Soluble cytosolic NFL is most likely unpolymerized NFL just after protein synthesis, which is associated with neuronal differentiation induced by NGF."

"We suggest that the NGF induced sustained tyrosine phosphorylation signal in PC12h-R cells may be correlated closely with their rapid NGF induced differentiation into neuron like cells."

"NGF treatment increases the percentage of mature OLs, while NGF blocking by neutralizing antibody and TRKA antagonist impairs OPC differentiation."

"In PC-12 cells, (P) RR localized mainly in the Golgi and in endoplasmic reticulum and redistributed to neurite projections during NGF induced differentiation."

"Therefore, it may be worth exploring the cell signaling pathway of Sp1 to establish a link between NGF, lead, and subsequent downstream events.Previous evidence suggests that lead may have effects on [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"All variants showed punctate appearance throughout the cytoplasm, while the 66-kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment of nadrin-102 and/or nadrin-116 was localized to the nucleus and its nuclear translocation was accelerated by NGF induced differentiation of the cells."

"These data suggest that increased intracellular cyclic AMP can suppress the expression of neuronal differentiation antigens induced by NGF, and are consistent with a role for neurofilament protein in promoting or facilitating the formation of a stable neuritic network."

"During NGF induced differentiation there is a predominance of N-type Ca2+ channels in growth cones, while Ca2+ stores are of minor importance in these structures."

"NGF supports differentiation and survival of BFCNs in vitro and in vivo."

"In support of this idea, bryostatin has an effect similar to that which removal of Pl3 kinase has on NGF induced differentiation [44]."

"NGF induces neuronal differentiation in PC-12 cells via multiple pathways, such as the ERK1/2 and p53 and p21 pathway."

"Understanding how nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes the differentiation and survival of neurons has therefore been a central aim in neurobiology research for many years."

"Similarly, neuronal differentiation and axonogenesis can be induced by the proNGF (the precursor of NGF), which was shown to be secreted by PCa cells in vitro (Pundavela et al., 2014)."

"Importantly, knockout of ACS4 in ES cells markedly attenuated neuronal differentiation induced by NGF and all-trans retinoic acids (RA)."

"Furthermore, in vitro studies have shown that NGF promotes the differentiation of bipotential precursor cells to the mammotroph phenotype during pituitary development, suggesting that the acquisition [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"To test whether DYRK1A overexpression influences the NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells, cells were treated with NGF in the presence and absence of doxycycline for DYRK1A overexpression (XREF_FIG)."

"We propose that continuous NGF stimulation is required to induce two temporally separated differentiation processes : the latent and extension processes."

"In the case of rat PC 12 cells, NGF induced differentiation results in an increase in ACh mediated channel activity and an increase in the levels of mRNA for several receptor subunits including a7 [15[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Also, the optimal dose for NGF to induce cholinergic neural differentiation was 50 ng/mL."

"Taken together, these results suggest that beta-NGF gene transfection promotes the differentiation of BMSCs into neurons through regulation of AKT and MAPKs signaling pathways."

"The best characterized member of the neurotrophins is nerve growth factor (NGF), which supports the differentiation and survival of specific populations of sensory, sympathetic, and central nervous system neurons via the activation of its receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkA."

"The observation that the gain of Mani function inhibited neurite outgrowth whereas the loss of Mani function exhibited the opposite effect could be due to (i) Mani inhibits Ngf mediated cell differentiation or (ii) Mani inhibits Ngf stimulated neurite outgrowth formation."

"NGF induces cell differentiation of PC12 cells as indicated by neurite outgrowth."

"Depending upon which receptor is activated, NGF can induce differentiation or apoptosis."

"NGF induced differentiation increased I-90 by 248% and I-30 by 133%."

"Taken together, these data suggest that intracellular iron promotes NGF stimulated differentiation of PC12 cells by increasing ERK activity."

"The combined effect of RA and NGF was able to promote stem cell differentiation into cholinergic neurons (Hebert et al., 2002), and the ISL-1 expression supports this hypothesis."

"Previous studies reported that uPAR expression is necessary for NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation."

"Morphological changes, including the formation of growth cones, outgrowth of processes and cellular hypertrophy, were observed, concurrently, indicating that exogenous NGF stimulated differentiation and thereby inhibited proliferation of the cells."

"Cell surface Trk receptors mediate NGF induced survival while internalized receptors regulate NGF induced differentiation."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) or forskolin (FRK) are known to induce cellular differentiation including process formation in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells."

"During NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells, E2F1 protein is located in a punctate pattern within the cell body and in the nuclei of some cells."

"Early reports that RyRs are upregulated during NGF induced differentiation of adrenal chromaffin cells suggested the possibility that RyRs mediate the CICR necessary for neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation."

"These data indicated that the levels of alpha o, alpha i-2, and beta are differentially regulated during NGF induced neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells."

"Furthermore, this failure in differentiation correlated with significant attenuation in tyrosine phosphorylation of TrkA (a marker for NGF induced differentiation) and reduced the expression of neuronal markers, Hu antigen, and MAP2."

"Verdi, J.M., Birren, S.J., Ibanez, C.F., Persson, H., Kaplan, D.R., Bene- detti, M., Chao, M.V. and Anderson, D.J. (1994) p75LNGFR regulates Trk signal transduction and NGF induced neuronal differenti[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In contrast, NGF at 50ng/mL induced the cell differentiation almost to 100%."

"NGF treatment of PC12 cells rapidly initiated signs of differentiation."

"The time- and dose dependent differentiation triggered by NGF was (1) markedly increased by basic fibroblast growth factor, interleukin-6 or dibutyryl cyclic AMP; (2) diminished by leukemia inhibitory factor or ciliary neurotrophic factor; (3) not potentiated by insulin like growth factor I or progesterone."

"The extracellular signals of NGF (nerve growth factor) and bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) could induce cholinergic neuron differentiation."

"While some studies show that activation of MAP kinases cascade is necessary and sufficient for NGF induced cell differentiation [40, 41], others suggest the existence of alternative pathways [42]."

"Upon activation of Trk, NGF directs the differentiation of GH3 cells from a prevalent growth hormone secreting somatotroph phenotype to prolactin producing lactotrophs (Missale et al., 1994), at the s[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Cocaine inhibits NGF induced PC12 cells differentiation through D (1)-type dopamine receptors."

"In contrast, however, overexpression of hSef was reported to inhibit not only FGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells but also NGF induced differentiation (Xiong et al., 2003)."

"NGF is driving differentiation of PC12 cells into cells resembling sympathetic neurons."

"NGF and retinoic acid were found to increase multiple parameters of SH-SY5Y differentiation, including an increased proportion of cells having neurites and increased extent of branching."

"This suggests that NGF promotes the differentiation of immature chromafin cells and chromafin cell precursors, but not mature chromatin cells, into sympathetic neurons."

"The induction of tuftelin expression in PC12 cell line during hypoxia and NGF induced differentiation."

"By itself, NGF induced differentiation elicited massive increments in ChAT and TH activity relative to undifferentiated cells (compare scales in XREF_FIG vs. XREF_FIG)."

"Early insights into ERK signal specificity came from studies of the PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cell line in which it was shown that sustained ERK activation induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) led to neuronal differentiation while transient ERK activation following EGF treatment elicited a non differentiating proliferative response [XREF_BIBR]."

"Also, NGF may induce the differentiation of PC12 cells into neuron like cells (Fig C in XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY) and thus used as the substitute for neuron cells in this work [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"Accordingly, differentiation induced by NGF on PLL-glass and by ns-TiO 2 is prevented by MEK kinase inhibitor to a similar extent, suggesting that the same pathway is involved in differentiation process started by the two different stimuli."

"With respect to osteoblastic cells, NGF stimulates their differentiation and acts as an autocrine survival factor of MC3T3-E1 cells [30] whereas immortalized hFOB cells express trk receptors and produ[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Consistent with being a Trk inhibitor, K252a (1) inhibits neuronal differentiation induced by NGF and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)."

"Atypical protein kinase Cs zeta and lambda and iota play a functional role in the regulation of NGF induced differentiation and survival of pheochromocytoma, PC12 cells [Coleman and Wooten, 1994; Wooten et al., 1999]."

"Recently, unexpected actions of NGF in bone regeneration have emerged as NGF is able to enhance the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells."

"These two constructs also partially inhibited NGF stimulated neuritogenesis indicating that PKCepsilon is a positive regulator of both NCAM- and NGF mediated differentiation."

"NGF induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells showed a number of differences to those cells induced to differentiate by retinoic acid (RA) (Burchill et al., 1994)."

"The illumination of NGF’s critical role in neuronal development eventually led to the creation of the “neurotrophic factor hypothesis” and the classical neurotrophic model in which NGF is synthesized and released by target tissues during embryonic development, promoting the growth, differentiation, and survival of neurons in a dose-dependent manner."

"PP2 also completely blocked NE induced PC12 cell differentiation, but had no measurable effect on NGF induced differentiation."

"On the other hand, Rap (200nM) does not affect NGF response, suggesting that autophagy is required for NGF mediated differentiation, which occurs only after the appropriate NGF signaling."

"These findings indicate that although increased levels of IP 5 -2 K are necessary for mediating the initial phases of NGF mediated differentiation, a decrease in its level in both fully differentiated PC12 cells and sympathetic neurons does not affect cell survival."

"Since all PC12 subclones expressing detectable levels of the dominant inhibitory Ras protein are resistant to NGF induction of neurite formation, our observations support the notion that sustained act[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"These observations indicate that NGF by interfering with mechanisms associated with cells proliferation and survival might induce the differentiation event through TrkA pathways."

"p75LNGFR regulates Trk signal transduction and NGF induced neuronal differentiation in MAH cells."

"For example, NGF enhances proliferation of B and T cells (Thorpe and Perez-Polo, 1987; Otten et al., 1989; Brodie et al., 1992) induces synthesis and secretion of antibodies from B cells (Otten et al.[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Pleasure, S.J., Reddy, U.R., Venkatakrishnan, G., Roy, A.K., Chen, J., Ross, A.H., Trojanowski, J.Q., Pleasure, D.E., Lee, V.M.Y. (1990) Introduction of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors into a medu[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Inosine exerts its receptor independent effects probably via protein kinase N that has been implicated in mediating NGF- induced differentiation (Volonte etal., 1989; Greene etal., 1990), and inductio[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Expression of the mouse counterparts of hNLRR-2 and hNLRR-3 is up-regulated after NGF induced differentiation and down-regulated after NGF depletion induced apoptosis."

"Because miR-21 enhanced neurotrophin signaling and controlled the neuronal differentiation induced by NGF, this miRNA preserved the neurite network and supported the viability of the neurons after NGF withdrawal 43."

"In PC12 cells , epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) induces transient ERK activation that leads to cell proliferation , whereas nerve growth factor ( NGF ) promotes sustained ERK activation and cell differentiation ."

"In order to identify the downstream signalling pathways involved in the acceleration of NGF induced differentiation in Fes expressing PC12 cells, we performed a series of pharmacological investigation[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We have demonstrated that elevated expression of IP 3 3-KA dramatically inhibits NGF driven PC12 cell differentiation, and that this occurs principally as a result of the kinase activity of the enzyme."

"The molecular background of neuronal differentiation caused by NGF can be conveniently studied by using the PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cell line."

"In rat pheochromocytoma (PC-12) cells, which have been used as an in vitro model system to study the mechanisms of neuronal differentiation, NGF induces their differentiation, leading to the extension of neurites and the development of the characteristics of sympathetic neurons [XREF_BIBR]."

"Similarly, Yada et al. reported that NGF stimulated differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells without affecting cell proliferation [XREF_BIBR]."

"By stabilizing cell-cell contacts and promoting cell cluster formation, these events, which were mediated via a significant increase in intracellular Ca2+, regulated some of the early stages of the NGF induced differentiation process."

"Together, our results suggested a model whereby the degradation of HP1gamma, as well as its S83 phosphorylation, may play a necessary role in NGF induced cell differentiation."

"Because PKCzeta is involved in the MAPK activation and activation of PKCzeta is required for NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells, we first examined the effects of PKCzeta on morphology of PC12 cells by the transient expression assays."

"Detailed analysis of the markers of undifferentiated spermatogonia (GFRalpha1 and Stra8) and differentiating spermatogonia (SYCP3) suggested that NGF might specifically stimulate the differentiation of spermatogonia cells (XREF_FIG b-f)."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) modulates survival and differentiation of neuronal cells."

"Here we demonstrate that overexpression of gp140trk results in marked changes in NGF induced differentiation."

"If CREB3L2 increases during NGF induced differentiation, how does its knockdown promote a neurite outgrowth and its overexpression inhibit the same process?"

"Only NGF induced stable innervation and differentiation of neurosensory relationships, including supernumerary innervation characteristic of the intact bv."

"This suggests that PC12 sensitivity to PrP106-126 toxicity is related to prion protein expression and not to a state of high differentiation induced by NGF."

"This study reports the first evidence that neuritin plays a role in modulating neurite outgrowth during the progression of NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"Studies have shown that EGR1 is rapidly activated by the stimulation of NGF, IGF-I, mitogen, free radical, or ionizing radiation to regulate cell growth and participate in differentiation [33]."

"NGF promotes axonal regeneration, survival, protection and differentiation of oligodendrocytes (OGs) and facilitates migration and proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursors (OPs) to the sites of myelin damage."

"REMOVED : NGF activation of the integrative nuclear FGFR1 signaling (INFS) mediates gene activation and cell differentiation."

"In this study, we used well established cell models for studying NGF mediated neuronal differentiation in combination with the transduction of genetic mutants, signaling experiments, and genome-wide transcriptional profiling."

"This suggests that partial NGF activity is inadequate to drive neuronal differentiation, providing further evidence that there is an optimal level of NGF-TRKA signalling required for neuronal development.Despite the general consensus that proNGF is an apoptotic agent, the data presented here do not support an apoptotic role for the intermediate cleavage forms of proNGF, as the mutation p.R121W which prevented cleavage to mature NGF did not induce apoptosis."

"On this line, we have reported that NGF treatment of PCa cell lines induces their differentiation into a less malignant phenotype, as shown by the expression of p75 NGFR and androgen receptors, decrea[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"All-trans-, 9-cis-retinoic acid (10 (-6) M) or NGF (50-100 ng/ml) induced morphologic differentiation and inhibited cell growth in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells after 7 days of culture."

"Finally, NGF induced differentiation has been extensively studied in PC12 cells, and much is known about the downstream signaling pathways, which we reasoned would assist in comparing the selectivity of any compounds that we identify."

"Both an antisense oligonucleotide for the UPAR mRNA and an antibody directed against UPAR protein block NGF induced morphological and biochemical differentiation of PC12 cells; NGF induced UPAR expression is required for subsequent NGF driven differentiation."

"Introduction Nerve growth factor (NGF), the first and best char- acterized neurotrophic factor, promotes survival, growth and differentiation of peripheral sympathetic and sensory neurons and of basal[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NGF has been shown to promote the division of progenitor cells in rat striatum, as well as induce the differentiation of neurons and their protection under various pathological conditions."

"These observations show that the lipase inactive mutant of PLC-gamma1 does not alter NGF induced neuronal differentiation via enzymatic inability and the odulation of cell cycle regulatory proteins independent on SH3 domain."

"Recently, it was shown that NGF induces terminal differentiation in lactotrophs and increases the absolute and relative number of these cells in pituitary monolayer cultures of newborn rats (Missale e[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We also tested the effects of long-term exposure to chlorpyrifos during the process of NGF induced differentiation."

"In rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC12 cells, both FGF-2 and NGF induce cell differentiation [9, 39]."

"Furthermore, nuclear FGFR1 is essential for NGF induced differentiation and transcriptional programming ofPC12 cells.FGFR1 binds to Nur targeted regions of NGF activated genes and augments NGF activation of ligand independent function of Nur77 and Nurr1."

"Addition of nerve growth factor (NGF) to PC12 cells promotes neuronal differentiation while inhibiting cell proliferation."

"The results clearly demonstrated that NGF gene expression in 1321N1 cells was increased by the scabronines A and G.To clarify whether the amounts of NGF secreted from 1321N1 cells in response to scabr[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Figure XREF_FIG (C) shows that, in keeping with the results previously reported, PC12 cells grown on PLL-glass present a basal level of protein nitration which increases upon NGF induced differentiation at a level similar to the one evaluated for PC12 cells grown on ns-TiO 2 independently from the presence of the inducer NGF."

"NGF induces human B- and murine T-lymphocytes differentiation and proliferation (Thorpe and Perez-Polo, 1987; Otten et al., 1989; Stepien et al., 1991; Ehrhard et al., 1993a)."

"It has been reported that the activation of the extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 (Erk 1/2) and phosphoinositide 3 (PI3) kinase plays a crucial role in the NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"Interestingly, PC12 cells express both NOX1 and NOX2, which are differentially regulated during NGF-induced differentiation such that NOX2 promotes neurite extension, and is down-regulated during the process, while NOX1 opposes neurite extension and is upregulated (Ibi et al., 2006), suggesting different signaling roles depending on the specific NOX isoform."

"Studies on low and high M17-expressor PC12 cells may help to determine the exact role of Ras proteins in NGF signaling and to identify signaling events that are essential for NGF induced neuronal diff[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Additionally, treatment with 17-DMAG inhibited NGF induced neurite formation and differentiation of PC-12 cells (XREF_FIG)."

"For neuronal differentiation, PC12 cells were treated with 50 ng/ml NGF in a low-serum medium (DMEM supplemented with 2% FBS, 1% penicillin and streptomycin, and 1% L-glutamine) every 24 h for 96 h. Every 48 h, culture media was removed and replaced with fresh media and NGF according to Binnington and Kalisch."

"Following one week of NGF induced differentiation, ND-PC12 cells were infected with RP3 and RP4 at MOI 's of 1 and 10."

"The results indicated that the released LBP dramatically enhanced both proliferation and neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells induced by NGF."

"We found FLJ12242 to be the most highly expressed p53 regulated gene in NGF mediated differentiation."

"These data suggest that the nitration of tyrosine residues in proteins may be one of the molecular mechanisms involved in the signaling pathway of NGF induced differentiation in PC12 cells.Nitrated pr[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Verdi JM, Birren SJ, Ibanez CF, Persson H, Kaplan DR, Benedetti M, Chao MV, Anderson DJ : p75LNGFR regulates Trk sig nal transduction and NGF induced neuronal differentiation in MAH cells."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes the survival and differentiation of sensory and sympathetic neurons."

"In PC12 cells, NGF initiates time dependent cellular differentiation and neurite outgrowth."

"In agreement with previous results from Jeon et al XREF_BIBR, NGF promoted the differentiation of axonal neurite of PC12 cells as evidenced by the high concentration of Tau-1 expression, a specific axonal marker, at the terminal tips of neurite when compared to MAP-2 dendritic marker which was more concentrated in the cell body and proximal neurites (XREF_FIG, upper panels)."

"2.5–250 ng/ml NGF led to potent differentiation, which is in line with largely sustained single‐cell temporal ERK activity patterns."

"It has been reported that nerve growth factor (NGF) induces neuronal differentiation of rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells through induction of the brain specific isoform of Elk-1."

"Treatment of the cells with alphaIR-3 did not counteract NGF induced differentiation of the cells."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) triggers cell cycle exit and differentiation of PC12 cells into sympathetic neurons, whereas treatment with epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces PC12 cell proliferation."

"Upregulation of autophagy during NGF induced differentiation."

"Immunofluorescent images revealed that a high concentration of NGF accelerated the differentiation of BMSCs into neurons."

"HuD regulates the stability of the microtubule protein Tau mRNA (Aranada-Abreu et al., 1999) such that knocking down HuD in PC12 cells inhibits NGF induced differentiation and neurite outgrowth."

"Although the growth factor effects predominated (e.g., EGF induced maintenance of NSCs and NGF induced neural differentiation), the ECM also played a role, as illustrated by much less extensive NT-3-induced neural and CNTF induced astroglial differentiation on laminin vs. fibronectin [XREF_BIBR]."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) stimulate neuronal differentiation, whereas epidermal growth factor (EGF) promotes only mitogenic responses in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells."

"Interestingly, DUSP26 prevented NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells through direct and indirect downregulation of RTKs."

"By contrast, previous reports had suggested that sustained activation of the ERK MAPK pathway was sufficient for NGF induced PC12 differentiation."

"NGF was able to induce fibroblastic-keratocyte differentiation into myofibroblasts, migration, Metalloproteinase-9 expression and activity and contraction of a 3D collagen gel, without affecting their proliferation and collagen production."

"By genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), new putative p53 target genes have been identified during NGF mediated PC12 neuronal differentiation."

"In pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells nerve growth factor (NGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) activate similar receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathways but evoke strikingly different biological outcomes : NGF induces differentiation and EGF acts as a mitogen."

"Therefore, NGF stimulation leads to sustained activation of the MAPKs and subsequently to neural differentiation."

"For example, nerve growth factor (NGF) supports differentiation and neurite outgrowth of the primary culture of sympathetic ganglia [1] and embryonic rat brain [2], as well as several cell lines, incl[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Furthermore, NGF is known to promote corneal healing, maintain corneal epithelial stem cells, promote tear production, and induce epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation [XREF_BIBR]."

"These data, consistent with the Erk phophorylation results, confirm that hSef has opposite effects on FGF and EGF mediated Erk signaling.Under ordinary culture conditions, nerve growth factor (NGF) or[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Hence, we speculate that DHEA might influence NGF mediated chromaffin differentiation processes using the ERK1/2 MAP kinase pathway during adrenal tissue development."

"BIRREN, S. J. and ANDERSON, D. J. (1990) A v-myc-immortalized sympathoadrenal progenitor cell line in which neuronal differentiation is initiated by FGF but not NGF."

"The results indicate that down-regulation of c-myc oncogene may be one of the important events during NGF induced differentiation and over expression of c-myc oncogene may, at least partly, be responsible for the development of neuroblastoma."

"\ n NGF can promote the murine bone-marrow cells differentiation into CD11c+ DCs, with CD8a-subset; NGF could enhance LPS induced cytokine secretion from DCs (IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12)."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) supports the survival and differentiation of sympathetic and sensory neurons and is also mitogenic for a variety of tumors."

"To determine whether or not NGF secreted from B35 cells in response to TG-CKJ or SH-CKJ treatment can induce differentiation of PC12 cells, the length of PC12 cells was observed after addition of CM collected from B35 cells treated with TG-CKJ or SH-CKJ."

"Overexpression of phospholipase C-gamma1 inhibits NGF induced neuronal differentiation by proliferative activity of SH3 domain."

"Because signaling cascades activated by TrkA receptor on cell surface are sufficient to mediate NGF induced survival, but NGF induced differentiation requires internalization of the Trk receptor in PC12 cells, Our observation suggests that NTRAP may be involved in the internalization and/or subsequent endocytic sorting of activated Trk receptors."

"NGF activation of this pathway by itself is not sufficient to induce neuronal differentiation, since even low levels of Ha-Ras Asn 17 render PC12 cells unresponsive to NGF stimulated neurite outgrowth[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In PC12 cells, XIAP overexpression prevents NGF induced neuronal differentiation, whereas NGF treatment induces a reduction of endogenous XIAP levels concomitant with the induction of neuronal differentiation."

"For example, 0.1 and 1 ng/ml NGF alone did not significantly induce neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells, while an addition of Sema4D-AP remarkably increased the number of cells possessing neurites."

"These results demonstrate an important role for tuftelin in NGF-induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"As it is known that TrkA signaling contributes to NGF mediated survival and differentiation of various neuronal populations, we next investigated whether Spry4 could modulate neurite outgrowth of neuroblast like PC12 cells in response to NGF."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) can enhance innervation and bone regeneration in a fracture model and stimulate differentiation of osteoblastic cells."

"These studies demonstrate that the neurotrophin, nerve growth factor (NGF), mediates neuronal survival and differentiation via TrkA receptors in a PI3K dependent manner."

"Early studies showed that in PC12 primitive neural crest cells, ATF5 gene transcripts were downregulated more than 25-fold upon NGF stimulated differentiation [XREF_BIBR]."

"HA4 upregulated neurite-outgrowth of cultured PC12 cells in the presence of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which induces neuronal differentiation in PC12."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF), the founder member of a protein family termed neurotrophins, is known to promote the survival and differentiation of primary sensory neurons, sympathetic neurons and choline[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"However, sphingosine, an inhibitor of protein kinase C and NGF induced differentiation of PC 12 cells, did not alter the phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine stimulated by NGF."

"In functional assays with HP1gamma levels maintained at a higher level with exogenous overexpression, cells are unable to properly proceed with NGF induced differentiation, as evidenced by a reduced amount of neurite formation."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces neurite outgrowth and differentiation in a process that involves NGF binding to its receptor TrkA and endocytosis of the NGF and TrkA complex into signaling endosomes."

"This may relate to our observation of an increase in the expression of cyclin D family members during NGF-induced differentiation (Fig. 5 A), consistent with other reports."

"Due to the tight connection of LAMTOR2 and p42/44 MAPK, we wanted to analyze the role of MAPK activation in NGF mediated differentiation."

"Later, Levi-Montalcini and Aloe found that systemic murine NGF injections lead to growth and differentiation of sensory and sympathetic nerve cells as well as on several populations of cells in the central nervous system of Xenopus laevis tadpoles XREF_BIBR."

"In these cells, Rap1 can be activated by NGF [5,6,12], thus, increasing the duration of ERK signaling and potentiating neuronal differentiation through Rap1 activation of B-Raf [12,30]."

"NGF enhances the survival, differentiation, and maintenance of neurons, including BFCNs [XREF_BIBR]."

"Recent reports have shown that members of the Rab5 subfamily, such as Rab5, Rab21 and Rab22, can play significant roles in the regulation of neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells that undergo NGF induced neuronal differentiation."

"The ability of NGF as well as GRP to promote differentiation of PC12 cells was attenuated by an R-Ras3 dominant negative mutant."

"Interestingly, co-expression of Tmod1 and Tmod2 did not impair NGF induced neuronal differentiation after three days (XREF_FIG)."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) supports the survival and differentiation of distinct populations of peripheral and central neurons."

"Shoc2 downregulation reduces both NGF induced PC12 differentiation and ERK activation."

"These results indicate that as well as potentiating the effect of NGF SR 57746A enables neurotrophin-3, which alone is inactive, to increase the differentiation of these cells."

"Over-expression of delta-PKC has been shown to result in accumulation of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells at G2/M [39] and does not directly affect NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells [40]."

"According to the literature (Xia et al., 1995), NGF leads to proliferation, differentiation and survival via activation of ERK, while withdrawal of NGF leads to apoptosis via the activation of JNK and[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The best characterized oxidative modification of peripherin is nitration, which has been described upon NGF induced differentiation in PC12cells, and occurs at the head (Y17) and tail (Y376) domains [XREF_BIBR]."

"The hypothesis of Mulhall that early penile size reduction is the result of sympathetic hyperinnervation is based on the fact that nerve growth factor (NGF), a neurotrophin which is released after peripheral nerve damage, induces differentiation of sympathetic neurons and enhances target innervation [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Antisense- or small interfering RNA to cyclin D1 abolished NGF mediated neurite outgrowth, demonstrating the essential role of cyclin D1 in NGF mediated differentiation."

"demonstrated that the TRPC6 expression level was up-regulated during NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"We found that beta-mercaptoethanol and NGF increased the differentiation of hDPSCs into cholinergic neurons."

"Finally, eIF4E may regulate patterns of differentiation, as demonstrated for PC12 cells treated with NGF [62], in regenerating liver [63], and during mesoderm formation in Xenopus embryos [64]."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF), a classic neurotrophic factor, promotes neuronal survival, maintenance, regeneration and differentiation in the peripheral nervous system and parts of the central nervous system."

"In cellular selectivity controls, none of the peptidomimetics that induce the differentiation of nnr5-TrkC cells promote the differentiation of PC12 cells, nor do they potentiate the differentiation induced by 0.2 nM NGF (data not shown)."

"In combination with porous biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics, which promote osteoconduction and concentrate proteins at its surface, NGF promoted osteoblast growth and differentiation via activation of the BMP2/Runx2 signaling pathway [138]."

"We suggest that MAK-5 could contain some differentiating agents that are able to potentiate NGF inducing neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells without decreasing the cell proliferation."

"This cell line has been the most widely used model system for the analysis of NGF- mediated differentiation and of p21 ras depen- dent signalling from the NGF receptor tyrosine kinase [10, 11]."

"The levels of BDNF, NGF, and other neurotrophic factors can effectively promote the growth, proliferation, and differentiation of nerve cells in patients and can quickly repair the damaged nerve cells caused by surgical stimulation and other stimulations."

"Nerve growth factor (NGF) induced differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells."

"In this regard, we found that low mitochondrial content in pheochromocytoma cells (PC12) expressing type 2C VHL mutants prevented NGF induced differentiation."

"In vitro binding assays showed that NGF induced differentiation increased Sp1 binding to this site and that DNA methylation inhibited Sp1 binding."

"Atypical protein kinase C-zeta (PKC-zeta) participates in nerve growth factor (NGF) signaling and is required for NGF induced differentiation of PC12 cells."

"BDNF and NGF promote neuronal differentiation XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR, and BDNF and NT-3 both enhance locomotor functional recovery in subacute SCI XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR."

"To determine whether a reduction in NTRAP expression inhibits NGF induced differentiation, we transfected PC12 cells with a construct expressing both EGFP and shRNA and 2 d after transfection treated the transfected cells with NGF."

"Consequently, we observed a timing dependent action of NGF on cell differentiation, and discontinuous NGF stimulation similarly induced differentiation."

"Thus, the restoration of the NGF induced differentiation pathway by exogenous TRK-A presents a system of NGF responsive human cultured cells and focuses attention on the trk-A protein and its function or malfunction in neuroblastoma."

"HIV-Tat promotes cellular proliferation and inhibits NGF induced differentiation through mechanisms involving Id1 regulation."

"The neuropeptide nerve growth factor (NGF) is known to stimulate differentiation of PC12 cells towards a sympathetic neuronal phenotype."