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"The observations presented thus far that Ch-T enhanced the hSlo current amplitude, that the effect was not reversed by the reducing agent DTT, and that Ch-T enhanced the mutant hSlo activity implicate the oxidation of methionine residues."

"First, Ch-T was applied to increase the Slo channel activity and the subsequent DTT (2 mM) application did not reverse the effect."

"Thus, we examined whether the effect of Ch-T to enhance the Slo channel activity was regulated by channel opening and closing by manipulating the holding voltage while the channels were exposed to Ch-T."

"In summary, we showed here that Ch-T via methionine oxidation increases the hSlo Ca 2+ -dependent K + channel activity and that methionine oxidation and cysteine oxidation have opposing effects on the channel activity."

"The effect of Ch-T to increase the hSlo current was not dependent on the expression level (see XREF_FIG legend for statistics)."

"We found that the time course of the hSlo current increase induced by Ch-T was dependent on the Ch-T concentration used."

"Upregulation of the hSlo channel activity induced by Ch-T and by patch excision in some experiments is likely to involve methionine oxidation."

"Whether the hSlo channel was treated with Ch-T in the presence of low or high [Ca 2+] did not alter the subsequent electrophysiological properties measured after washing Ch-T out of the recoding chamber."

"The enhanced hSlo current caused by Ch-T persisted even after the bath was washed extensively, up to 40 min."

"The results presented in this study show that, in the virtual absence of Ca 2+, Ch-T increased the Slo channel current by shifting its G-V to a more negative direction by ~ 30-50 mV."