

USP7 deubiquitinates Histone_H2B. 22 / 22
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"We have observed that USP7 silencing increases H2B ubiquitylation at the FR as well as at LMP1 and Cp promoters and decreases transcriptional activation from the FR element, suggesting that H2B ubiquitylation is inhibitory to transcription controlled by the FR."

"This prompted us to investigate whether the human USP7 and GMPS complex also functioned to deubiquitylate histone H2B."

"EBNA1 can also recruit USP7 to EBV sequences that regulate viral gene expression and genome persistence where, in complex with GMP synthetase, USP7 can deubiquitylate histone H2B and affect EBNA1 mediated transcriptional activation XREF_BIBR."

"GMPS enables USP7 dependent deubiquitination of histone H2B resulting in epigenetic silencing [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"In addition to USP22 and its yeast homolog, H2B can be deubiquitylated by USP3 and USP7 in humans."

"GMPS is not only involved in nucleotide biosynthesis but also modulates the function of USP7 deubiquitination of both H2B and p53, resulting in epigenetic silencing and DNA repair respectively."

"While it is possible that this is because USP7 can deubiquitylate H2A, in addition to H2B, it also remains possible that the USP7 mediated deubiquitylation of H2B has some regulatory interaction with Polycomb function."

"GMP synthetase stimulates histone H2B deubiquitylation by the epigenetic silencer USP7."

"Although it has been previously demonstrated that USP7 can deubiquitylate histone H2B in vitro, there is no evidence that this occurs in living cells."

"Hausp has also been shown to interact with Guanosine 5 '-monophosphate synthetase in Drosophila, and together mediate the deubiquitination of histone H2B, which is important for the epigenetic silencing of homeotic genes mediated by the Polycomb protein."

"Our identification of GMPS as a chromatin regulator through augmentation of selective H2B deubiquitination by USP7 provides a new paradigm for gene regulation by a biosynthetic enzyme.Details of cloni[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"These results are consistent with GMPS stimulating deubiquitylation of H2B by USP7 by forming a stoichiometric complex with USP7 and are inconsistent with GMPS acting catalytically."

"USP7 deubiquitinates H2A and H2B in vitro and changes in Bmi1 and Ring1 ubiquitin levels were reported in USP7 and USP11 overexpression lines."

"The effect of USP7 on deubiquitination of H2A is most likely indirect, since USP7 selectively deubiquitinates histone H2B, but not H2A [XREF_BIBR]."

"If the USP7 and GMPS complex functions to deubiquitylate histone H2B, then the loss of this complex from the FR would be expected to increase the level of Ub-H2B in this region."

"GMP synthetase stimulates histone H2B deubiquitylation by the epigenetic silencer USP7."

"USP7 also deubiquitinates histone H2B and was recently implicated in base excision repair."

"Similarly, the Drosophila homologue of USP7 was found to contribute to epigenetic silencing by reversing monoubiquitylation of histone H2B, and this activity required USP7 to be in complex with guanosine 5 ' monophosphate synthetase (GMPS) XREF_BIBR."

"H2B ubiquitination can additionally be reversed by Usp7 resulting in epigenetic silencing of homeotic genes [XREF_BIBR]."

"77 In a similar context, HAUSP also deubiquitinates monoubiquitinated histones H2A and H2B in vitro in conjunction with GMPS (a catalytic cofactor in this case), regulating chromatin remodeling."

"In Drosophila, it has been shown that USP7 contributes to epigenetic silencing of homeotic genes by polycomb and selectively deubiquitinates histone H2B [XREF_BIBR]."

"These in vivo analyses complement our earlier biochemical results, establishing that GMPS and USP7 mediates histone H2B deubiquitylation."