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"An additional study has revealed that depletion of USP21 decreases IL33 protein levels and IL33 mediated NF-kappaB p65 promoter activity, indicating USP21 is able to positively regulate the NF-kappaB signaling pathway."

"We found that the DUB, USP25 xref inhibited IL-17-but not TNF-induced activation of NF-κB in reporter assays in HeLa cells and in 293T cells transfected with IL-17RA and IL-17RC (293T-IL-17RA/C) ( xref and xref )."

"The results showed that USP25-WT remarkably inhibited SEV-induced activation of IFN-β ( Figure 6A ), IRF3 ( Figure 6B ), NF-κB ( Figure 6C ) and ISRE ( Figure 6D ) in a dose-dependent To further determine the levels at which USP25 negatively regulates type I IFN signaling, HEK-293T cells were transfected with DNA constructs encoding RIG-I, IPS-1, TRAF2, or TRAF6, together with IFN-β-Luc."

"The analysis suggested that reconstitution of USP25 almost completely inhibited IL-17-induced activation of NF-κB compared to USP25(C178S) (0.89 v."