

TP53 phosphorylated on S378 is active. 5 / 5
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"Phosphorylation by chk1 of at least three of these sites, Ser366, Ser378, and Thr387, was induced by DNA damage."

"Chk1/chk2 and atm/atr also phosphorylate the effector p53, increasing its stability.We Have demonstrated that the human homologs of the checkpoint kinases, chk1 and chk2/hcds1, phosphorylate at least three dna damage-inducible phosphorylation sites in p53."

"The cell cycle checkpoint kinases CHK1 and CHK2 have been shown to phosphorylate multiple sites in the N-terminal domain of p53, consequently leading to p53 stabilization and activation. Phosphorylation of at least three of these sites, Ser366, Ser378, and Thr387, was induced by DNA damage."

"Chk1/chk2 and atm/atr also phosphorylate the effector p53, increasing its stability.We Have demonstrated that the human homologs of the checkpoint kinases, chk1 and chk2/hcds1, phosphorylate at least three dna damage-inducible phosphorylation sites in p53."

"The cdk7-cych-p36 complex of transcription factor iih phosphorylates p53, enhancing its sequence-specific dna binding activity in vitro. serines 371, 376, 378, and 392 may be the potential sites for this kinase."