

KCNMA1 activates ESRRB. 7 / 7
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"Besides, hBMSCs showed significantly increased efficiency in SOX9 expression level in both CPP- and SLO mediated ESRRB delivered cells, but significantly higher expression was detected in CPP-ESRRB delivered cells than SLO mediated ESRRB delivered cells (XREF_FIG)."

"In case of chondrogenic differentiation, COMP and SOX9 were used as chondrogenesis specific markers, and CPP-ESRRB delivered hTSCs showed much higher expression level in COMP compares to control and SLO mediated ESRRB delivered cells."

"In addition, to measure biological activity of ESRRB in other way, proliferation rate of control, CPP conjugated and SLO mediated ESRRB delivered hTSCs and hBMSCs were calculated."

"Finally, to compare the biological activity of CPP-ESRRB and SLO mediated ESRRB delivery, hTSCs and hBMSCs were treated, and the cells were collected 24hr after delivery."

"Additionally, cellular uptake of the CPP-ESRRB protein was more efficient than that of the SLO mediated ESRRB protein (XREF_FIG)."

"CPP conjugated ESRRB delivery presented a more efficient uptake and a more significant increase in the expression levels of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG than SLO mediated ESRRB delivery."

"In adipogenic differentiation, we confirmed elevated expression level of C/EBPalpha and PPARgamma which are adipogenic specific markers in both CPP conjugated and SLO mediated ESRRB delivered cells compare to control cells."