

USP17L2 activates breast cancer invasion. 3 / 3
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"Pristimerin Down-Regulated DUB3 in Breast Cancer In previous study , DUB3 inhibition was confirmed to suppresses breast cancer invasion and metastasis.25 Bioinformatic analysis by TIMER was used to evaluate DUB3 level in various cancer and normal tissues , as shown in Figure 3A ."

"Inhibition of USP17 promotes SNAI1 degradation , thereby suppressing breast cancer invasion and metastasis ( 49 , 53 ) ."

"It has been reported that Snail1 pathway is involved in the progression of many diseases , for instance , Dub3 inhibition suppresses breast cancer invasion and metastasis by promoting Snail1 degradation.25 CLDN6 promotes tumor progression through the YAP1-snail1 axis in gastric cancer.26 Moreover , it has been reported that Snail1 has involved the progression of DN.27 Consistent with our research , mRNA and protein expression of Snail1 was decreased in PVT1-KD MCs , which was reversed by treating with miR-325-3p inhibitor ."