

RET activates ERK. 31 / 32
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"Using a combination of drug screening and proteomic and biochemical profiling , we identified an adaptive resistance to RET inhibitors that reactivates ERK signaling within hours of drug exposure ."

"Specifically, GDNF treatment of the DAergic like SH-SY5Y cell line induced long lasting increases in the growth factor 's levels, resulting in long lasting activation of Ret and Ret mediated activation of ERK1/2."

"Phosphorylation of RET induced ERK activation and the migration of pancreatic cancer cells XREF_BIBR."

"The authors speculated that in the double mutants, the ERK MAPK pathway might be activated by RET via an alternative pathway involving PLC-gamma, allowing kidney development to proceed normally, and they did not suggest that other signaling molecules might substitute for GDNF under these conditions."

"18 Our experiments do not address whether RET phosphorylates T185, which will be important in determining whether RET can independently activate ERK or requires additional contributions from another [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"It has been reported that RET activates ERK and JNK signaling pathways [56,57]."

"Ret induces the serine/threonine kinase AKT and extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) signaling which mediate pro survival and neurotrophic activities."

"Western blot analyses showed that RET inhibition abolishes AKT and ERK1/2 activation."

"Although the effects of Ret signaling on GIRK2 have not been studied, it is tempting to speculate that the modulation of Ras and Mapk signaling by Ret and DJ-1 also affects GIRK2 function and vulnerability of dopaminergic neurons."

"PF573228 also inhibited RET- dependent activation of Akt and ERK1/2 in MCF7 cells to a similar degree as SPP86."

"We found that activation of FGFR signaling is a mechanism of adaptive resistance to RET inhibitors that activates ERK signaling ."

"In fact, 85-90% of papillary carcinomas possess RET, NTRK1, BRAF or RAS mutations that induce MEK and ERK signaling."

"The absence of effect in ERK phosphorylation after BRAF inhibition by RNAi in TPC1 cell line suggests that RET and PTC1 activates ERK by a mechanism independent of wild-type BRAF."

"Ret activates the Ras and Erk MAP kinase, PLCgamma-Ca + and PI3K-Akt signaling pathways, all of which are important for normal kidney development."

"Figure xref demonstrates AZD1480-mediated inhibition of NPM-ALK and EML4-ALK autophosphorylation and inhibition of ERK activation by CCDC6-RET in LC-2/ad cells."

"However, constitutive activation of ERK caused by a RET and PTC oncogene may or may not be sufficient to induce all hallmarks of cancer in vivo."

"Inhibition of either RET or MEK decreased ERK activity by approximately 50% in this assay, while inhibition of both decreased ERK activity by 95%."

"Along the same lines, phosphorylation of Tyr1062 of RET and its association with SHC are stronger for RET-MEN2B than for RET MEN2A mutants, resulting in higher activation of the Ras and ERK and the PI[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We hypothesized that ret could directly phosphorylate fak and erk. erk 2 could be phosphorylated at y187 (y204 in erk1)."

"Here we show that the 3 proteins function along a linear oncogenic signaling cascade in which RET and PTC induces RAS dependent BRAF activation and RAS- and BRAF dependent ERK activation."

"PF573228 also inhibited RET- dependent activation of Akt and ERK1/2 in MCF7 cells to a similar degree as SPP86 (Figures  xref and xref )."

"For example, the dominant mutations in the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase activate the Ras/ERK, Src, and JNK pathways [21]."

"These differences suggest that although both BRAF mutation and the RET and PTC1 rearrangement are able to activate the MEK and ERK signal transduction pathway, other pathways not affected by PD0325901 may be involved in PTC cells with the RET and PTC rearrangements."

"RET signaling activates ERK or AKT signaling depending on context, but phosphorylation of p70S6 kinase is markedly increased in all cases."

"RET signaling can activate both the PI3K and AKT and MAPK and ERK signaling pathways through phosphorylation of tyrosine 1062 in RET."

"The activated RET kinase is known to signal via extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), leading to enhanced proliferation and resistance to apoptosis."

"RET9 and RET51 activate PI3K and AKT and ERK signalling with different dynamics and have distinct abilities to recruit Src or Frs2, suggesting differential activation of downstream targetsby the two main RET isoforms."

"It has been reported that RET activates ERK and JNK signaling pathways [44,45]."

"Using the neuroectodermic SK-N-MC cell line, we found that the Ret tyrosine kinase activity is essential for GDNF to induce phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and ERK pathways as well as cell rescue."

"RET can activate ERK through the classical Ras-Raf-Mek signaling pathway."

"RET and PTC stimulates both the PI3K and AKT and the ERK pathways by recruiting several adaptors to phosphorylated Y1062."