

Sirolimus decreases the amount of ATXN3. 4 / 4
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"Administration of a rapamycin analogue, CCI-779, to a SCA3 mouse model with an expanded ataxin-3 containing 70 glutamines, reduced soluble levels of expanded ataxin-3, decreased the number of aggregates in brains, and ameloriated motor dysfunction."

"Consistent with the Drosophila data, the rapamycin analogue CCI-779 reduces both mutant huntingtin and ataxin-3 levels and ameliorates toxicity in mouse models of HD and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, respectively XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Consistent with the Drosophila data, the rapamycin analogue CCI-779 reduces both mutant huntingtin and ataxin-3 levels, thereby attenuating toxicity in mouse models of HD and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, respectively."

"CCI-779, a rapamycin ester (i.e., an analogue of rapamycin) reduces both mutant huntingtin and ataxin-3 levels, thereby attenuating toxicity in mouse models of HD and SCA3, respectively XREF_BIBR."