

USP6 increases the amount of MBD3. 2 / 2
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"Thus, the intronic TRE2 in the MBD3 gene is bound by TR in premetamorphic tadpole intestine and likely mediate the activation of MBD3 expression by T3 via histone modification during metamorphosis."

"To determine if the intronic TRE2 can mediate the transcriptional regulation of Xenopus tropicalis MBD3 expression by T3 in vivo, we cloned a genomic MBD3 fragment encompassing 1 kb upstream of the predicted transcription start site, exon 1 (276bp) and a part of intron 1 that included the putative TRE2 (265bp), upstream of the coding region of firefly luciferase gene in a reporter construct (Figure 4A)."