

"The purified TEF1 was able to activate transcription from the TGF-α promoter in an in vitro transcription assay."

"K63 linked polyubiquitination of HAUSP serves as a scaffold to anchor HIF-1alpha, CBP, the mediator complex, and the super and elongation complex to enhance HIF-1alpha-induced gene transcription."

"A study reported that USP7 is critical for target gene transcription , whereby USP7 targeted NF-kappaB p65 for K48-linked deubiquitination , increased the protein stability of p65 , and ultimately led to increased transcription ."

"For example, prior studies have shown that knockdown of USP7 prevents rapid inactivation of the anti-proliferative transcription factor, FOXO4, providing a mechanism to impair the pro survival PI3K and Akt pathway that is commonly activated in MM 60."

"In addition, K63 polyubiquitinated HAUSP serves as a scaffold to anchor HIF-1alpha, CBP, the mediator complex, and the super and elongation complex to enhance the gene transcription activity initiated by HIF-1alpha binding to the hypoxia response element in the promoters of HIF-1alpha target genes, including VEGF, Glut1, and Twist1 [XREF_BIBR]."

"USP7 inhibition results in PRC1.1 disassembly and loss of chromatin binding, coinciding with reduced H2AK119ub and H3K27ac levels and diminished gene transcription of active PRC1.1-controlled loci, whereas H2AK119ub marks are also lost at PRC1 loci."