

HRAS increases the amount of CDKN1A. 4 / 5
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"In addition, expression levels of p53 and p21 WAF1 and CIP1 were increased by H-RAS V12 transfection."

"Western blot results (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY) show that knockdown of either HRAS or KRAS in HemSCs also decreased the protein levels of cyclin D1 and phosphorylation of RB1 but increased the protein levels of p21 and p53."

"In addition, expression levels of p53 and p21 WAF1 and CIP1 were increased by H-RAS V12 transfection."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, overexpression of constitutively activated HRAS or KRAS in HemSCs treated with siNGBR restored the protein levels of cyclin D1 and phosphorylation of RB1, p53, and p21 to the levels shown in control HemSCs transfected with siControl and empty vector."