

ERK binds BRAF and KRAS. 4 / 4
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"This is consistent with reports that primary mutations of BRAF and KRAS that increase ERK activity are associated with gefitinib resistance ( xref )."

"Interestingly, other work supports our general conclusions, in that IQGAP1 is known to directly interact directly with k-Ras, b-Raf, and Erk [ xref , xref , xref ]; thus serving as a scaffolding protein to promote Erk activity downstream of Cdc42, Rac, and Ras activation."

"Based on our findings of a distinct ACF histology that is related to the underlying oncogenic alterations, we hypothesized that KRAS or BRAF mutations may be associated with differential ERK-1/2 activation."

"Importantly, the presence of either B-raf or K-ras mutation was marginally associated with the presence of cytoplasmic ERK expression (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.097), suggesting that the proportion of cytoplasmic ERK positivity is marginally higher in the mutated cases when compared to the unmutated ones."