

"207 In addition to Fbw7 , other E3 ligases , such as beta-TrCP1 , CHIP and FBXO32 , can also ubiquitinate c-Myc , mediate its subsequent degradation and inhibit tumorigenesis.208-210 Moreover , the USP37 and USP36 can promote tumorigenesis by stabilizing c-Myc.211 ,212 By mass spectrometry , SUMO ligase protein inhibitor of activated STAT ( PIAS ) and Sentrin-specific protease 7 ( SENP7 ) were also found to control the SUMOylation of c-Myc at K326 and regulate its ubiquitination and degradation ( Fig. 2c ) .213 Ubiquitination regulates p53 p53 , one of the most important tumor suppressors , works in multiple cellular processes , such as cell cycle regulation , DNA repair and apoptosis ."